Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3722: Mr. President, do you have a cold?

After discovering that the cat was missing, Yun Qiao called Gong Sheng by his name and announced that he was dead, which made the driver shudder.

No one has ever dared to rebel against the President like this.

The driver advised softly: "Miss Xiao Qiao, don't be angry. It's better to send that white cat away. It would be better for the President..."

Yun Qiao rolled his eyes angrily.

What's good?

Even if a grown man is afraid of dogs, he is actually afraid of cats!

She had never seen such a person before.

Humph, in the face of her royal bodyguard Ah Sheng, how come she is not one percent as courageous as Ah Sheng.

Despise him, despise him, despise him!

Yun Qiao angrily stamped her feet in front of the cattery. Still not satisfied, she simply made a phone call.

But after dialing for a long time, the palace saint didn't answer? !

But this man is so awesome that he dares to refuse my imperial edict!

Yun Qiao was angry.

I was about to throw away my phone.

Finally, the screen showed that it was connected.

Yun Qiao said directly: "Gong Sheng, please come back to me and send Xiaobai home in person! If I can't see Xiaobai tonight, don't come back!"

After saying that, without waiting for Gong Sheng's reply, she directly cut off the phone.

Humph, the cheap husband deliberately took so long to answer her phone, and he was so arrogant that she had to put on airs and hang up the phone first after announcing my imperial edict, without giving him a chance to complain and make excuses!

Yun Qiao's movements were smooth and fluent, and his tone was domineering. The driver was stunned for a moment, feeling that his outlook on life was about to collapse.

The President's little wife has such a violent temper.

He really couldn't imagine how the President could obediently "get out" and come back...



presidential palace.

Gong Sheng was already in the office, working non-stop for 24 hours, and he was about to stay up late again.

It's better to work overtime and stay up late than to go home and hear that some stupid woman is chasing him for a divorce.

He had been reviewing the documents with an expressionless face, but when Yun Qiao said that his "little house was too shabby" a few kilometers away, he couldn't help but sneeze hard.

Secretary Nangong Wanwan was pouring tea and said a little worriedly: "Mr. President, are you... catching a cold?"

She wanted to persuade the President not to stay up late, but she didn't dare.

Gong Sheng pinched his eyebrows and said, "Your president is not that weak."

Then he nodded at the table: "Go out and tell Uncle Zhang to get everyone off work. Don't work overtime with me. I will read these documents myself. If there are any problems, I will tell you to implement them tomorrow."

Nangong Wanwan nodded and went out to deliver the message.

After all her colleagues had left, she locked the drawer, carried her briefcase, and knocked on Gong Sheng's office again: "Mr. President, then... I'm off work too."

Gong Sheng did not raise his head: "Yes."

Nangong Wanwan hesitated to speak. When she closed the door gently, she saw that the screen of Gong Sheng's mobile phone on the counter kept flashing.

She quickly reminded Gong Sheng: "Mr. President, you have a phone number..."

Gong Sheng was immersed in work and set his cell phone to silent.

After being reminded by Nangong Wanwan, he glanced at the screen and realized it was Yun Qiao's call.

He glanced at Nangong Wanwan.

Although she didn't say anything, as a secretary, Nangong Wanwan immediately knew that this call was not for someone of her status to listen to, so she quickly closed the door and left the office.

Gong Sheng then opened the screen.

The expressionless face facing Nangong Wanwan just now, but now there was a slight smile on Yun Qiao's phone call.

Did the stupid woman know to take the initiative to call him?

Do you regret telling him about divorce last night and come to beg for mercy and peace?

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