Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3451 The narcissistic Bai Yeyuan!

Chapter 3453 The narcissistic Bai Yeyuan!

Bai Yeyuan once refused to save her. During the kidnapping case, he gave up on Liu Rushi and chose to save Xiao Ning.

Therefore, over the years, I have felt a little bit guilty towards Liu Rushi.

A year ago, Liu Rushi's Dongchuang incident happened, and Bai Yeyuan finally spared her life, but chose to expel her out of the country. Firstly, it was because Liu Rushi perfectly placed the blame on A Zhu, making it impossible for anyone to catch her and punish her. Her real handle; secondly, because of what happened back then, she was given a life sentence.

But... this time, will he give Liu Rushi a way to survive?

Facing Xiao Ning's inquiry, Bai Yeyuan stared firmly into Xiao Ning's eyes: "I will kill her."

He won't give such a vicious woman a chance to hurt Ning Ning again!

Even if he felt guilty towards Liu Rushi, he had already exhausted it!

He didn't owe her anymore.

Xiao Ning's heart skipped a beat!

At this moment, she didn't want to be a good woman, she just wanted to be a bad woman and told Bai Yeyuan that your answer was really good.

Bai Yeyuan glanced at the crazy A Zhu and said, "Did you just say that she was also hypnotized?"

Xiao Ning nodded: "Yeah. It's a pity that Yun Xiaoqiao is busy, otherwise I could ask Xiao Qiao to come and take a look. I don't want others to hate me for no reason. It would be best if I could relieve her of this abominable hypnosis."

Bai Yeyuan: "Wait, there is another person who may be useful."

Xiao Ning was surprised: "When did you have so many powerful people around you?"

She doesn't even know!

Bai Yeyuan snorted coldly: "It's enough that I am the only powerful person beside you."

Xiao Ning: "..."

I have seen narcissistic people, but I have never seen anyone more narcissistic.


Late at night.

Liu Rushi tossed and turned in the hotel.

She has received the message,

The master's action failed and he was detained by Bai Yeyuan's people.

The master left her only one sentence: Activate the final plan and return the God of Death!

Liu Rushi knew what the master meant.

When the master was imprisoned, he told her that he had several tricks up his sleeve.

However, these killer tricks failed one after another.

The kidnapping of Xiaolili failed.

Destroying Xiao Ning's wedding failed.

He confessed his kinship with Xiao Ning but failed.

Now, there is only one last resort left... that is to use A Zhu, a specially trained person, to kill Bai Yeyuan and Xiao Ning under the command of her hypnosis.

According to the master's arrangement, after the death of Bai Yeyuan and Xiao Ning, the Bai family fell apart. The master could take the opportunity to regroup and seize the Bai family, and the land east of the city would naturally return to their hands.

After that, he will be prosperous and prosperous for a lifetime.

This prospect is very good and very exciting.


She, Liu Rushi, is not short of money and has no great ambitions for her career.

The reason why she listened to her master and wanted to come back to deal with the Bai family was because she wanted to destroy the Bai family so that she could get Bai Yeyuan.

In this way, Bai Yeyuan's shame of abandoning her at the hands of the kidnappers twenty years ago can be soothed.

And for the rest of her life, she will have this almost perfect man by her side - even though the man is lame in one leg now, it's easier to control, isn't it?

Tomorrow is the wedding of Xiao Ning and Bai Yeyuan, so she must act quickly.

According to the master's plan, these two people were killed.

However, if you think about it from her seems that it would be more beneficial to her to just kill Xiao Ning.

Without much hesitation, she gave A Zhu an order - hit Xiao Ning to death!

At this moment, she was tossing and turning on the bed unable to sleep.

She is waiting for news from A Zhu.

However, there has been no news from A Zhu...

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