Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3463: 100 Ways to Divorce Your Husband

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Yun Qiao's face darkened.

How long is a week? ! Is it also seven days like the Yun Kingdom?

No, she can't stay for a day!

"Tell him that I have to go out now! Otherwise... I will make him look good, hum!" Yun Qiao slammed the table again.

The shock made Uncle Zhang tremble.

"Okay, Miss Xiao Qiao, I will go out and discuss it with the President. You can wait here for my news..." Uncle Zhang patiently coaxed her.


Yun Qiao was taken back to the cell by the staff.

Where there was no one around, Yun Qiao secretly stroked her fingers and gasped, "Hiss--!"

Damn it, this place didn't even have a paperweight, an inkstone or a pen holder. When she got angry, she had nothing to slap the table with.

It made her even have to use her delicate little hands to hit the table.

Wow, it’s all red and swollen!

Sitting in the cell angrily, she missed her chief guard, Ah Sheng, very much at this moment.

It would be great if Ah Sheng was here.

Whatever she wanted, he would find it for her and bring it to her immediately.

If she doesn't like anyone, he will teach her a lesson.

If Ah Sheng was here, how could that cheap husband dare to bully her like this? Huh, Ah Sheng will definitely help her throw that scumbag into prison and give him a severe sentence.

Instead of her sitting here pitifully now.

Alas, I don’t know whether Ah Sheng is alive or dead, or whether he fell into this strange world like her.

Now she was alone, with no one to rely on but herself.

Rely on yourself to survive, rely on yourself to get revenge, rely on yourself... Try to find Ah Sheng, and try to find the way home together, back to Yun Country.

The Imperial Master of the Yun Kingdom,

She and her little maids are still waiting for her to go back and tease her.

She didn't even see the good figure of the National Master, nor did she taste the taste of the bridal chamber, so she left her home like this. It was really a pity, okay?

"Bring me a pen! Paper!"

Yun Qiao angrily ordered to the staff outside the cell.

The staff member's face twitched with complicated expressions for a long time.

I had no choice but to turn around and get it for her.

Just now, Manager Zhang of the Presidential Palace was so polite to this female prisoner, and specifically told her that they could not treat her badly. They would give her everything she wanted, take special care of her when eating, and add a quilt to keep her warm...

It seems that this woman has not offended the Presidential Palace, but has another hidden agenda.

In this case, of course they did not dare to embarrass Yun Qiao again.

Don't wait for the day when this woman goes out and complains to the President, they won't be able to live with her and walk away.

Pens and paper were quickly brought over.

Yun Qiao sat cross-legged on the ground and began to write and draw.

"What kind of broken pen is this? Who can read the writing so thinly and as big as a mosquito's leg? And this paper is as white as a ghost, much worse than the yellow silk paper in our palace. The people here are really No, it’s really uneducated…”

Yun Qiao complained while writing.

Instead, she was surrounded by a circle of female prisoners.

On a cold winter night, everyone had nothing else to do except sleep. Everyone was very interested in seeing Yun Qiao being visited sometimes and getting pen and paper to write and draw.

"What did you write?" Some people couldn't understand.

Yun Qiao pointed at the things above, raised his chin, and said proudly:

"What I wrote is, one hundred ways to get your husband to divorce you!"

Everyone: "..."

They only saw a bunch of drawings on the paper, including pumpkins, eggplants, kidney beans, and even ants and little turtles...

Where do you see a word?

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