Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 886: Chapter 886: Unwilling to Hurt 1

"Annuo, you shouldn't ask me about this. You should know how you feel." After a long time, Wen Zhaozhao suppressed the emotions in his heart and said these words softly.

But at this time, he discovered that Shi Annuo had fallen asleep in her neck. He seemed to be very drunk because of alcohol. At the same time, he was worried about the news, so he was tightly clinging to the neck of the news. neck.

It took Wen Zhaozhao a long time before he grabbed his hand and helped him sit in the passenger seat.

Start the car again, drive forward, and return to the villa.

Seeing Shi Annuo who was still asleep, Wen Zhaozhao got out of the car first, then opened the door of the co-pilot, and wanted to help Shi Annuo out from the inside.

But when Anno's hand was resting on her thin shoulders, not only did she fail to support Shi'anuo to stand up, anyway, because of her strength, she fell to the ground with Shi'anuo.

Fortunately, at this time, Shi Yuhan and Song Qinghuan came out to help support her and Shi Annuo together.

In the bedroom, Shi Annuo was lying on the bed, whispering Wen Zhaozhao's name, "Zhao Zhao, Zhao Zhao..."

After his voice was corroded by alcohol, he became very hoarse.

After Yuhan and Song Qinghuan left the bedroom, Wen Zhaozhao also got up and wanted to take off his clothes, then wiped his face, hoping that he could sleep more comfortably.

But Shi Annuo seemed to be afraid of her getting up, which meant that she would leave her forever. He immediately hugged her with his hands, and said in a low voice that Wen Zhaozhao should not leave him.

With his eyes closed, his voice was very blurred and vague, and his hot breath was itching in his ears as he whispered.

"Annuo, you lie down first, I'll get a towel to wipe your face off." Wen Zhaozhao said soothingly, holding him with one hand and trying to push him away, but he was caught by his tall body and then tightened. Press tightly on the bed.

Then, no matter how she pushed, she just couldn't push.

"Zhao Zhao, Zhao Zhao..." Shi Anuo hugged her tightly, kissing every part of her face, and calling her name every time she kissed.

Wen Zhaozhao didn't break free, and didn't break free. He just said softly, "An Nuo, I actually know that you have woken up most of the time. You are just drunk crazy now."

"I just don't want to get a divorce. If I don't want to get a divorce, I won't go crazy immediately," Shi Annuo suddenly played a rogue like a child.

"Do you want to threaten me with something like this?" Wen Zhaozhao said that she was really speechless. She twisted her body, but was pressed tighter by Shi Annuo, which made her voice angrily.

"Shi Annuo, you get me up!" She was a little angry.

But Shi Annuo remained unmoved, just pressed her tightly and stared affectionately into her eyes. The voice was very gentle, but the tone was domineering, with an order: "Well, have you heard that, no divorce or divorce is allowed, I will let you go if I agree."

This is simply more rascal than a child, Wen Zhaozhao once again said that she was speechless, but being speechless did not mean that she could not help it.

She curled her lips to Shi Annuo and smiled lightly. At the moment when Shi Annuo relaxed her vigilance, she reached out to grab a water glass on the bedside table.

The boiled water in the cup was poured before I went to pick up Shi An Nuo. It was already cold at this moment, but at this time Shi An Nuo needed cold water.

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