Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 291: Chapter 291: Surprise, Strange Dream

The two squeezed the fainted charter back into the car, carried Song Qinghuan into a black van on the side of the road, and quickly left the scene.

Looking at Song Qinghuan, who was in a coma in the back of the car, the man asked the man driving next to him: "Chen Tian, ​​how many drugs did you give your wife? After sleeping for so long and still so heavy, you are not afraid that the Boss will leave your job, let us Two job changes..."

Chen Tian smiled and said: "A lot." Then he said when he ran on, "So the boss can do whatever he wants at night, anyway, she won't wake up..."

He laughed wickedly, and the man coughed fiercely, "After you went to work at the company, you didn't study well, but worsened. It is pitiful for that girl to fall into your hands.

Chen Tian smiled happily: "Don't worry, she is not pitiful!"

The man glanced again, Song Qinghuan in the back seat: "In fact, it's quite ugly. Why didn't the host who I sent the last time ***oss fall in love with her?"

Chen Tian curled his lips and smiled threateningly: "Xia Yang, speak a little leisurely. The boss said he wants to expand his business in Africa. You'd better not mess with him now. He is in a bad mood recently.

Xia Yang hurriedly said: "I'm not doing it anymore. I did it before he gave an order. I didn't let the stinky boy kiss his wife. Look at how dedicated I am. But then again, it's better to go to Africa. The boss told me to go back to the office to see it better."

"Hello, boss, this is not for your good!"

"I know, you know, I get dizzy as soon as I read a book."

Chen Tian shook his head and stopped speaking.


It was dark in front of my eyes, but it made people feel that the colors were bright and bright everywhere.

Song Qinghuan was weak and unable to move.

The place where she lay was so comfortable, her body sank a little, as if she was lying on her big soft bed.

Has she returned home?

No, she was clearly chatting with the regulations in the car, and then someone broke the glass and typed her and the regulations incorrectly.

Song Qinghuan wanted to move his body, but found that it was like a small fish lying on a chopping board, breathing dry, with only a fate to be slaughtered.

Suddenly, she felt someone sitting next to her, her eyes closed and she couldn't see clearly, but she could feel a tall figure.

The man slowly lowered his head, the tip of the cold nose pressed against the tip of her nose, and then gently rubbed her, breathing calmly and calmly, as opposed to her tense and disordered breathing, he held it along her waistline and dialed After opening her clothes, the lines of the palm scratched her delicate skin, slowly kneading it...

"Ah!!!" Song Qinghuan screamed abruptly.

Immediately, she sat up from the bed, sweating profusely, breathing for rebirth, her eyes were familiar everywhere.

She sat on the bed for a long time before she was sure she was in her bedroom.

How strange, she passed out obviously? She still knows the one who is stunned. It seems that she has run into someone on the subway several times.

Yes, it should be him.

who is he? Why did you kidnap her? Why did she return to her home again?

Turning his head and looking out of the glass window, although the glass is separated, he immediately felt the white sunlight outside.

Song Qinghuan checked herself again. She didn't feel any discomfort in her whole body. It should be that nothing happened. He didn't suffer any injuries, but his head was still a little dizzy, as if something had been dug out. It was not a taste to be empty.

She thought, this should be a sequelae of drug addiction.

(PS: Seven chapters are over, I will continue tomorrow, and I will announce the lucky readers the day before yesterday and yesterday, Xia Youqiao and Luo...)

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