Death Benefit

Chapter 1454: Orc three-axe

 “Nana?” The Lord of the Demonic Dragon is also familiar with Lu Bai, his disciple.

He was following Wu Fang at that time, not only needing to draw blood, but also occasionally helping Wu Fang. Nana was one of the people who had the most conflicts with Wu Fang at that time, so the Dragon Lord knew the general fate of the other party in the future.

Of course, due to various things, the Demonic Dragon Lord knows that the future is not trustworthy, but it can also be used as a reference.

Nana, as one of Lu Bai's disciples, although she does not have the cheating ability of Wufang, she is also born with extraordinary abilities.

 After absorbing the old mother who was parasitic on her body, she relied on Lu Bai's help to gain the support of the Shedding Skin Clan and became the leader of her Shedding Skin Clan.

It is naturally impossible for the Shedding Skin clan to agree, but in the face of Lu Bai's power, they can only grit their teeth and hold on, and then surrender.

The changes in the past few years have been too rapid. Although the Molting Tribe is a large tribe, it is only a tribe after all, not an entire race.

However, before the Demonic Dragon Lord was reborn, he heard that Nana, with the support of Lu Bai, was about to change from the leader of the branch clan to the leader of the entire clan.

Although various circumstances have changed now, Nana should still become the leader of the branch clan, and maybe even faster than before.

Nana is not weak, she completely inherited Lu Bai’s understanding of the internal force system.

˜Practice the ability to code life and death to perfection.

It is said that each of her tentacles has various abilities to interfere with life and death due to the coding of life and death.

At this time, a tentacle waved, and it contained a large amount of internal force, which turned into black and white power, forming a terrifying change in the heaven and earth, and the entire universe and starry sky was divided into two halves.

But it is not two halves in the spatial sense, but as if the two worlds overlapped.

 One side is life, the other side is death.

With this hand, the orcs on the other side of the orc camp felt as if thousands of tentacles were piercing their bodies, and the vitality in their bodies was like opening a floodgate and letting out water.

On the contrary, on the other side, the coalition above the soul felt a warm force warming them.

 The recovery of various forces has been accelerated.

[Beard of Heaven and Earth]: Nana's famous trick, the easiest trick to harvest on the battlefield, can directly identify thousands of people on the battlefield, and accurately distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. One side will continue to lose vitality, while the other will gain Full vitality amplitude.

This is how Nana transformed one of her tentacles. She has more than ten similar tentacles.

The most important thing is that her own body also has multiple life and death codes. These life and death codes are constantly superimposed with passivity, making Nana a true martial artist.

After a tentacle helped stabilize the situation on the battlefield, Nana waved her tentacle again, and the space was torn apart.

     :Encoding space with life and death, allowing various changes in the space.

With a flick of her body, she rushed into the space crack and then appeared in the orcs' base camp area.

Various orcs launched attacks as soon as the space crack appeared.

Their lives are gathered into a ball, directly forming a life force field, using the force field to stir various energies and launch various energy bombs.

 But these attacks quickly subsided before they even got close to Nana.

【Beard of the Death Abyss】: In conjunction with the beard of space, it can fix a different space around itself - the Death Abyss. All energy approaching will be affected by changes in the gradient of the space, resulting in large-scale energy attenuation.

 Subsequently, countless arcs of light flashed.

 The surrounding orcs immediately split into countless pieces, and the split areas continued to turn black, exuding a thick aura of death.

[Beard of Mourning]: Possessing the ultimate power of death, the person who is drawn will immediately transmit a large amount of death. At the same time, the life and death of other people will also be encoded by this death, thereby changing the life characteristics. Becoming a zombie-like state.

This tentacle is not scary. What is scary is that Nana is now like no one among the orcs.

 When the tentacles are waved, there is tremendous power. Life and death are accompanied by those tentacles, giving Nana various attack special effects.

 At this time, she was waving a dozen tentacles at an alarming speed.

Moreover, it can also forcibly encode the space with the space tentacles, and then let the tentacles pass through the space to hit people.

Looking at it this way, Nana is simply playing a lawn mowing game.

 As soon as the tentacles were waved down, a large area of ​​orcs was harvested.

Either the life force has been sucked out and turned into ashes, or a large amount of death energy has been poured into it, and it has been encoded into a zombie type, which will in turn attack the special life of the orcs.

But even though the orcs have plant life, they can't really let Nana mow the grass.

 No matter how many orcs there are, they can't withstand Nana's frantic harvesting rhythm.

