Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 236: Chapter 236: Confrontation, who is the most jealous

"Huanhuan, it hurts, isn't it? Don't be afraid, I'll take you to the doctor..." the charter said with concern.

Song Qinghuan struggled and pushed him away.

Fortunately, her ankles were not too severe, and she ran off to the right.

The regulations were stunned for a moment, but they quickly came to a sense of relief and hurried to catch up. Although they soon came to Song Qinghuan, fortunately, this place is no longer the gate, and Song Qinghuan will not feel too embarrassed.

"Qinghuan, let me explain, okay?" The charter no longer forced Song Qinghuan to follow her, while looking at her hurtingly with melancholy and sadness.

Song Qinghuan has been walking and half-running forward, and finally reached the stage where there is no one. She suddenly stopped and taught the regulations: "Regulations, you are already an adult. Could you please stop being so naive? , Can you be more mature."

The statutes were originally emotional, but they kept tolerating them, and at this moment they couldn’t control them: "I am an adult, I am not mature enough, but Song Qinghuan, my immaturity is only given to you, just because I like you so much. You will be able to accept it until I don’t know how to express it."

Song Qinghuan was speechless, and said after a moment: "Like? Your liking makes me embarrassed. Your liking makes me the target of public criticism. Have you ever thought about being the door of my company? What consequences would it have on me? "

"I admit that I owe much consideration, but what I did was just to prove that I love you. I am not like that man. I marry you just to bear you!" The charter shows that there is no guilt at all, and he can confidently express that he did this. It's just an expression of love, an expression of extreme love.

Song Qinghuan: "You can use me as an excuse for anything you can do."

Charter: "But I really like you!"

Song Qinghuan yelled: "Regulations, I'm married."

The regulations also raised the voice: "I don't care, divorce, divorce that man, we are together."

Song Qinghuan was going crazy. She felt that she couldn't talk about it with the regulations. She didn't want to talk with the regulations anymore, just wanted to stay away from him quickly.

She wanted to leave, but the regulations grabbed her hand and couldn't get rid of it.

Just when she didn't know what to do, someone suddenly hugged her waist from behind, and then stretched out his hand to push the charter away.

Song Qinghuan turned his head in shock, and saw Shi Yuhan who was hugging him. It was too cold. He didn't wear a jacket, but was wearing a white shirt. There was no expression on his stern face. It was the face of an iceberg that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. It is unclear whether he is angry or not.

When he saw it, his eyes became red with anger.

Shi Yu cold eyes glanced at him disdainfully, then ignored him, looked at Song Qinghuan, and said unhurriedly: "Do you want to go home?"

The cold voice was extremely indifferent, but Song Qinghuan's ears were full of threats, and her body couldn't help shrinking.

At the same time, this simple sentence also made the charter to be able to hear that the man in front of him who is absolutely superior to ordinary people in terms of aura and temperament, he is indeed the titular husband of Song Qinghuan as he thought.

Marriage? Nominal couple?

If it is really just a name, he will not have any jealousy, anger or dissatisfaction. Obviously, there is an unclear ambiguity between Song Qinghuan and this man.

Bylaws were not breathing well, and his brain became hot and started talking nonsense: "What are you doing? Please let go of my girlfriend.

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