Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 222: Chapter 222: Fear, Extreme Fright

Song Qinghuan was dying with a headache and was terribly scared, but his mind was still clear, and he was struggling to get down.

It was terrible, she didn't want to stay in this room anymore.

However, Shi Yuhan tightly framed her and didn't let her move at all. Then he took possession of her and checked her wound: "Don't move!!"

Song Qinghuan trembled slightly, opened his eyes, and said to her in horror: "The baby, blood, the bathtub, it's terrible, it's terrible..."

As she said, her eyes were red, and her tears seemed to be streaming down with fright.

Shi Yuhan was startled, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the bathroom.

As if he understood something, he immediately got up and wanted to check, but Song Qinghuan grabbed his hand.

She shook her head at him and motioned him not to go.

Shi Yuhan patted her hand to let her not be afraid, then pushed her hand away and stepped into the bathroom.

As Song Qinghuan said, there was a rag doll and a **** rag doll in the bathtub. A lot of knives had been cut on the body of the rag doll, and then she was painted with bright blood and placed in the bathtub. It looked terrifying.

It is obvious that someone put it here on purpose.

Frightened, the other party wanted to frighten Song Qinghuan, hoping that she could retreat through the difficulties, otherwise she would be like this unrecognizable blood doll cut by a knife.

He turned around, took a towel, returned to the bedroom, sat down by the bed, and looked at Song Qinghuan, "Are you scared?"

Song Qinghuan was still in shock and trembling, stiff and unable to move, looking at him with wide eyes, tightly squeezing the quilt on his body with both hands.

Shi Yuhan used the wet towel he took out of the bathroom to wipe the blood from Song Qinghuan's forehead, and then pursed her thin lips, and said, "Does it hurt?"

Song Qinghuan shook his head: "It doesn't hurt."

Obviously it was a forced pretense, and it was bleeding. How could it not hurt.

Shi Yuhan asked again: "Will you feel nausea, vomiting, tinnitus and other symptoms?"

Song Qinghuan shook his head again: "I'm fine, it's fine."

What happened was not the wound on her forehead, but the blood doll in the bathtub.

She lived for more than 20 years, but a person who dared not even kill a chicken to see with his own eyes, unexpectedly saw a rag doll that looked like a very living person, deliberately made so **** and terrifying.

For her, the impact of perspective is really too great.

From the bedside table, Shi Yuhan took a bottle of medicinal liquor and rubbed it on Song Qinghuan’s forehead injury with a cotton swab.

As time warms the palm of the hand, a gentle and suitable strength, a medicinal smell permeates the room,

Suddenly the strength was a little hard, Song Qinghuan felt a little pain, she shrank her head, and said, "I can do it myself."

Shi Yu's cold eyes narrowed slightly and glanced at her.

Song Qinghuan immediately put down her raised hand and said softly, "You should come."

"You haven't been seen before, are you?" He was scolding her.

Song Qinghuan was stunned for a while before he understood what he was talking about, and his face instantly blushed again.

She bit her lip and squeezed it for a long time before she spoke: "But I'm sober, just this time."

Shi Yuhan looked at his blushing face, and suddenly felt a slight drunken feeling in his heart.

Before he knew it, when he spoke again, his tone became strangely soft and soft: "Okay, it's okay, next time you remember to pay attention, leave that thing to me, you can rest."

Seeing Shi Yuhan when he was about to get up, Song Qinghuan's frightened eyes trembled, and he slammed his hand: "Wait!"

(PS: Tonight, there is no internet inexplicably, so the chapters on the hotspot of the mobile phone are limited in data flow. It is impossible to find the lucky baby. I will make up the place tomorrow. It will be sent to you. Good night everyone.. Finally ask for a vote and vote for it Keyboard, please support me, I will update more...)

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