Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 806: Chapter 806: Love and Dating, This Moment Starts 2

She just raised her arms and hooked Shi Yuhan's neck with her hands: "Shi Yuhan, suddenly wanted to fall in love with me so much, is it because she loves me too much?"

Shi Yuhan nodded: "It should be!"

"What is it supposed to be?" Song Qinghuan became unhappy, and turned to the beginning proudly.

She looked gloomy and muttered in a low voice: "Just say this to you, I don't want to talk about broken love with you."

Shi Yuhan bit her earlobe and said with a low smile: "Yes! It's too much love!"

Song Qinghuan smiled with satisfaction, but then asked again: "Then what do you like me? Is it because I am beautiful?"

Shi Yuhan looked at her, his eyes flashing: "Alright?"

Song Qinghuan frowned slightly, and asked: "What does it mean to be okay? Or what do you mean? Are you trying to say, I am not pretty?"

"It's really not very beautiful, stupid, carefree, and bad-tempered." Shi Yuhan's tone was mischievous, and she was obviously teasing her: "Sometimes, I find that your mouth is very strange. Small oil bottle."

Song Qinghuan's face turned dark, and glared at her and said angrily: "This love can't be discussed."

Then she released her hand and waved gently at Shi Yuhanyun, "Goodbye!"

Shi Yuhan pulled her wrist, and then gently pulled her into her arms, a flower fainted at the corner of her mouth, and kissed her lips again. Then she said, "But I like it, although it's not pretty. , Silly, stupid, carefree, bad-tempered, some mouths are very strange, tall can hang a small oil bottle, but I just love it."

Song Qinghuan split her mouth and laughed, and twisted her body in his arms: "I can say it, but the question is, will you fall in love?"

Shi Yuhan replied: "Do you know how? If you can, you can teach me and I will study hard."

Song Qinghuan looked at him very distressed: "What did you say? Teach you? Study hard? Do you treat love as a review for exams? Work hard? Love is not hard work, but cares for you in order to talk."

Shi Yuhan held her hand and placed it at the position of his heart: "I already have the heart, plus gong, two-pronged approach, is it better to talk about it?"

"Shi Yuhan, you said you can't speak, I think your mouth is just like applying honey." Song Qing smiled happily, with a premonition that he would be so excited tonight that he couldn't sleep.

Shi Yuhan kissed her on the forehead: "So how about a honey-smeared relationship in this period of time before the wedding?"

Song Qinghuan tilted his head. After thinking for a while, it seemed as if he had made up his mind. He suddenly leaned forward, pulled down the cold-proof neck, and kissed his lips: "Well, it's because you love me so much. So let's start dating today!"

After a brief pause, she smiled when she saw the cold and broke the ice. She immediately asked: "It's not out of date to protect you from the cold, and you are dating in love. Will you take me out on a date tomorrow?"

"of course!"

"Then I want to go to the movies?"

"Yes, I'll accompany you."

"Then I want to go shopping?"

"Yes, I'll accompany you."

"Then I want to go to the bar and dance?"


"Are you with me?"

After a pause, someone reluctantly replied: "Yes."

A hint of mischief flashed under his eyes, and Song Qinghuan said again: "Oh, yes, the bar I want to go to is the kind of bar that is full of emotions, and Si Chenshimu would go to them!"

Shi Yuhan: "..."

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