Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 212: 212、Take care of my family.

"Huanhuan," the whispered voice opened his lips, the charter's brain had not yet fully reacted, but the words in his mouth had already been said.

He stepped forward quickly, eager to determine what he wanted to express, what he wanted to swear.

Hearing the voice of the regulations, Song Qinghuan suddenly trembled like an electric shock.

She is a little confused, what should I do now? How do you introduce it later?

She said that Shi Yuhan is her current husband, and that the charter is her predetermine. A possible boyfriend in two years, my god, she has plunged herself into what kind of state?

The charter has already taken a step, walked up to her, smiled and asked, "Have you met an acquaintance?"

With such an ambiguous address and such a beloved look, Li Qianze frowned, and a trace of joke slipped across his eyes, "He is your classmate."

Song Qinghuan’s classmate is actually a man. I wonder what will happen to his brother?

rage? Runaway? Still depressed?

Obviously, none of these emotions would happen to Shi Yuhan. His Ying's extraordinary figure stood motionless, and his deep eyes were like a frozen deep pool, without a trace of ripples.

"Hello, regulations, Huanhuan boyfriend." The regulations smiled and introduced himself to Li Qianze, but he looked at Shi Yuhan with compelling eyes.

Song Qinghuan had a strange feeling as soon as he walked around the charter. Usually, this feeling accompanies it, and it won't be a good thing.

Sure enough, the charter is intended to be an endless rhythm.

Song Qinghuan frowned, frightened and said angrily: "Regulations, what are you talking about nonsense?"

Although she agreed to the charter, if he still likes her two years later, she will be with him, but now she has nothing to do with the charter. What is he doing? I wanted to kill her.

Li Qianze narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked at Shi Yuhan meaningfully: "Huanhuan's boyfriend?"

Shi Yuhan just glanced at Song Qinghuan coldly, without saying anything.

But just this look made Song Qinghuan's breath suddenly tighten, and only felt that the temperature around him had dropped by several points in an instant.

On the face of the regulations, there was obviously a hint of displeasure: "I was talking nonsense, you are..."

"The regulations, you are enough, if you talk nonsense, our classmates can't do it." Song Qinghuan interrupted him abruptly, his whole body getting more and more nervous, rubbing his trousers with his hands at a loss.

Then he looked at Li Qianze: "How can it be possible if you listen to him nonsense."

After that, he glanced at Shi Yuhan again, which seemed to be explaining to him.

There was no sound from the regulations, his face was tight and blue, and there was already a faint flare of fire in his eyes.

The look behind Song Qinghuan made him think coldly. Sure enough, his guess was correct. Seeing her guilty and anxious look when she denied it just now, she was afraid that this cold man would believe it.

Humph! He actually said that there was no one in her heart, and that the person he saw in her heart was this cold man.

This idea makes the regulations go crazy with jealousy.

How could he have been silent, doing nothing at this moment, she had a crush on this cold man, but this man should not like her, if he likes her, he won't get married.

Thinking about this, he suddenly smiled, and then looked towards Shi Yuhan: "We also met at the **Western Restaurant this morning. Huanhuan said that you are his boss. Please take care of my family Huanhuan in the future. "

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