Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3700: She was gentle for just one second!

Chapter 3702 She was gentle for just a second!

As soon as the tent was opened.

Yun Qiao saw Gong Sheng lying on a narrow single bed in a simple temporary tent with a pale face.

The conditions were difficult, and there was no doctor around him. There were only a few bottles of medicine scattered around, and Yun Qiao couldn't understand what they were for.

But her nose was still unsatisfactory, and it suddenly became sore.

Last night, in the same simple tent, he kissed her so vigorously that her hands and feet were weak and she was defeated.

Now, he was lying alone on the narrow bed. He didn't know whether he had fainted or something. He looked much haggard.

"Why not send him out for treatment?" Yun Qiao asked Uncle Zhang distressedly.

Zhang Bo shook his head helplessly: "The President has ordered that the limited vehicles be used first to transport water and food to the victims. We are not allowed to waste a vehicle because of him."

Yun Qiao: "..."

In the past, she felt that the palace saint was sometimes unkind, sometimes too cold, and sometimes very harsh to her.

However, at this moment, she found that she had really walked into his life and got to know how he was at work - he was so selfless and kind. In order for the victims to have food and drink and get the best rescue, he would rather be himself Even if I stay here when I am sick, I will not waste the opportunity of vehicle transportation, giving myself the green light to gain convenience.

Yun Qiao's voice was trembling: "What's going on with his illness? Isn't it just a scratch on his forehead? Why is he unconscious?"

Zhang Bo couldn't answer.

The President's allergies are a secret.

Even most of the people very close to him don't know.

After all, this is a very important secret related to the country’s helmsman!

Once leaked, it is very dangerous!

The President did not tell him that he could tell Miss Xiao Qiao. He did not dare to make the decision without authorization, so he told Miss Xiao Qiao to listen.

Zhang Bo pondered for a few seconds and answered cautiously: "Your Excellency, he took medicine early in the morning and his condition is under control, but his condition... needs some time to recover..."

Usually the President has an allergic attack.

It also requires a night's rest to heal.

What’s even more serious is that last time, Miss Qiao made cat hair fly everywhere in the room and asked the President to carry the cat to the hotel. As a result, the President almost suffocated!

Even mild allergic symptoms can make it difficult to breathe and unable to speak!

Last night, the search and rescue dog passed by the President several times at close range, shaking off its hair. Without a doctor, I don't know how serious the consequences of this situation would be.

We can only wait for the medicine to take effect and the President can wake up safely.

Zhang Bo and Yun Qiao whispered about Gong Sheng's physical condition.

Suddenly, the narrow bed behind him creaked.

"Stupid woman, why are you here?" Gong Sheng said hoarsely and opened his eyes!

Zhang Bo cried with joy: "Mr. President, are you awake?"

It is really the blessing of the Lord God and the blessing of Miss Xiao Qiao. The President is awake, awake!

Hearing this, Yun Qiao bent down beside Gong Sheng's bed and gently held the man's hand. Even she herself didn't notice that her tone was very gentle and distressed. She changed from her usual casual and carefree style: "Where else? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Can I take you back?"

Gong Sheng's Adam's apple rolled up, and the corners of his lips slightly raised on his slightly pale face: "I can't go back. You..."

Is he dreaming?

How could a stupid woman come to an earthquake-stricken area?

She should be filming.

Yun Qiao's tenderness only lasted for three seconds. When she heard that Gong Sheng refused to go back, her face sank and her eyes immediately widened——

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