Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3802 Funny and Beautiful Misunderstanding

Gong Sheng still stayed at the Presidential Palace for a meeting.

Yun Qiao has been sent home first by the driver.

After playing with the little animals for a day, Yun Qiao was happy but also very tired.

She stretched out and was about to go to bed early when she suddenly remembered what the palace saint said during the day that he had given her her salary card a long time ago.

Salary card……

Salary card……

Where did she throw Gong Sheng's salary card?

Who made the so-called salary card look so dark and unattractive? She thought it was just a worthless business card.

It’s actually a money bag!

Yun Qiao became uneasy when he thought of this. He quickly cheered up and rummaged around the house.

Fortunately, the bedroom is not big, and she doesn't have many things.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets for a long time, I finally found it under the drawer of the panties in the closet.

Yun Qiao looked at the black diamond card carefully, not realizing how valuable it was at all.

She thought for a while, walked to the kitchen, and waved the cook out: "Let me ask you something."

The cook wiped her hands nervously: "Miss Xiao Qiao, do you have any orders?"

Although Miss Xiao Qiao's cooking skills have improved now and she won't explode the kitchen, she still often makes strange dark dishes. She is a little afraid that Miss Xiao Qiao will suddenly have a sudden idea of ​​cooking insects or something.

Yun Qiao whispered: "Do you recognize this kind of bank card? How much money is there in it?"

With that said, he shook the palace saint's black diamond in front of the cook's eyes.

The cook breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and said with some embarrassment: "Miss Xiao Qiao, I didn't see clearly."

Yun Qiao simply put the card directly into the cook's hand: "Look at it as you like!"

The cook looked over and over, but there was nothing on the card except for a few numbers, which were dark and shining with crystal light.

The cook has never seen much of the world.

I scratched my head and thought for a long time: "Miss Xiao Qiao, are you sure this is a bank card?"

Yun Qiao: "I'm not sure, that's why I asked you!"

The cook bravely said: "Miss Xiao Qiao, according to my experience, this may not be a bank card. Look, firstly, there is no bank name on this card. Secondly, the number on this card is so small. Thirdly, , this card doesn’t have an expiry date written on it either… If you don’t believe me, could you compare it with my salary card?”

The cook was very simple and handed over her card to Yun Qiao for comparison.

In comparison, Gong Sheng's card really doesn't look like a bank card.

Apart from being extraordinarily beautifully made, it doesn't look like a bank card at all.

Yun Qiao nodded and returned the card to the cook: "Okay, I understand!"

Before leaving, the cook sincerely advised at the door: "Miss Xiao Qiao, there are a lot of scammers out there, and they often copy fake cards to deceive people. You must never believe those scammers, and don't regard fake cards as genuine." It’s stuck…”

Yun Qiao took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Yeah, I know."

Return to the room.

She angrily threw Gong Sheng's black card back into the drawer of her panties.

He muttered unhappily: "You stinky man, even if you don't want to pay me my salary, you actually pretend to give me all your property? I said, how can there be such a magnanimous man in the world? He doesn't keep a penny. You spent it all on me, a cheap lady? It turns out you were bullying me because I didn’t understand, so you gave me a fake card!”

Picked up the phone and wanted to question Gong Sheng.

But then I thought about it, although Gong Sheng didn't give her any money, he took care of her food and housing, and even bought her a cabinet of countless designer evening dresses...

Taking a deep breath, she threw down the phone and muttered with a proud look: "Forget it, let's not argue with the stinky man! Just think of these things as the reward he gave me. I helped him treat his illness, and he provided me with Food, clothing, housing and transportation. I feel at ease and don’t owe him anymore!” I want to chat about “Dear Chief Sir” with more like-minded people, follow “Youdu Literature” on WeChat, chat about life, and find confidants~

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