Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 206: 206、This pot of porridge, reward you

Song Qinghuan ran to the bathroom, placed under the shower, magnifying the flow of water and pointing her head all the way at her body.

When rushing underwater, she always wondered if anything had happened to herself and Shi Yuhan, several times but she didn't feel anything at all.

Did you do it or not?

It's really irritating, can she assume that nothing has happened, no matter whether she does it or not?

I don't know how long it took. Someone was knocking on the bathroom door, and she ignored it. She knew that there would be no one else knocking on the door except for the time to keep out the cold.

Time is like running water under the shower, rushing away from the fingers.

After a while, Song Qinghuan clearly felt that it didn't take long, but it took half an hour to see the time.

It was almost an hour before she changed her clothes and arranged her appearance to go downstairs.

When she put her mobile phone in her handbag, she was surprised to find that her mobile phone was missing. The luxury mobile phone that Shi Yuhan gave her on the bedside table was amazing.

Song Qinghuan frowned and quickly walked downstairs with her mobile phone. She was daunting and unwilling to go down, but she didn't want to meet Shi Yuhan.

When she hurriedly downstairs, she thought she would be out of the cold before the meeting, but when she arrived in the living room she found him sitting at the dining table, holding the morning paper habitually.

Song Qinghuan put the phone in his hand in front of him and said, "Return the phone you gave me, and give me my phone."

When Shi Yuhan's mouth slipped over a dangerous evil, he raised his eyes and slowly glanced at Song Qinghuan without saying a word.

The next second he reached out and picked up the phone, and threw it directly into the trash can next to it.

Song Qinghuan's eyes widened suddenly, she was deeply shocked, and her raised voice was full of horror: "What are you doing? This phone is nearly 100,000 yuan!"

"What you don't want has nothing to do with the price, and should be thrown in the trash can." Shi Yuhan said indifferently, making a nonchalant look.

Song Qinghuan was choked and speechless.

She took a few breaths, waved her hand to fan her rising anger, ignoring the phone that was thrown in the trash can, the price was nearly 100,000 yuan, staring at Shi Yuhan and asked: "Then where is my phone? "

"Your phone belongs to you, shouldn't you ask where you are?" Shi Yuhan, a black-bellied and proud man, gave Song Qinghuan a idiotic smile.

Song Qinghuan was speechless, she desperately told herself not to be angry, not to be angry.

She sat down at the dining table, intending to take a sip of milk to ease her air, but was surprised to find that the table above seemed a little different from usual. Apart from a small pot of porridge and a pair of chopsticks, breakfast was only placed in front of the cold Had a cup of coffee.

When I looked at the kitchen strangely and wanted to ask Aunt He what happened to breakfast, Shi Yuhan put down the newspaper in his hand and pushed the pot of porridge on the table in front of her.

Then he said proudly: "Don't look, Aunt He has already gone back, she didn't make your breakfast, this pot of porridge, reward you!"

what? Aunt He went back, and she hadn't prepared her breakfast yet, didn't she? How could this be?

Song Qinghuan thought, it must have been ordered by Shi Yuhan, and deliberately wanted to starve her, so she didn't make breakfast for her.

Congee is nothing but porridge. Congee is a good thing. Drinking porridge in the morning is good for your health.

She thought angrily, picked up a spoon and served herself a bowl of porridge. After taking a sip, she suddenly stuck her tongue out, and said in surprise: "God, why is it so unpalatable!"

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