Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 226: Chapter 226: Fire

Shi Yuhan came to the bed with his height and legs long and bare upper body three or two steps, staring at Zi Shi coldly.

It seemed like it was really cold when he signaled to Zi, but Zishi pretended not to see it, and the round head rubbed against Song Qinghuan.

Shi Yuhan's gaze was stunned for a moment, and when he stretched out, he lifted him up from the bed, and then stayed on the ground.

After turning a circle on the ground, Zi Shi stood by the bed reluctantly, as if he was reluctant to do so.

When Shi Yuhan's masculine aura after bathing, attacked strongly, Song Qinghuan suddenly became a little embarrassed and shy, and also a little upset.

She held her breath, her white cheeks were flushed, and her eyelashes trembled slightly. She raised her eyes to keep out the cold when she looked up: "Would you...I'll go outside and play with you?"

Shi Yuhan looked down at him, his aura like an emperor over the world, his deep eyes under the light, exuding the color of a **** and a demon.

He ignored Song Qinghuan, but then turned his eyes to look at Zi Shi.

Eyes narrowed slightly, flashing cold and sharp light, Zi Shi did not miss anymore this time, but twisted his hips and left.

The moment the door closed, Song Qinghuan suddenly felt a little dry.

She got up from the bed, her whole being a little hesitant.

Still a little reluctant, this one was dry, awake and awake to fall asleep with Shi Yuhan.

"That..." She raised her hand nervously and waved in the air.

Then he pointed to the outside again, wanting to say that I would go out and play with son...

But Shi Yuhan didn't, and gave her any chance to speak.

She stretched out her arms and gently embraced her waist, pinched her chin with beautiful cold fingers, and lifted it slightly.

Immediately, his thin and **** lips pressed down, the kiss was soft, and his tongue moved in strongly.

"Um...Um..." Song Qinghuan was shocked, blinked twice, and then screamed from his mouth.

The lingering kiss made Song Qinghuan uncontrollably confused.

She raised her hand subconsciously, trying to push him away.

As soon as her finger touched his hot skin, she retracted it as if being electrocuted, her hand tightened his trousers, and then pushed him hard.

Shi Yuhan hugged her tightly against her body, leaning forward slightly, pressing her down on the bed.

Song Qinghuan's heart tightened at this moment, her slender body was twisting, and she resisted because of fear: "Don't..."

She rejected him with both hands, but at the same time she was a little faintly expecting.

Such ambivalence made Song Qinghuan bewildered.

She hates this kind of herself, and also hates the two ends of the soul and brain that are controlled differently. It seems that reason and feeling are fighting, which makes people very embarrassed.

He said a word gently, not knowing that he had not heard it, so he grabbed her hands and pressed it to the top of her head.

He kissed deeper and heavier, and his hand plunged into her pajamas, touching her petite abundance...

The air is full of ambiguous factors, seeing the **** touch.

At this moment, Shi Yuhan's phone rang suddenly.

He gasped, raised his eyes to look at her, his breath gushing with heat, his eyes dark and deep, as if he wanted to see her through.

Song Qinghuan was reborn, panting, and forced his breath.

She was horrified, as if it was not herself when she was confused and in love.

She bit her lip and stared closely at Shi Yuhan's eyes. In her eyes, she saw that her face was not so red.

(PS: Four more chapters, less sleep and wake up to make up. Finally, announce the lucky baby the day before yesterday and yesterday: I am used to having you and matching you just right...)

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