Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 873: Chapter 873: Training, Falling in Love with Me 3

Han Qianqian's face was pale, she held her face in her hands, and started crying loudly, "But Anno, you love me, I know you love me too, shouldn't those who love each other be together? Why..."

However, Shi Annuo stopped paying attention to her. When Wen Zhaozhao came back, he found Shi Annuo standing alone in front of the window.

"Annuo," Wen Zhaozhao called her name.

Shi Annuo woke up like a dream, turned around to look at Wen Zhaozhao, settled, and then walked towards Wen Zhaozhao and hugged her tightly.

Wen Zhaozhao was stunned, then smiled, raised his hand and gently placed his back on his back: "An Nuo, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, I just miss you," Shi Annuo said, and then kissed Wen Zhaozhao's lips.

The long kiss continued, and when Shi Annuo put his hand into her clothes, both of them were a little confused and infatuated.

Just as the two were about to catch fire from the sky, the door of the room suddenly rang, and Han Qianqian's voice came in from outside, "Ano."

At this moment, estrus quietly disappeared without a trace.

Wen Zhaozhao pushed Shi Annuo away, but Shi Annuo didn't follow him. He seemed to want to ignore Han Qianqian and continue to kiss Wen Zhaozhao deeply.

"Stop making trouble!" Wen Zhaozhao was not in a good mood at all, she quickly stood up, and then went to open the door for Han Qianqian.

Han Qianqian looked at her blankly: "Where is Arnold?"

Wen Zhaozhao didn't say anything, just smiled faintly at her, then passed her by and left the house.

Shi Annuo immediately said: "Zhao Zhao."

Wen Zhaozhao stopped, turned around and looked at him with a faint smile: "I'm fine, you have something, you can talk about it."

After she finished speaking, Shi Annuo looked at Han Qianqian. "Han Qianqian, what do you want?"

Han Qianqian looked at him very hurt: "Are you bothering me so much?"

Shi Annuo didn't make a sound, and Han Qianqian didn't say anything, just turned and left in the wheelchair. She was so angry, but Annuo didn't chase after her to explain to her or beg her for mercy as before.

Sure enough, he was really different from before.

Han Qianqian had never thought that Shi Annuo would be so cruel to herself. At this moment, she felt strongly that she and Shi Annuo really seemed to be no longer possible.

Someone pushed herself up when she went upstairs. She waited at the top of the stairs, ready to let Aunt He come to push her again, but did not call Aunt He, only there was a glimmer of hope in her heart, hoping Shi Annuo could come out to chase her ,

However, no, Shi Annuo just won't come out.

The heartbroken Han Qianqian suddenly smiled, and there was a weirdness in her smile. Guo Li had a thought that if... if she fell from here, would Arnold...

Thinking this way, Han Qianqian slipped off the wheelchair.


"Cici!" Shi Anuo shook his whole body, shouting hoarse.

With a face like snow, he dashed down, picked up Han Qianqian who had fallen, and rushed away, Wen Zhaozhao was right beside him, seeming to be anxiously saying, "I'm going to drive, I'm going to drive..."

However, Shi Annuo was on Han Qianqian's body, as if he hadn't seen her, rushed out holding Han Qianqian, and even hit her shoulder.

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