Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 814: 814、I don't want you to work hard when I don't want you to work hard 2

"When you stay away from the cold, you..."

"What about me?" Shi Yuhan asked evilly.

"Do you still need me to say it?" Song Qinghuan blinked her eyes, obviously also very bold, but the shyness in her eyes was revealed without knowing it.

"At the end of the date, there will be an unforgettable period..." Shi Yuhan said, and then sucked Song Qinghuan's ear ambiguously.

Song Qinghuan softened his whole body and gently pushed him: "Shi Yuhan, you are playing a gangster, be careful I yell!"

"Call it, call it as much as you want. The soundproofing equipment is very good, and no one will hear it." Shi Yuhan's voice was lowered by a few minutes.

"Shi Yuhan!" Song Qinghuan rubbed him impatiently, and when she rubbed it, Yuhan's throat slid up and down.

He gently kissed her forehead, kissed her eyes, kissed her cheek, and then kissed the corners of her lips, and finally held her lips together, while gently taking off the **** between them with his hands. .

In a short while, the clothes of the men and women were thrown by the bed, messy.

Shi Yuhan pressed on Song Qinghuan, but did not continue. Looking at her confused and infatuated, she gently brushed the hair on her forehead with her hand, while gently kissing her lips, and asked, "Do you want me to continue? "

Song Qinghuan's breathing was chaotic, her mouth was dry, her throat was uncomfortable, her body was hot, and she felt particularly empty somewhere.

She looked eagerly at Shi to keep out the cold, as if saying that Shi keeps out of the cold, hurry up and don't ask any more.

But Shi Yuhan stayed on her like this, saying nothing, just looking at her evilly like a monster.

Frenzy like a hot iron, burning her sensitive nerves while burning her hands, but she resisted it and smiled bewilderedly: "Is it comfortable?"

Shi Yuhan's body was obviously stiff, but it remained as it was, with a hoarse voice: "Of course it's comfortable, what about you? Is it fun? Do you want to play it for a lifetime,"

"Puff!!" Speaking of the rogue type, she would definitely not be his opponent.

Song Qinghuan blushed and stared at Shi Yuhan, but as Yuhan suddenly sank under her body, Song Qinghuan's body was crumpled, and that stare looked particularly charming.

"Time to keep out the cold!"


"No more trouble for you."

"..." Shi Yuhan was in her ears, exhaling like a orchid, and let out an ambiguous breath: "Are you sure you don't need it, you can bear it."

"I can't help it!" Song Qinghuan said very honestly: "So give it to me, husband, give it to me! I want you!"

Shi Yuhan finally couldn't control her body, and pressed her whole body: "I'll give it to you."

When the two bodies merged into one, Song Qinghuan couldn't help groaning, ""

When Yuhan was holding her waist, taking possession of her, and comforting her, he heard Song Qinghuan sigh: "I know to torture me. If I were a man, what would you do?"

Shi Yuhan wanted to laugh, "If you were a man, I would treat you the same way. Do you like that?

Song Qinghuan's blurred eyes flashed brightly, "Well, I like it. At the same time, this also shows that my charm is too great. When I am infatuated, I keep out the cold, don't you think?"

Regarding someone's stinky beauty, Shi Yuhan has become accustomed to seeing it, and he laughed off, and at the same time speeded up his movements...

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