Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 266: Chapter 266: The answer, how should I give it

Shi Yuhan looked at her steadily, his eyes indifferent, and said as if faintly: "Let's try together!"

A strong shock surged up, Song Qinghuan's delicate face was surprised and confused, and his eyelashes blinked, then blinked again.

Immediately, she cut: "When you stay out of the cold, don't tease me a day, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Shi Yuhan's expression remained unchanged, indifferent and serious, fixedly looking at Song Qinghuan, his meaning was very obvious, he did not tease her, nor did he make any jokes.

Something suddenly hit the atrium, causing the heart to be shocked. Song Qinghuan, who was still shocked, bit her lip suddenly, in disbelief.

Shi Yuhan waited for a long time in a suffocating atmosphere.

In the end, he narrowed his deep eyes, opened his mouth to say something, but finally couldn't say anything.

From the beginning until now, he has been selfish, almost shameless, using the girl in front of him, just because she happened to be delivered to the door, deceived and forced her to marry him.

Later, after investigating that she entered the company for the sake of her brother, she used her own plan to push her out of the hole, while he stood behind, watching all this quietly.

Because he owed her a slight debt, he coldly pushed her away.

But there is a kind of warmth in him and her, and when he is lonely, he especially yearns for such kind of warmth.

Try this question, he asked himself in his heart for a long time, would you like to try this girl?

He is a man who is both emotionally and physically clean.

Never let a woman get close to him easily. For him, the passion of a woman only feels cold.

He actually has no desires for the **** things that men want to be passionate about.

But when he met her, he always had some tickling feelings towards her inexplicably.

Love? It should be no, do you like it? That's for sure, but he didn't know whether it was mental or physical.

After all, this thought came into being after the night he forced her.

He needs to do a very important thing in his life, and that thing is very dangerous.

He was weighing whether to grasp this piece tightly, the warmth he couldn't help but yearn for, or let this girl who was used by her, pass the rest of her life in peace.

After thinking for a long time, there is no answer.

At this moment, he raised this question, in fact, he gave her the right to choose.

"Why do you suddenly want to..." Song Qinghuan couldn't say anything anymore, and closed her mouth again.

She should refuse cruelly, but why the word "no" can't be said.

It is said that the most difficult thing for people is how to learn to give up. Giving up is not a simple abandonment and escape, but a rational choice.

In a person's life, he is always choosing, choosing the best, and choosing the one that will not be hurt the least.

Of course, sometimes a hit must be there, and the injury is destined.

There are some things that you cannot choose to give up. Maybe you choose, which will be accompanied by pain and regret.

But after experience, we know how to cherish, know how to take responsibility, learn how to make choices, realize the true meaning of life, and make life more full and fulfilling.

If you give up, you will get nothing and learn nothing, leaving only regrets and regrets.

After a while, after Shi Yuhan waited patiently, Song Qinghuan said with some difficulty: "Anyway, there is no one by my side now. My feelings are still blank. Now that I have married you, maybe we can... …Try it."

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