Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3569 The scene was deleted!

Li Ping'an glared: "What is a trap? I am testing her. See if she can break out her best acting skills in a short period of time. If the time is too long, then the test will not come out. Maybe some foreign aid has been hired. , taught her how to perform.”

The corners of Huo Bronze's lips twitched.

No wonder Li Pingan is regarded as a top-notch director in the industry.

These methods of testing people are all different.

He took a helpless breath and said: "No matter what, director, please take it easy and don't be too harsh to her."

Li Pingan said angrily: "What, you have a crush on her? Let me tell you, you are not allowed to have a relationship on the set. I hate this the most! Not dedicated!"

Huo Bronze's expression was hard to explain: "What are you thinking about? She is the only artist under Feng Chu. I just don't want Feng Chu to be disappointed because she doesn't perform well!"

Li Pingan's face looked better.

Then he said sternly: "It's not okay to fall in love with your agent!"

Huo Qingtong: "..."

Director, are you being too strict?


Yun Qiao only read less than ten minutes of lines before being urged by the staff to put on makeup and change costumes.

And you can’t read the lines during this process.

Moreover, her status is too low and she does not have a dedicated dressing room. A large group of people are crowded into a public dressing room, and the environment is not suitable for memorizing lines.

After everyone put on makeup and came out to gather, Gong Xiaoxiao came out of the VIP dressing room used by two or three main supporting actors and glanced at Yun Qiao with special pride.

Gong Xiaoxiao was disgraced when it was exposed in public that she was pretending to call Gong Sheng. But now that she saw Yun Qiao's dressing room being inferior to her, Gong Xiaoxiao felt that her confidence had returned!

Haha, Yun Xiaoqiao, no matter how powerful your mouth is, what's the use? Your status is low! Just a small supporting role! No matter how powerful you are, you can't change this fact!

She saw Director Li Ping'an hurried past her, and a sweet smile appeared on her lips: "Director, am I going to be the first in my play today, followed by the scene of jumping off a building yesterday? I was ready last night..."

She has to express herself well!

Let the director know that apart from not being able to jump off buildings, other aspects of his acting skills are fine!

Who knows.

Li Ping'an didn't even look at her, and simply replied: "No. The script has been changed! Didn't you even bother to read the newly released script this morning? Or are you too stupid to understand?"

The tone is very unpleasant!

Gong Xiaoxiao was shocked.

When Li Ping'an walked away, she quickly scolded the assistant and scolded the director for everything he said to her: "What's the matter with you? You didn't even bother to look at the newly released script this morning. Is it the same as yesterday? You two idiots." !”

The assistants were frustrated and felt very uncomfortable, and they all said to themselves: You are obviously the one who is patronizing Yun Xiaoqiao and pretending to be cool, delaying Yun Xiaoqiao from reading the script.

As a result, I forgot to check the new script again. I thought that it was exactly the same as the one sent to you in advance yesterday, so there was no need to read it.

How can you blame us?

We work as your assistants, not as mothers. We have to take care of everything for you.

The assistants were depressed and quickly went over the script separately.


"Sister Xiaoxiao, don't worry. There are no major changes to your scene. It's just that the part after jumping off the building has been deleted. However, the part where you rush into the bathroom to pick up the heroine is still there."

Delete her scenes?

Gong Xiaoxiao was very unhappy.

But when I think about it, the reaction after jumping off the building is that there is no rivalry and no highlights.

On the contrary, the bathroom scene was very exciting because the male protagonist was there.

Just keep that part.

Anyway, she is the designated second female lead. Even if a small part of the scene is deleted, she can definitely crush the scene of Yun Xiaoqiao, the temporarily added villain!

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