Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3734: I have misunderstood him for so long, woo woo!

Yun Qiao's big eyes froze for an instant because of Bai Lang's words!

She had never heard of this disease: "You can't touch any furry animals? What kind of cat disease is this?"

Bai Lang: "Cough cough cough! This is not a cat disease, this is... let's put it this way, a very rare type of allergy."

As he spoke, he muttered in a low voice: "Actually, it's not very rare. After all, there are still people who can't even touch women. It's even weirder..."

In the eyes of Bai Lang, a medical expert, allergies are no big deal, but in Yun Qiao's heart, it caused a turmoil.

The palace saint actually had such a strange and terrible disease, but he never reminded her and she was not allowed to bring animals home.

No, he reminded her. When she brought Xiaobai back for the first time, he told her to throw it away with a stern face.

But she didn't agree and got angry with him.

She even pretended to be aggrieved, and finally made him relent and personally deliver the cat to her hotel.

She finally remembered that the reason why Gong Sheng did not accompany her in that strange hotel room that night was not because he was cold-blooded, but because he came into contact with her cat, became ill and went for treatment in the middle of the night!

And she complained that he didn't mean what he said!

Thinking of this, Yun Qiao almost wanted to break her head - why was she so expressionless and willful?

It was so shameless for her to do such a thing to a patient.


Do you regret taking the medicine?

After learning about Gong Sheng's allergy, Yun Qiao couldn't help but picture the scenes of getting along with Gong Sheng.

It turns out that he doesn't like her raising cats. It's not that he doesn't have love, but that he can't raise them.

It turns out that the reason why he caused a scandal in the earthquake-stricken area was not because he was afraid of dogs, but because he had no way to interact with dogs.

turn out to be……

She has misunderstood him for so long!

Seeing Yun Qiao's self-blame expression,

Bailang felt quite proud.


See if I scare her again...

He deliberately used a very serious tone and continued: "Do you know what the consequences will be if the palace saint comes into contact with these furry animals?"

Yun Qiao shook his head: "Did...sleep or faint?"

Bai Lang: "No! I lost my voice, or my vision, or my self-control. I can't say I can't see or move. In the end... I might even die!"

Huh, scare the goblin to death.

Yun Qiao was stunned.

"Can you really die?" She murmured, "Contact with animals can be so serious..."

Bailang nodded deeply: "So you'd better throw the cat away quickly!"

Yun Qiao's eyes changed!

Throw the cat away? !

Xiaobai is a domestic pet and has no ability to survive if thrown into the wild.


Compared with the palace saint's life, how could she say that a cat was more valuable?

Seeing that Yun Qiao was in conflict, Bai Lang finally felt that his depression of being cheated was relieved a little.

That’s so sour and refreshing, hahaha!

He suppressed his laughter and continued to put on a fierce face, threatening Yun Qiao: "If you don't throw it away, Gong Sheng may not wake up this time! You are a murderer!"

He was so proud that he blurted out: "I told him a long time ago that it would be better to throw this cat away, but he didn't believe it and insisted on letting me get it back from the laboratory. It's better now. For you, his life will be lost." !”

Yun Qiao was struggling when her ears suddenly moved slightly.

"What did you say? He asked you to get him back? Didn't he send Xiaobai away before? Was it you?" Yun Qiao seemed to have discovered something.

Bailang realized that he had let slip, and quickly changed his words: "No... no... um, that's not important. What's important is that you have to deal with the culprit cat now." Want to chat with more like-minded people " "Dear Chief Sir", follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, chat about life and find close friends~

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