Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 278: 278, premeditated, murder.

Song Qinghuan remembered that when she half-pushed and agreed to give it a try, she only admitted that she was a little tempted.

Since she didn't fall in love with him, why bother to let people fall in love with her?

It's just that, why bother to give it a try?

When she got her head out of the quilt again, she had returned to her original look.

Although her eyes were a little red, she was smiling, her head hanging down, and she asked casually: "Who is it?"

With such a good cover, Shi Yuhan was changing clothes again, and she really didn't find anything wrong with her.

"..." Shi Yuhan didn't answer who she was, but just said lightly: "Change clothes, go to breakfast!"

While he was speaking, she kept staring at his mouth.

Knowing that her eyes were red, she did not dare to look at his eyes.

His lips are very beautiful, but they are very thin. It is said that men with such lips are often ignorant.

Feeling that he was about to turn away, Song Qinghuan turned away hastily again, and then went to the bathroom.

Shi Yuhan squinted slightly, fixedly looking at the direction of the bathroom for a long while, as if thoughtful.

But next, he didn't say anything.

At breakfast, Song Qinghuan was also silent, thinking in her heart that she was really a girl with a strong psychological endurance. At the first moment, there was no more excitement.

As if she was just a passerby, a passer-by, and a friend watching a play.

As soon as she returned to the company, she hurried to investigate. The chandelier fell down yesterday, but she heard that the chandelier had been cleaned out. She wanted to find Tao Wenliang, but Tao Wenliang did not go to work today.

For lunch at noon, Shi Yuhan came to pick her up, his face was slightly tired.

When Song Qinghuan got in the car, he stretched his shoulders and neck slightly, then leaned back on the back of the chair to rest.

Chen Tian started the engine, and in accordance with Shi Yuhan's instructions, he drove them to an elegant but remote restaurant.

This restaurant is quiet, but the food is delicious.

Today is their last day in Xiamen, Song Qinghuan feels that she has something to say, she must make it clear today.

Because the power she chooses is only today.

"That chandelier, did you let someone handle it?" But she didn't mention it right away, but asked about another thing first.

He put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then looked at her: "Yes, you want to know what you can ask me?"

Song Qinghuan pursed her lips, and then said after a while: "The chandelier thing, I think it may not be an accident."

Shi Yuhan's next words did not hide anything, and told her very directly: "It is indeed not an accident, but a premeditated murder!"

Song Qinghuan's eyes widened suddenly: "What are you talking about? Premeditated murder?"

She was shocked and raised her hand to cover her small mouth.

Shi Yuhan looked into her eyes and continued indifferently: "The lock link of the chandelier was maliciously cut and opened. When the time is right, it will fall off!"

"What?" Song Qinghuan was surprised again, and hurriedly asked: "Is it killing me? Or did I bump into it? With so many people on the scene, how do they know who will stand under the light."

Shi Yuhan faintly replied: "The box for the lottery was changed. I took a look inside and all of them were number 7."

Upon hearing this, Song Qinghuan fell into the ice cellar instantly.

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