Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3688: Catching a traitor in the middle of the night!

The third big drama!

Because Su Yulin had caught Yun Qiao's hand, she was so proud that she even laughed a little ferociously.

The assistant who saw this was so frightened that she stopped crying: "Sister Linlin, I, I resigned..."

Su Yulin scolded me fiercely: "Hurry up and do it for me! Why are you resigning? If you can't handle this matter, I will ask you to compensate me for the loss and I will lose everything!"

The little assistant was shivering, how could she dare to refute, and quickly said with confusion: "Yeah, sister Linlin, don't be angry, I'll go right away..."

Just walked to the door.

Su Yulin said angrily again: "Stop! Wait a minute! You tell the reporters not to come too soon. They haven't taken off their clothes yet. If the reporters go in and they haven't started fucking, they will say they are reading a luminous script! Hum, When the time comes, if they fool you, this great opportunity will be wasted!"

Su Yulin thought for a while and continued to give instructions: "You made an appointment with the reporter to raid at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night! Then find an excuse... say... there are rats on the set! Yes, they are exterminators. They broke into their tent and took pictures. All of them! Catch Yun Xiaoqiao’s pair of sneaky male and female rats! Then wake up Huo Yingdi and tell him that there are rats in his tent. Let him come out and teach him to see for himself. How disgusting is Yun Xiaoqiao, a female mouse, stealing a man in the middle of the night!"

Su Yulin's plan was flawless.

Even the assistant was so impressed that he fell into admiration.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, Sister Linlin learned from the experience and made a new plan.

You must know that Sister Linlin’s butt was stabbed, and it still hurts.

Sister Linlin is really a person who does big things without caring about minor injuries...

The little assistant sighed with emotion and went out to do work.

Su Yulin stared at the tent closely for more than an hour, but no one came out.

It seems that her estimate was correct, and Yun Xiaoqiao did fall in love with the village man.

Su Yulin yawned, set an alarm for twelve o'clock, and fell asleep.

She had to wait until midnight to watch the rape scene.


In the tent.

Gong Sheng looked at the small area of ​​a few square meters and couldn't help but squinted his eyes: "Is your crew short of money again?"

Yun Qiao was stunned: "No."

Gong Sheng pointed to the single bed on the floor: "It's so narrow, is it for a cat to sleep on?"

Only then did Yun Qiao realize that he meant that the conditions were simple.

She said carelessly and nonchalantly: "It's good to have a place to rest. It doesn't matter how big or small it is. Even if the emperor occupies a large palace, he can only occupy a place as big as one person to sleep every night."

Gong Sheng: "..."

Although the metaphor of stupid woman is quite philosophical.


The problem is that he, the emperor, wants to sleep with the queen in his arms tonight!

At least two people are needed. Does this stupid woman understand?

Yun Qiao obviously didn't understand, and she had even begun to urge Gong Sheng: "You left the company without asking for leave, right? Go back quickly. It's so late. Although there is no car, I heard that the villagers have donkey carts, which can be I'll take you to the nearest bus station, where there are late buses..."

Palace Saint’s dark face: “…”

The stupid woman didn't let him stay the night and drove him away?

And let him make a donkey cart! ! !

Does he look like a man who could ride in a donkey cart?

Yun Qiao politely urged Gong Sheng, and after fulfilling her duty of reminder, she began to sort out the costumes and tomorrow's script.

Several things that happened today happened again before my eyes.

She was surprised. In fact, she didn't feel happy about defeating Su Yulin. Instead, she had an open heart chat with Luo Meili and helped Luo Meili untie her knot. She felt quite happy to have made such a friend.

Well, she has one more friend in this world, which is pretty good...

Just as I was immersed in pleasure, suddenly, my little body felt light!

She fell into the man's warm embrace!

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 】

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