Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3646: Daughters should strengthen themselves!

Yun Qiao took out the game commemorative card from his bag.

After thinking for a while, she took a photo with her mobile phone and sent it to her loyal little fan - Pipi Xia.

"Pipixia, tell me, what kind of game is this? Is it useful?" She remembered that Pipixia said that he ran a game company.

Maybe the meaning of this card is more than just a commemoration?

Pipixia studied it for a while, slapped her thigh, and replied: "Goddess, I recognize this game, it was from hundreds of years ago!"

Yun Qiao: "Ah? So long?"

Pipi Xia: "Hey, I'm exaggerating, exaggerating! It's an old game from several years ago, and it's not popular now."

Yun Qiao was a little disappointed: "Then... no one knows how to play?"

Pipi Xia: "I, I know how to do it! Goddess, do you want to learn?"

Yun Qiao: "I'm afraid I don't have time. How about I give you this card and you go in and see if there is anything unusual..."

Pipi Xia agreed immediately: "As you command!"

Yun Qiao handed over the task of searching for clues to Pipi Xia, put down his worries, and fell asleep.

She slept so soundly that when the palace saint came to secretly kiss her in the middle of the night, she didn't notice it at all. She thought it was a mosquito biting her. She waved her little hand in the air and muttered in her dream: "Damn mosquito..."

The palace saint's face was livid, and he looked down at the dragon under his nightgown: "It's obviously a dragon, but it's an elephant's trunk! Stupid woman, if mosquitoes can make you happy?!"


When filming the next day.

The story spread among the crew that the lighting assistant went back to his hometown to visit relatives, but an accident occurred and the house caught fire and he died.

For this reason, Director Li Ping'an also specially warned everyone, especially girls who live alone, to pay attention to safety and beware of fires!

Amid everyone's sighs, Yun Qiao thought to herself that there was no point in guarding against it. Some things were really impossible to guard against.

The filming on this day was very intensive, because I heard that the TV station had changed the schedule. "Allure", which was originally broadcast in the summer, had to be broadcast two months in advance because it had to make way for another TV series with the main theme. .

So the crew was very passive. According to the shooting plan, even if they worked overtime and shot intensively, they would probably be able to finish filming just before the broadcast, not to mention post-production editing and special effects processing. The time was really tight.

What makes everyone even more demoralized is that missing the summer schedule is equivalent to missing the prime broadcast period.

How can the ratings in April compare with the prime period in June and July?

The crew of "Allure", which was originally favored by everyone, suddenly became a bit resentful.

Li Ping'an is worthy of being a senior director. He noticed everyone's resentment and stood up calmly: "Don't let your mentality be shaken by changes in the external environment! If you live to my age, you will know that as a human being, you can only rely on yourself from beginning to end. Ability, one's own efforts to achieve success. Everything else outside is just icing on the cake. So what if there is no prime time? If our acting skills are good and the production is excellent, after the broadcast is completed in April, in the summer, major TV stations will rush to beg us to rebroadcast ! How to make them beg for it? It depends on the ability of all of us! Whether we can create one and let others beg for our results!"

Li Ping'an's words rekindled everyone's hope.

Yun Qiao's blood boiled even more.

No one had ever said anything like this to her before.

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