Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 202: 202、Date, be interrupted again

Song Qinghuan ate two steaks, and remembered the scene of Heshi Yuhan having a meal that day.

It's obviously delicious, but she doesn't have any taste.

When he glanced at Yuhan subconsciously, he was talking to Li Chengyu at the moment and didn't care about her at all. He didn't seem to care about holding hands at all.

Suddenly, she didn't want to stay here for a minute.

Obviously he had been rejected, why did her heart beat faster when she saw him? She hated herself like this.

Song Qinghuan took a deep breath, "Regulations, I want to eat hot pot, the kind that is super spicy, will you take me to eat hot pot?"

The two had known each other for so long, and this was the first time Song Qinghuan told him what he wanted to eat, and also offered to let him take her to eat.

How difficult it is to get to this point, how can the charter be unanswered.

He was full of joy and asked the waiter to sell the order without saying anything. Then he took Song Qinghuan's hand and left the western restaurant to find a Haidilao hot pot.

After a while, a pot full of chili and various dishes were placed on the table.

Song Qinghuan stared at the soup pot in the middle, and when he saw that the red water had boiled, he picked up one plate after another and poured all the vegetables into the pot to boil.

I'm so hungry, she wants to eat a lot later.

How could you not order beer when you eat hot pot? The regulations asked the waiter to take two bottles of wine. He and Song Qinghuan were two bottles each.

Song Qinghuan did not refuse either, and took a sip of the beer after reaching out.

The regulations were so happy, I kept laughing, and kept telling jokes to Song Qinghuan about the series of things that happened when he traveled everywhere.

He felt that the atmosphere today was really good, and it might be a turning point in his relationship with Song Qinghuan.

While talking about traveling, he asked Song Qinghuan: "Huanhuan, it's New Year's Day soon. There are three days off on New Year's Day. Or should I take him on a trip? You just choose where you want to go in or out of China."

After asking, he was very nervous.

He knew what it meant. If Song Qinghuan agreed to travel with him, it would mean that he would be with him. Even if he didn't want to be with him immediately, their relationship would improve by leaps and bounds after returning from the trip.

At this time, the dishes were probably already cooked, and Song Qinghuan started with his chopsticks.

It was spicy and hot, but the taste was very delicious. She patronized the food, and she simply forgot to answer the questions about the regulations.

The regulations thought she was going to think about it, and she didn't rush to ask.

Song Qinghuan had a very poor drinking volume. A bottle of beer had already made her face flushed. She hadn't fully exerted her spirit of alcohol. After she was fully exerted, she might be drunk.

When the food was almost finished, Song Qinghuan's phone rang suddenly.

She took it out and looked at it, and it was Aunt He who came here.

During the period when she was not living in the villa, Aunt He would often call her to ask her whether she had eaten, whether the weather would add clothes, and when to add a house.

In her heart, she felt that Aunt He was better than her mother Lu Meiyan.

She answered the phone with a smile: "Aunt He."

The mobile phone was no longer the one that Shi Yuhan gave. She left the mobile phone in the apartment. She asked Mei Jun to accompany her to the mobile phone to buy an ordinary mobile phone.

Aunt He said anxiously: "Madam, I was sick in my son, and there just happened to be something in my house. I can't take care of it now. Can you come back and take care of it."

Song Qinghuan put down his chopsticks and bit his lip: "Where is him?"

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