Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3737 I just want to kiss her hard!

There is no other answer to the question of Palace Saint.

"That must be Miss Xiao Qiao..." Uncle Zhang smiled, "She is different from Dr. Bailang. Everything she prepares for you is quite special."

Have you ever heard of using apple water to treat colds?

Have you ever heard of using herbs on your forehead to reduce fever?

Have you ever heard that acupuncture can help people sleep well?

Maybe it was because he had little experience, but anyway, Uncle Zhang was surprised and looked at Miss Xiao Qiao with admiration.

Gong Sheng: "She prepared something for me? Didn't she go out last night?"

"Ah?" Zhang Bo suppressed his laughter and explained, "No, no, it was just a misunderstanding. Miss Xiao Qiao asked the driver to take her out last night, but we later found out that she went to the set to deliver the cat."

Gong Sheng: "Giving a cat?"

Zhang Bo nodded: "Yes, yes, she heard that you can't touch animals, so she decided to send the cat away. It happened that the master chef in the back kitchen of the crew liked cats very much, so she took her over and asked the master to help her raise it. All night After sending the cat away, she came back."

Hearing that Yun Qiao sent the cat away overnight for him.

Gong Sheng's heart was severely shocked.

Yun Qiaoduo liked that cat. He knew it. How many times had he fought with him over the cat?

Unexpectedly, she actually saw him off so happily this time.

She didn't leave him with a fever and go out on her own last night, but she went to get rid of the allergens that made him sick.


Did she give him the medicinal soup and apply it on his forehead in the middle of the night last night?

After the shock in Gong Sheng's heart, a touch of indescribable sweetness emerged.

He pursed his lips tightly, as if he was afraid of leaking this faint sweetness: "Where is she?"

Zhang Bo: "Miss Xiao Qiao is making porridge for you in the kitchen."

Gong Sheng frowned: "Isn't there a cook?"

Zhang Bo smiled: "Miss Xiao Qiao said they don't understand medicinal food, so she has to come in person and watch the heat. Those medicinal materials must be added at different times in order to be effective."

The palace saint took steps towards the kitchen.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard the familiar chirping voice of Yun Qiao:

"Hey, your soy sauce is wrong. It needs to be brewed with the right flavor, otherwise it won't be good for the patient."

"Oh, why is the salt here like this? I just said that I added the wrong amount last time. I need that kind of bamboo salt. This kind of salt has turned into powder and is not easy to use at all..."

"Your pot is not good either..."

Seeing Yun Qiao complaining about the poor use of kitchen materials while rolling up her sleeves to stir the porridge in the casserole, the corners of Gong Sheng's lips slowly raised involuntarily.

This delicate and lovely figure almost completely matched his entire imagination of his future wife.

Apart from her fairy temper, it was something he had never imagined.

Zhang Bo whispered in his ear at the right time: "Miss Xiao Qiao really didn't sleep all night last night. First she went to deliver the cat, and when she came back she made some medicinal soup for you, applied it to your forehead, and then came to the kitchen again. Make medicinal porridge..."

Listening to Uncle Zhang's whisper, Gong Sheng's heart was deeply touched once again.

He slept so soundly because there was a little woman behind him who had been busy with him.

He didn't want to do anything now. He just wanted to rush over and kiss her hard!


There are so many servants around, and Uncle Zhang is here.

Gong Sheng is not the kind of man who likes to be affectionate in front of others.

He slowly walked over and stood behind Yun Qiao. He gently put his big hand on her shoulder and held it. He was about to speak -

Yun Qiao thought it was the cook, so she waved his hand away impatiently: "Don't disturb me while I'm cooking. Now that the world is big, cooking is the most important thing!"

Gong Sheng: "..."

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