Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 853: Chapter 853: Really Loved, Really Didn't Love 1

With less hate, there will be less love.

Without love, he still loves people, so Shi Annuo meant that he still loves Han Qianqian. Wen Zhaozhao felt that a sharp knife was suddenly inserted into his body, and his heart was aching in his left chest.

She always thought that Shi Annuo and Han Qianqian had never really been together, because she had heard from her brother that Han Qianqian only wanted to marry Shi Yuhan before, and she always regarded herself as her fiancee who was Shi Yuhan.

But it turned out not to be the case. She and Shi Annuo were really together, and even had children.

The final separation seemed to be because Han Qianqian was too ambitious, and Shi Annuo couldn't bear to cause the relationship between the two to become increasingly tense, and finally broke up.

The development of the matter really exceeded her expectations.

Taking a step, Wen Zhaozhao slowly left. In fact, she knew something and always knew it, so she shouldn’t have stood up and listened to it. One is that it is impolite to overhear, and the other is because it will only let herself be Sad.

But that's okay.

They are already married, wait patiently, don't worry, those who love seriously will definitely meet those who love seriously in the end.

Shi Annuo and Song Qinghuan didn't notice the people downstairs. Someone upstairs listened to them secretly for a while, and then secretly left.

However, when Shi Yuhan came out of the study, he saw Wen Zhaozhao's figure. He went back to the bedroom and passed the stairwell. When Anno and Song Qinghuan were still talking downstairs, he glanced at the direction where Wen Zhaozhao left, his eyes deep. The ground turned around.

But he didn't say anything, nor stopped at the stairs, but went straight to the study.

Downstairs, Shi Annuo sighed and said, "Some things are destined to be inevitable. Some people have naturally loved them, but of course they are separated because they really don't want to love them anymore."

He looked at Song Qinghuan, and then smiled again: "And I met someone who suits my love."

He suddenly looked up, stared at her, and then laughed.

Song Qinghuan didn't know what to say.

She smiled: "No matter what, bless you, and now that you are married and have decided to break, let's live your life."

"I know you guys are very happy. Actually, I am also very happy. The marriage is indeed in a rush, but I don't regret it at all. Zhao Zhao is really good to me, and I will treat her well and make her a happy woman." Shi Annuo smiled.

Pursing her lips for a while, Song Qinghuan finally asked: "Then do you love her?"

Shi Annuo didn't even think about it, and replied: "I will love her."

I love her, and the difference between my love for her is not very big. One is the future tense and the other is the past tense, which have two completely different meanings.

Song Qinghuan didn't know what to say, and went upstairs to bid her farewell.

When Shi Annuo returned to the room, Wen Zhaozhao was already asleep in the bed. Of course, he pretended to sleep. Shi Annuo took a shower and lay down beside her, hugged her tightly, and kissed her heavily with his lips.

Wen Zhaozhao was "woke up" by the kiss and leaned in his arms. As if sleeping, she asked in a daze, "Shi Annuo, do you belong to me?"

Shi Annuo raised his eyebrows: "Does this still need to be said? Of course it belongs to you."

"Then Anno, you leave your heart to me for safekeeping. I only let me enjoy happiness. As for loneliness and sadness, you are not allowed to enjoy it without my permission." Wen Zhaozhao smiled and said, but it seemed to give himself a reassurance.

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