Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 730: 730、Hey, he didn't want to die.

Shi Yuhan ordered: "Wear a life jacket."

Xiao Zhuang shook his head, and then continued to control the plane.

The plane is getting lower and lower, and it cannot tolerate the cold and summer sun. If you continue to call Xiaozhuang, you will already see the plane. As it descends, you will hit the huge rock at the peak ahead.

"Hurry up!!" Xiao Zhuang shouted, controlling the plane forward with all his strength, hoping to cross the mountain.

But no, the plane has lost the ability to go forward and can only go down, seeing it getting closer and closer to the mountain.

Xia Yang's eyes were full of eagerness, and he couldn't care about Xiaozhuang, and said to Xiaozhuang loudly: "You will definitely let your wife and son go home safely! And take care of them forever!"

Xiao Zhuang smiled, with a relieved smile, slowly closed his eyes!

The cabin door opened, and the outside was pitch black. Xia Yang jumped down to keep out the cold while dragging.

Less than five seconds after they jumped down, the plane hit the mountain peak and exploded with a "bang".

Loud noises spread throughout the valleys and jungles, and explosions followed, and the fire light illuminated half of the sky.

Through this flame, Shi Yuhan and Xiayang controlled, unable to bear the parachutes of the two, hung on a towering tree.

But under the towering trees, there is a turbulent river.

The parachute hung on the tree, and the branch broke without being able to bear the weight, and the two fell directly into the river from the top of the tree.

The current is very rapid, the surface of the water is very wide, and it looks deep. It seems that if you go all the way, it should be a waterfall.

As soon as they fell, the river rushed down at them.

Sure enough, as they thought, there was a very deep and big explosion in front of the river. If it rushed down directly from this waterfall, the immortal would probably be crippled.

When jumping off the plane, Shi Yuhan thought about his end, death.

He had never been afraid of death before, and sometimes he felt that he could die faster. That was the greatest gift God gave him.

But now, he didn't want to die, not because he was afraid of death, but because he didn't want to die, so he wanted to live anyway.

Just because he has a wife to take care of and an upcoming child to take care of, he cannot lose all of this, nor can he cruelly leave them both.

When a person is in a desperate situation, the potential born out of it is absolutely unimaginable.

Shi Yuhan himself did not expect that when the current was so rushing, he could actually go against the current, grabbing the branches next to him, so as not to be washed down by the huge waterfall.

Shi Yuhan tightly grasped the branches hanging in the water, panting desperately in the water.

Before he could relax, he saw Xia Yang being rushed down from above. He almost reached out and grabbed Xia Yang's hand without even thinking about it.

There was a sudden pause, and the current almost rushed them down together again.

Fortunately, Shi Yu-cold stabilized.

The captured Xia Yang didn't breathe a single breath. He hurriedly followed the time to keep out the cold, crawled slowly along the branches to the shore, and came out of the water when pulling the cold out of the water.

The two of them seemed to be collapsed, and the Four Great Men lay on their backs on the ground, and there was no sound for a long time. It can be seen that it was a danger of death just now.

After a while, Xia Yang suddenly laughed, turning to look at Shi Yuhan: "Boss, thank you for saving my life again."

When the cold is still there, looking at the blue sky: "Thank you, you didn't save me too."

Xia Yang lightly said: "That's different. If it wasn't for you, I would have been shot into a hornet's nest. Then I vowed to be loyal to you for the rest of my life, and what I did next was what I should do."

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