Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 233: 233、Hey again, I'm addicted.

Bai Rubing said weakly and weakly: "Manager, didn't you mean..."

Zhao Jingnan interrupted her: "Give it to me this afternoon." Then he glared at Song Qinghuan: "What are you doing in a daze, not doing anything."

Song Qinghuan came to the top floor with a file with an uneasy heart.

The top floor was very quiet. Shi Yuhan's two assistants seemed to be off work. The security staff asked her to go directly to the president's office.

She bit her lower lip and pondered outside for a while before she mustered the courage to knock on the office door.

"Come in!" A low and cold voice came from the inside quickly while protecting against the cold.

Song Qinghuan held the document, pushed the door gently, with a smile on his face, and said hello with a formula smile: "Hello, Mr. Shi, this is the list of the annual meeting prizes. Manager Zhao asked me to sign and sign."

Shi Yuhan, who was immersed in the documents in his hand, heard her "Shi Zong", raised his eyes and glanced at her with an idiotic look, then gave a faint hum, and continued to look at the documents.

Song Qinghuan put the document on his desk, next to the document he was looking at, silently stood there with his head down and motionless, waiting for his follow-up action.

But after a while, Shi Yuhan didn't plan to go through her files.

Song Qinghuan rolled his eyes and felt bitter in his heart.

Isn't he planning to read all the contracts he is currently looking at before processing the documents she brought?

Please, there are still more than a dozen pages of documents he is looking at now, so slow to read, when is this going to be seen!

But it's time to get off work, and I will go to the cafeteria later and run out of food.

So what, should she urge him?

When Yuhan was browsing the documents, she seemed to be able to sense Song Qinghuan's thoughts. He suddenly placed her next to the document and looked in front of her.

At this moment, in the office, except for the sound of him flipping through documents, there was a peaceful silence.

To be honest, Song Qinghuan feels that now, when she is meticulous about work, she exudes majesty, special handsomeness and charm.

If she hadn't been very calm in the direction of male sex, this would probably be taken away by him.

After browsing the documents, Shi Yuhan did not rush to sign, but slowly raised his head, looking at him and her coldly, "Have you had lunch?"

Song Qinghuan was surprised that he would ask about this, and shook his head honestly, "Well, not yet, you can go to eat after signing."

"That's right, let's eat together." He habitually gave orders without rushing to sign, and went to the other side of the big office.

Song Qinghuan looked at him blankly, trying to stop him to sign the contract first, but in the end he was used to following orders.

On the coffee table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, two food boxes are placed. It is a famous restaurant with three famous signature dishes, plus a famous signature soup.

After taking out the dishes, Shi Yuhan rubbed the palms of his palms tiredly, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange light burst out: "The hand hurts, the next thing is left to you."

After a pause, another sentence was added: "Same as yesterday."

Song Qinghuan was dumbfounded, thinking that she had heard it wrong, "Yesterday? Hello?" After Yuhan raised her eyebrows faintly when she saw it, she almost squirted blood: "You mean, also feed..."

Is there any mistake? His hands are all right now.

Shi Yuhan glanced at her, a smile flashed in his eyes, but immediately fell cold, with a cold and arrogant look: "Is there any opinion?"

(PS: Yesterday’s lucky reader is, ╰Her eyes°will it rain?°Finally, I recommend the new article "Stay Cute with Black Belly: Chasing the Male God 1000 Times")

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