Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 257: 257、I'm going to go home

When to keep out the cold? Song Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, and his hand on the phone was tight, and then sneered: "I'm at home, where can I go back!"

Shi Yu coldly said: "Don't let me say the second time, either go home or sleep on the street!"

Although using the phone, Song Qinghuan could clearly feel the sternness in Shi Yuhan's tone and the tone that could not be rejected.


The word "no" was not spoken yet, but a "beep" sound came from the phone. It was too late to say anything. Shi Yuhan had already cut off the phone.

"Ah!!!" Song Qinghuan was very angry.

This arrogant, cruel, arrogant and domineering man, who does he think she is, is he his slave?

Humph, she won't pay attention to him, if she doesn't go back, just doesn't go back, what about him?

Although he was stubborn, he couldn't sleep anymore, his eyes were clear and clear, and there was no sleepiness in his eyes.

After a while, she received a call from Mei Jun, "Huanhuan, are you at my house?"

Song Qinghuan turned over on the bed: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Mei Jun was very depressed and said: "The landlord didn't know what was going on, he said that he would pay me three times the price and let me move out of his house tonight!"

"What?" Song Qinghuan suddenly sat up from the bed.

Mei Jun was still talking on the other end, but Song Qinghuan couldn't hear it anymore.

A strong panic attacked my heart, and there was a bad premonition in my heart, this event would never be so coincidental.

Shi Yuhan's words also rang in his ears timely: "Either go home or sleep on the street!"

Is it time to keep out the cold? What did he do in the middle that made the landlord force Mei Jun to check out tonight?

Thinking like this, Song Qinghuan took out the phone and dialed Shi Yuhan’s cell phone, but there was a mechanical and cold soft female voice: "Sorry, the call you dialed has been transferred to the voice mail box, please Call again later."

She couldn't sit still, changed her clothes hurriedly, and headed to the villa.

In the living room, she stood in front of Shi Yuhan angrily, and stared at him condescendingly: "Shi Yuhan, what do you want to do? Let my classmate check out tonight. Would you like to be so bored and perverted."

As he said, he kicked the sofa irritably.

During this time, she really suffered too much from the cold.

This person was either silent under the squeeze, or broke out during the squeeze. At this moment, it was all out.

The air pressure in the room was so low that it made people breathless. Although I stood tall and looked down, I could still feel an invisible pressure.

Knowing that she was a little impulsive, she squeezed her hand fiercely, letting her nail pierce her hand.

It is false to say that there is no trace of fear. It's not that she has never seen Shi Yuhan's coldness.

I don't know when Shi Yuhan, what will he do next? If he shouts at him fiercely, will he just kill her directly?

I thought that a storm was coming, but someone leaned back and sat on the sofa in a lazy, elegant and casual posture.

"Come back," he dragged his tone of voice, he looked at her with a smile, his eyes calm and calm surprised Song Qinghuan.

"Shi Yuhan, you..." Song Qinghuan raised her eyes angrily and looked at him coldly.

But the phone rang suddenly, Song Qinghuan was taken aback, and found that it was his phone rang and that it was Jun Mei.

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