Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 249: 249、I don’t care about it.

Shi Yuhan was not angry, but stretched out his arms in front of her: "Okay, eat quickly, drink quickly, there is still your breath on it."

Song Qinghuan was dumbfounded, a small face flushed with anger, and then he opened his mouth and bit his shoulder in revenge.

She bite very hard, almost trying her best to bite, making her teeth sore. She thought Shi Yuhan would scream, or at least snorted.

But he didn't. Shi Yuhan didn't even wrinkle her brows until the smell of blood appeared in her mouth.

After biting, she let go of her mouth.

In the later stage, she saw two rows of tooth marks on his arm, oozing red blood!

Shi Yuhan looked at Song Qinghuan, who was still stubborn and angry, and asked, "Eat, drink, and full!"

Talking about turning over and pressing on her, he smiled evilly: "So now, it's my turn to eat."

After speaking, she bet her mouth again, her tongue drove straight in, and then she opened up another floating fusion.

Song Qinghuan didn't have a good rest that night, as if he had fallen into the sea, wave after wave, ups and downs to the washed body, on the verge of suffocation.

Shi Yuhan is like an unsatisfied beast, and she will not let go unless she is squeezed dry.

Song Qinghuan was naturally not his opponent. In the end, he could only beg him loudly under him: "No more, Shi Yuhan, please don't..."

However, keeping out the cold is like not hearing it, crazily possessing and intruding.

Song Qinghuan finally couldn't hold it anymore, and fell asleep under him, and he finally released him, holding her tightly with his hands, as if she was his possession, vowing to embed her in his body. Inside, never separate...

The next day, Song Qinghuan was awakened by the heavy rain, and it was getting late.

She again

She was the only one on the soft big bed, and the place beside her was vacant.

The curtains were half closed and half closed. She opened her heavy eyelids and saw that there was heavy rain outside the window. The rain formed layers of rain curtains, slowly sliding down along the glass windows, dripping on the window sill, sending out "tick tick tick" The sound.

"Are you awake?" Just as he was slowing down, Shi Yuhan opened the door and walked in, wearing off-white home clothes.

Song Qinghuan wanted to hold up his palm, but found that his body was sore, his eyes suddenly filled with soreness, and layers of anger rose in his heart.

She was so calm, but Shi Yuhan clearly felt her unhappy.

He stepped forward and hugged her, with his arms wrapped around her waist gently, and pulled her out of the bed to sit up: "It's twelve o'clock, change clothes, go to dinner."

Song Qinghuan shook his hand away, with a mocking tone: "No, I'm afraid I won't be able to digest it if I eat it!"

Shi Yuhan's face sank and looked at her groaningly.

She was an arrogant person, and didn't think there was anything wrong with the two of them doing this. Maybe he forced her at the beginning, but didn't she enjoy it later?

He seldom speaks softly, but he invites her cynicism, which inevitably makes him unhappy.

He moved his lips as if he wanted to command domineeringly, but to see tears falling from Song Qinghuan's mouth like a string of pearls.

He closed his voice at once, and Song Qinghuan was also in tears, and as soon as it fell, pushed him away to the bathroom.

Looking at her back, Shi Yuhan frowned slightly. When did he become so concerned about a woman? Caring so much that you can't bear to say something to her even harder?

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