Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 44 Serving Lao Tzu twenty-four hours

He's domineering, he's right, he's right.

Who let their mobile phones and people be locked by him.

Will it make this man happy and let her go?

Gu Qiqi can bend and stretch.

A standard smile appeared on her delicate little face.

She got up, took his bowl, and served him soup.

Then, he used his chopsticks to serve him vegetables.

After doing this, she asked with a smile, "Is this all right?"

The palace lord stared at the flying slender fingers for a moment.

Condensed fat white jade general, lush and attractive.

His throat rolled.

It turns out that stupid women are not only attractive with small mouths, but also with small hands...

Just think about what that tender little hand can do for him...

"From now on, you will serve Lao Tzu 24 hours a day! Atone for your mistakes!"

The king's voice was hoarse.

He picked up the soup bowl, drank it all, and placed it heavily on the table.

Gu Qiqi was startled.

What? Use her as an orderly?

Although her heart was full of dissatisfaction, she squeezed her little hand, in order to find a chance to take back her things, bear it for the time being!

Pulling up a smirk that was neither salty nor light, she gestured neatly, and immediately gave him another bowl of soup.

The white and tender fingers once again fluttered in front of Gong Jue's eyes.

This meal, Gong Jue drank three bowls of soup, but the heat in the abdomen did not diminish at all!

I don't know if it was Tang Zhan or some other reason, but he felt that his lower abdomen was more distended and he was about to explode.

He held back and never spoke again, he got up and went straight to the bathroom!

cold shower!

He desperately needed a cold shower to quench some agitation.

Gu Qiqi Mo Ming looked at his back curiously, pouted, cleaned up the tableware and went to the kitchen.

As soon as he turned around, the little dumpling tiptoed and ran down the stairs.

The big black grape-like eyes rolled around.

Hey, no one!


Passing by the dining table, I took the fruit plate and ran out.

When Gu Qiqi came out of the kitchen and saw the empty dining table, she frowned: "Huh? Where's the fruit? Was it dragged away by the rat? After a while, I found out that there was no fruit to eat. Do I have to use the topic to play it again? I stole it?"

Depressed, she had to go back to the refrigerator to get the fruit and wash it again.

But this time, when it was dark, Gongjue did not go downstairs.

Gu Qiqi sat at the dining table in a daze, she didn't want to go back to the room, so as not to be controlled by the domineering man in the cramped space.

Who knows what he will do?

While boredly observing the people entering and leaving, and the soldiers practicing on the training ground, she noticed a strange phenomenon.

The people who serve the palace lords are all men!

Needless to say, Adjutant Lu, even sending letters, delivering documents and cleaning, are all men!

This is a barracks without female soldiers, so amazing.

"Little sister-in-law, are you back?"

A simple and honest soldier passed by and called her.

Gu Qiqi was stunned for a moment, then remembered.

This is the last soldier she escaped and knocked unconscious.

"Cough, cough... that, sorry."

"It's alright, I know you're arguing with him, right? Adjutant Lu is really a good person. Like our chief, he has never been close to women, and he is absolutely clean in body and mind!"

"Ah?" Gu Qiqi knew that the soldier had misunderstood and wanted to explain to him, but...

"You said your chief is clean? Haha!"

She heard it all on the phone, he fucked with a woman in the hospital, hum.

"That's right, our chief is a male, and Adjutant Lu is also an old male. So please forgive him and give him a chance to reconcile tonight. As the saying goes, there is a quarrel at the head of the bed and a reconciliation at the end of the bed... oh, Adjutant Lu, why are you hitting me? I'm helping you!"

The soldier screamed.

The head was beaten.

When he turned around, he saw Adjutant Lu staring at him sadly.

And behind Adjutant Lu, the head they respected, his face was gloomy!

Soldiers are scared to pee!

If he knew that the Chief was listening, how could he dare to say anything about the old man~male?

"Run 20 laps, 200 squats! You two, don't sleep until you finish!"

The prince's cold voice sounded.

Angrily glanced at Adjutant Lu: Sister-in-law? Um?

Turning his head and looking at Gu Qiqi, his face was not at all good: "What are you talking about with a man! Go back to the room!"

Gu Qiqi felt that she was lying on the gun.

Back to the room? do, what?

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