The huge orc's body melted instantly, and then an orc who was about to be beaten to death by Nana's tentacles suddenly felt a lot of power pouring into him.

 Suddenly, his body expanded rapidly and soon transformed into a huge orc.

  The life distance between orcs has become extremely short due to their transformation into beasts.

 Many orcs are not even differentiated between you and me, and most orcs can even be regarded as the same individual.

 They can be integrated with each other and can be classified into each other after integration.

 After the spitted out spores develop, they are no different from themselves.

As long as the distance is not too far, you can directly merge into the past. This move is called the Life Leap Technique.

In the most exaggerated case, a pan-universe alliance, a life planet far away from the area where the orcs are located, sneaked into an orc's tooth under strict defense.

 The other orcs also left some small things at different distances in various ways to form a connecting line.

 Then a powerful orc jumped hundreds of times from the other side of the universe and finally succeeded in sneaking in. It can only be said that one of the difficult aspects of the orcs is this life leaping technique.

 Although orcs are disturbed by animalization, their IQ will drop rapidly when they are fused together.

 But when they split, they were able to regain their lost IQ.

 Even the orcs have developed a command position.

 There will be some cavities in the huge bodies of those orcs.

 The purpose of these cavities is to allow the orcs to split off into individual individuals at will. These divided individuals will think for the first time, and then after the thinking is over, they will integrate into the group and bring their ideas in.

 The giant orc is a mentally retarded person who will instinctively act according to these ideas.

 This is the great invention of the orcs—the centralized and distributed intelligent brain!

 It can ensure that orcs can enjoy the various bonuses of animal transformation and at the same time have corresponding wisdom.

The same is true within the body of this giant orc. In many cavities, the orcs separated one by one and immediately merged into the orc's body.

Nana undoubtedly understood this. The moment the giant orc appeared, there were several tentacles that swung into arcs and struck towards the orc's brain.

The other person’s cavity is mostly in the brain.

 However, the orc was not easy to deal with. Although his brain was centralized, he reacted immediately, and something like water waves formed outside his body.

 Life force field!

 The strength of the orcs lies in their vitality. Their strong vitality guarantees everything for them.

These vitalities can quickly gather together and can be continuously superimposed to form layers of strength.

These forces can continuously interfere with the surrounding forces, which can be said to have brought the power of star existence interference to the extreme.

  The previous vitality force field stirring the energy cannon is one of the manifestations of this power.

At this time, not only did these life force fields wrap around the heads of the orcs, there were also a large number of black waves being produced.

 The next moment these black fluctuations emitted.

Like a huge boulder smashing into the ocean, the surrounding space was wrinkled at this moment.

Those black fluctuations gradually rippled as they spread. It was only then that we discovered that these fluctuations were not black, but that the green colors were too overlapping to form black.

 And these wrinkles are covered with a little bit of dark green everywhere.

 With each orc, they began to be gestated from the folds of space.

At the same time, these fluctuations are still spreading rapidly, and everything will be infected by them, and then become a breeding base for orc spores!

  【Orc Life Accumulating Qi Wave! 】This is the most commonly used method by strong orcs.

Abyss-like space-time fractures quickly appeared around Nana, and these fractures formed terrifying suction forces.

 The green waves originally emitted were attracted by these abyss, and then were continuously swallowed up.

 They have been at war with the orcs for a long time, and they know the methods of the orcs very well.

However, the orcs actually only have these three axes.

 Life jump, life energy wave and...

 When the giant orc not far away saw this, the life in his body gathered crazily, and his huge palm was already grabbing at Nana.

 The orc's three-axe life enhancement.

 A very basic combat technique, but this technique is extremely suitable for orcs.

  The effectiveness it exerts makes it difficult for many secret arts of writing to match it.

 However, the secret skills Nana mastered were not within this scope!

 I saw her body slightly condensed into internal energy, and the next moment countless arcs of light flashed.

 There is no secret technique, but pure physical strength combined with internal strength.

 The internal force system is originally a system used for fighting.

 But before, people were more amazed by its effect of accumulating vitality.

 Now Nana has really used her fighting power.

 Each waving tentacle carries tremendous power.

The life force field around the giant orc's body whined and began to disintegrate.

 More than a dozen tentacles struck tens of thousands of times in just one moment, and each time they hit the same place.

  The orc's body was broken rapidly, and the cavity in his brain was directly hit.

This kind of damage cannot kill the orc, but it can disable the orc's centralized intelligence.

But at this moment, an orc not far away suddenly began to grow in size.

 Second update, sorry.

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