Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3796: Cat hair, I kissed it off

Gong Sheng didn't tease her this time.

Soon, Zhang Bo's knocking sound came from outside, with a rhythm of "Tuk Tuk, Tuk Tuk."

"Come in." Gong Sheng ordered in a deep voice.

Wait, why are you so anxious to get in? Yun Qiao's face turned red with embarrassment.

Now that He Gong Sheng's posture has been seen by people outside, does she still want to lose face?

Is this man's face made of city walls?

Just about to protest.

But there was a buzzing noise outside the door.

Zhang Bo did not come in.

Instead, a narrow door crack was opened, and a few puppies, three or two cats, and a little rabbit and a pheasant came in!

For a time, Gong Sheng's office was quickly occupied by these furry little guys.

The dog chases the cat.

The cat jumped onto the table.

The timid rabbit hid in Gong Sheng's trousers.

The little pheasant was frightened and flew around, shaking off all the feathers on the carpet!

Yun Qiao was suddenly shocked!

He didn't care to complain about Gong Sheng cheating on her, kissing her and humiliating her.

But instinctively, she hugged him tightly and wanted to protect him: "Gong Sheng! Hide under the table! No, no, hide in the bookcase! No, no, no, get out! This is too hairy, I I won't be able to control them for a while, so you should hide out first..."

She was so anxious that if Gong Sheng hadn't been holding him on the desk and unable to move, she would have grabbed Gong Sheng's hand and ran away immediately.

Seeing that the little woman was so kind and simple, her first reaction was to protect him, using such white and tender little hands to protect him, Gong Sheng's eyes were filled with thick and indescribable emotions.

Somewhere deep in his heart, he was pulled up and hit hard again.

Taking a deep breath, he kissed her ear: "I'm fine... Look, I'm fine. Don't worry."

Yun Qiao was stunned, let go of his hand, and looked him up and down nervously.

It seems really okay.

If it were normal, he would react even if he came into contact with a kitten. He would have shortness of breath, become aphasic, and even fall into coma.

Now that there were more than a dozen small animals in such close contact, and they were shaking their hair everywhere, she had already sprinkled enough hair on him before she could control their actions... He would actually be okay?


She gathered the animals in a corner of the room and stayed there. In disbelief, she stretched out her hand to touch his cheek and then his forehead, puzzled.

Gong Sheng said with a smile: "The experiment was successful."

"What success?" Yun Qiao looked confused.

"If I kiss you for long enough when I'm in contact with animals, or before, their hair won't make me allergic." Gong Sheng curled his lips, "In other words, your kiss is my good medicine and my Immunotherapy for allergies.”

Yun Qiao's big eyes stared at him blankly. Even as smart as she was, she was completely frightened by this bizarre conclusion!

"How...possible? This is impossible...there is no such potion..." she said incoherently.

Gong Sheng narrowed his eyes: "Last night, in the kitchen of the crew, we already tested it once. You were feeding the cat at the time, and I kissed you, and you didn't have any allergies."

"Xiaobai was far away from us at that time..." Yun Qiao tried to refute.

Gong Sheng: "How far? An arm's length, is that far? And there was a piece of cat hair on your face at that time."

Yun Qiao: "..."

Gong Sheng added: "But he was kissed by me."

Yun Qiao: "!!!"

Even though he knew he couldn't touch animal hair, he kissed the cat hair off her face.

Should she say that this man is sick, or sick, or sick? !

Wait, her mind is so confused now, let her go over the causes and consequences again...

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 】I want to talk about "Dear Chief Sir" with more like-minded people,;", talk about life and find confidants~

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