Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 850: 850、The restless heart 1

Under the hot Hawaiian sun and on the beautiful beach, Shi Anno created waves of passion on Wen Zhaozhao. Wen Zhaozhao felt embarrassed, but he was unable to resist.

There is no other melon except for the answer.

Fortunately, this is a private beach.

After the madness, it was already sunset, and Shi Annuo returned to the villa with contentment holding the weak Wen Zhaozhao.

It was night, and the moonlight passed through the window lattices, through the fluttering milky white curtains, and sprinkled on the delicate body with the last inch strands, covered only by a white sheet.

Wen Zhaozhao woke up, her slender limbs exposed out of the sheets, her straight brown hair draped over her shoulders, when the breeze slowly passed by, her fluttering hair fell on Peugeot’s cheeks, her long raised eyelashes quivered, and her eyelids slowed down. When she opened slowly, her lips raised a sweet smile.

At the same time, she stretched out her hand and leaned to the left side of the bed, where Shi Annuo was lying.

However, it was found that it was empty.

She checked her mobile phone. It was late at night. Where would Shi Anuo go?

Wen Zhaozhao couldn't sleep soundly anymore, his drowsiness disappeared, and he got up quickly, then wrapped the sheets in the room, looking around for Anno's figure, but there was neither in the room nor in the kitchen; neither was the living room nor the balcony. !

He was not in the house so late, so where did he go? Did you leave her alone and leave first?

At that moment, Wen Zhaozhao felt that his mind and body were all plunged into the cold cellar.

Just when she wanted to cry bitterly, Shi Annuo, who was on the phone outside, hung up and entered the room. When she saw her, the corner of her mouth also raised a smile: "How did you wake up..."

"An Nuo." The moment Wen Zhaozhao saw him, he felt as if he had come back from the dead.

She ran towards him immediately, and then stretched out her hand to hug him tightly, for fear that she might lose him if she is not careful.

"Where have you been? In the middle of the night, what did you run out for?" Her voice trembled slightly, but she was still scared at the moment.

Shi Annuo looked down at her: "I answered the phone and looked at the moonlight outside, so I went for a walk."

Wen Zhaozhao raised his eyes and looked at him, his nose was a little sour: "I thought...I thought you were silent and suddenly left me!"

"How is it possible? Why do you think of me like that? I just went out to answer a phone call," Shi Annuo gently stroked her hair with his hand, as if to comfort her: "The phone is my eldest brother. He called, he asked me to go home?"

"Return to China?" Wen Zhaozhao's heart was lifted up inexplicably.

She was scared, very scared.

Shi Annuo nodded slightly: "Well, the eldest brother is going to have a wedding with his sister-in-law, and then the eldest brother is also watching the company, so I may work in China when I return, Zhao Zhao, are you willing to come back with me?"

Wen Zhaozhao's soft smile, ten slender fingers bullied Shi Annuo on the cheek, held this face of her beloved man, and then printed a focused kiss: "Of course you are my husband, husband and wife, how can you be? I don’t reply unless you don’t want me anymore."

Shi Anuo kissed her forehead: "I won't want you."

"If one day you don't want me, you must tell me, okay?" Wen Zhaoyi said deeply.

Even if Shi Annuo asked her to return to China with her, she was still afraid, because the representative might see Han Qianqian after returning home.

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