Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3756: Master Qiao takes action to torture the scumbag!

Lu Hanjiu cursed in a low voice: "You monster! I won't be able to kill you in the heat later!"

Then, with a long stride, he hugged Feng Chu and left from the VIP elevator.

Huo Qingtong chased after him, but unfortunately it was Lu Hanjiu who reserved the rooftop today. Only the owner of the rooftop was qualified to leave from the exclusive VIP elevator.

The bodyguard stopped him.

Even if he is an actor, he cannot enjoy this special treatment.

He stood in front of the elevator, watching Feng Chu being taken away by Lu Hanjiu, his heart piercing.

What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that Feng Chu didn't even look at him.

He has worked hard to reach the position of actor, why can't he still make her happy?

What should he do so that she could take a good look at him and see his presence beside her?

Is the man who carried her away really so charming and capable of giving her happiness?

If so, why is there no smile on her face?

Huo Qingtong clenched his fists, stepped up suddenly, ran down the escalator at the other end, and chased Feng Chu and Lu Hanjiu in the parking lot...


Yun Qiao came back a few minutes later, already holding a glass of champagne in his hand.

She looked around and found that Feng Chu and Huo Qingtong were all gone.

Well, good job. Movie Emperor Huo should take Chu Chu home and settle him down, right?

Leave women to men to take care of, and leave these scumbags to this palace to deal with.

Hum, tremble, you scumbags!

Yun Qiao proudly stepped on her high heels, held the wine glass directly, and stood on the slightly higher platform beside the swimming pool.

She clapped her hands, and as soon as she spoke, she directly diverted everyone's attention: "I am Yun Xiaoqiao!"

One sentence directly made the little models in the audience widen their eyes!

What, that shameless manager and his little artist dare to come and fight?

With angry eyes, Yun Qiao sneered and said: "Aren't you very unconvinced that my Chu Chu has secured an endorsement contract for me? That's okay. Let's compete on the spot. Whoever is better than me will take away the contract! "

The little models held their breath: "Compared to what?"

Yun Qiao: "I won't bully you either. Since you are all models, let's compare it to walking on the stage. Whoever can walk straight on the stage will give up my contract to him!"

No one objected to Yun Qiao's words.

Compared with professional skills, it is obviously the fairest.

However, these little models didn't have any special skills, and they still had special skills in walking on the stage. For a while, everyone was working hard and competing!

Yun Qiao narrowed his eyes, inadvertently poured the wine glass in his hand onto the ground, and threw it aside.

She pointed to the steps: "Come on, for the sake of fairness, let's walk here together. Everyone who has the ability will naturally see it clearly!"

With that said, she was the first to start walking!

Yun Qiao has not received professional training. Although her steps on stage are very graceful and very cool and good-looking, they are not up to standard, let alone professional.

Those little models were secretly happy to see it!

It’s as if the contract is already at your fingertips!

They were eager to try, automatically lined up in a line, and started walking swaying along the steps.


Walking to the middle of the steps, each one was like a dumpling under boiling water. Uncontrollably, the sole of his foot slipped and he fell into the pool with a flutter!



"I'm freezing to death——!"

The cold pool water made the little models wearing only evening gowns scream from the cold!

They didn’t even understand how they could slip and fall if they were walking so professionally on stage!

As for that 18th-tier actor Yun Xiaoqiao, it was obvious that she was not doing well, but she was steady and arrogant all the way!

Yun Qiao walked to the end of the competition, turned around, raised his chin and sneered: "You are not qualified to fight with me, you are only qualified to be a drowned rat!"

The glass in her glass was not champagne, but a glass full of olive oil.

It would be weird not to let you slip!

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 】

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