Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3696: Easily defeat the dogs!

The 3rd sons!

Yun Qiao thought to herself, the palace sages can go, why can't she go?

She also went to the border areas to provide disaster relief on behalf of her mother in the Yun Kingdom. How could she be so squeamish?

"I'm not afraid of danger. Just tell me how far."

Yun Qiao raised her face and insisted.

The villager choked and told the truth: "Let's drive the donkey cart to the foot of the mountain. You can take the nearest long-distance bus and you can get there in about half a day."

"So long?" Yun Qiao frowned slightly.

But she had a day off, just half a day, to see what Gong Sheng was busy with there, and she also accompanied him in the rescue.

The donkey cart arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The villagers watched with admiration as Yun Qiao actually got on the long-distance bus bound for the western suburbs.

He couldn't help but sigh slightly: "I didn't expect that such a weak-looking little woman would dare to go to the earthquake-stricken area..."

Yun Qiao spent the whole morning on the long-distance bus, enjoying countless fresh scenery along the way, and finally arrived at the western suburbs at ten o'clock in the afternoon.

Because of the earthquake in the western suburbs, buses could not enter the disaster area, so he dropped Yun Qiao off from a distance.

The driver also looked at Yun Qiao as if he was crazy: "Hey, little girl, it's an earthquake-stricken area there, it's very messy! I heard that many people have died!"

Yun Qiao dragged a large trolley suitcase and tilted her little head: "Yes, I know, that's why I came here."

The driver said he couldn’t understand this little girl’s brain circuit at all!

Yun Qiao dragged the trolley case into the earthquake zone.

At the beginning, you could still see picturesque rural scenery, but not long after walking, you saw the ruins of the earthquake-stricken area.

She passed a village where all the houses had collapsed.

There was a pot of rice burning in the fire in the courtyard of a house, which was already burnt...

She turned around and saw that no one was in the village. They must have been rescued by the rescue team.

She kept walking,

Encountering a group of stray dogs, when they saw her as an outsider, they barked wildly and surrounded her, each one showing their pointed canine teeth.

At this moment, a surprised cry came from behind: "Miss Xiao Qiao!"

Yun Qiao turned around and saw Uncle Zhang's familiar figure, and couldn't help but smile: "Uncle Zhang! I've found you!"

Zhang Bo was very nervous: "Miss Xiao Qiao, don't be afraid, don't move. I have a sprayer here that can scare away these dogs. Don't scream, they will bite you...!"

Yun Qiao chuckled.

She's not afraid at all, okay, and the one who is very nervous and loud now is obviously Uncle Zhang, okay?

She turned to the dogs with a smile, took out a package of things from the trolley case, held it high, and said to the dogs: "Good boy, take ten steps back!"

After saying that, those stray dogs who lost their homes due to the earthquake all waggled their tails and backed away obediently!

Looking at Yun Qiao eagerly.

It wasn't until Yun Qiao took apart the things in his hands and threw them one by one that they swallowed them with satisfaction, and then continued to surround Yun Qiao from a distance of several meters, wagging their tails desperately!

It turned out that they showed their teeth just now because they were too hungry and greedy and smelled the smell of meat in Yun Qiao's box.

Zhang Bo's heart was finally relieved.

I couldn't help but look at Yun Qiao with admiration.

The dogs in the country are not the pet dogs in the city. They are very fierce. Miss Xiao Qiao is not afraid at all. She is so clever and takes care of the dogs in one go.

"Uncle Zhang, where is the Palace Saint? Can you take me there?" Yun Qiao dragged her suitcase to Uncle Zhang.

The happy smile on Zhang Bo's face solidified.

Seeing Yun Qiao taking care of the dogs so easily, and then thinking about Gong Sheng's allergic reaction due to contact with stray dogs, he really couldn't laugh anymore!

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