Death Benefit

Chapter 1464: Die for them!

Lu Bai has become a very classic villain in general novels and animations at this time. The opponent wields raw power and launches a fatal blow to him.

 At this time, it is really a killing trend.

 The power of the Holy Realm immobilized itself and forcibly created a loophole.

 The critical power amplifies this flaw.

  The power of the distorted source star was restricted, and at the same time, it guided the attack of the spire planet to encircle and suppress itself.

The one who really launched the fatal blow was the Mechanical Wheel Messenger who had been hiding all this time. He was a person who controlled the original power of the original dimension and could be regarded as the spokesperson of the original dimension.

Once Lu Bai is hit by the opponent's primitive power, the accumulation of countless years of primitive dimensions will suddenly bloom, and then press on Lu Bai's body.

 In such a huge dimensional world, Lu Bai is just a small existence in it.

Even if you want to move the world, you still need a fulcrum, but now the five fulcrums he created have been abandoned.

Now, the only person in the field who can lend a helping hand to Lu Bai is actually the demon who dragged Lu Bai into this muddy water before.

Youkong Demon looked at Lu Bai, his eyes kept fluctuating, and all kinds of desires flashed, but he didn't want to save Lu Bai.

 He was stabilized.

"Did Heng take action?" Lu Bai thought this way. Even in this desperate situation, he would be crushed to death in the next second, but Lu Bai still did not panic at all, but thought about it carefully.

 “It seems that the abyss is indeed not worth looking forward to.”

“Perhaps it is true that the Abyss is not the camp of constancy and change, but because of its chaotic nature, everything in the Abyss is too easily affected.”

"This Nether Sky Demon was affected by the transformation before, so it took action on itself and pulled itself into the water."

"And now, he is influenced by Heng and chooses to sit back and ignore my state."

 “Abyss, shortcomings and strategies!”

"So how should I break the situation now?" Lu Bai thought. At this time, his thinking turned to this side, preparing to deal with the crisis he faced.

“It should be difficult for the main body to throw in extra chips.” Lu Bai had no expectations for this, because even if the main body throws in chips, other real dimensions will also add chips.

Lu Bai alone cannot fight against so many real dimensions.

Although they have the advantage in terms of manpower, their hearts are not aligned and they cannot use their strength in one place.

But people who are united are unable to take action at this time.

Whether Elodos represents the Netherworld or the God of Thousand Dimensions, they all have to make other preparations at this time.

The God of Thousand Dimensions is the most important. He needs to truly push himself to the state of real dimensions, and then truly complete the premise of thematic innovation.

 He has the heaviest task and will bear the greatest pressure in the end. At this time, the other party has no way to take action.

Once taking action, it can indeed alleviate the problems Lu Bai is encountering now, but it will also release his power early, causing problems in his future plans.

 Erodos cannot move even more. The opponent is the key, their trump card to victory.

As for the allies, the past and Shinhwa have their own plans, and their cooperation with Lu Bai is just a cooperation based on temporary common interests.

 And in the beginning, it was Lu Bai who found some of their weak points, and then they reached cooperation.

 But now, their plan is probably almost complete, and Lu Bai is the one who explores the way.

At this time, even if Lu Bai really dies and is eliminated from this game, they will not suffer any loss.

As for Jing Lin, this one is relatively close, but the other party's attitude is the same as that of the past Shinhwa.

Persistence and change are also waiting for opportunities in the dark. All Lu Bai's methods are likely to be influenced by these two people.

 Judging from the current situation, although constancy and change have always been in confrontation, in some things, they can also be regarded as one.

 They are all the themes of this large multiverse, and they are all indispensable.

 Where there is permanence, there is change, and where there is change there is permanence.

 They are unanimous in maintaining the theme.

Anyone who wants to interfere with them needs to be eradicated.

Lu Bai, the master of all living beings, is an eyesore. Although they can't really kill Lu Bai, it's enough to let Lu Bai go out without being able to guide the subsequent events. .

Lu Bai squinted his eyes, the internal energy in his body was constantly gathering and changing, and the thoughts in his mind were ever-changing.

At this moment, even Lu Bai didn't know which strategy he would use.

Although there are many strategies, not many are successful.

Furthermore, Lu Bai was not sure whether his thoughts would be affected.

 To be honest, Lu Bai has tried his best to take a high view of persistence and change.

 But even now, some things about permanence and change are still difficult for him to accept.

 For example, the Sky Demon is affected.

As a special demon directly subordinate to the Abyss, the opponent's original and even driving force is only the Abyss. Although the abyss has basically chaotic attributes, this Nether Sky Demon still has a combat power of Japanese level, or even close to challenger level.

 This kind of existence has been affected twice by constancy and change in a short period of time.

What about yourself?

Although he is the incarnation of the real dimension, judging from previous signs, the real dimension will also be affected by constancy and change.

 I am just an incarnation now, and my strength is only at the sun level, although I have the self-protection of the true self.

 But Lu Bai, as the founder of the True Self Way, also knows that the True Self Way has limits on how to protect one’s own ideas.

 All of this is limited to cognition.

 If the awareness is insufficient, the true self will also be affected.

It’s like, in a world like this, everyone in the world thinks that being a monster is a happy thing.

From the moment a person is born, he or she lives in a social environment dominated by this culture.

So no matter how deviant he is, how he challenges authority, or how dismissive he is of these cultures.

 His thoughts and cognition are actually based on the cultures he came into contact with.

 Whether it is submission or resistance to it, or change.

 This person’s subsequent thoughts and ideas must be centered around becoming a monster.

 This is something that the True Self cannot change, because everything comes from his own true choice.

With that kind of cultural foundation, he really believed that this would make him happy.

 In this case, the happiness under cognition is the limit of his true self.

The same is true for Lu Bai. He has become a real dimension. His knowledge is much beyond that of ordinary people. He has seen many scenery and has all kinds of knowledge.

 But precisely because he knew so much, Lu Bai was so afraid of constancy and change.

These two real dimensions are the first existences in the world. They promote the creation of everything, and the cognition they control surpasses Lu Bai.

So this kind of cognitive crushing does allow them to influence the current incarnation of Lu Bai to a certain extent.

“So what do I need to do?” Lu Bai felt that he had fewer and fewer options to choose from.

“Use the true way to influence the Sky Demon, let it wake up from the control of permanence and change, and then help me escape?”

“Using the internal force system as the core, gathering the power of internal force practitioners from all over the universe to form a corresponding cultural era?”

 “Use the cultural era as the driving force for dimensional changes to fight against this attack?”

“Or choose their alliance’s breakthrough point, the spiers planet on the Cape, to get rid of the influence of the distorted source star, thereby destroying their siege offensive and creating opportunities for themselves?”

There are many plans, but these are just ideas. When they are actually implemented, there will be various problems.

For example, to influence the Nether Sky Demon, Lu Bai first needs to remove the influence of constancy and change, and then he needs to let the chaotic demon clearly know which side he is currently on is beneficial.

 Subsequently, the power of the Nether Sky Demon has a great influence on the spatial fluctuations of the starry sky, and there is indeed a certain chance of saving himself.

 However, since the Nether Sky Demon is such a large entity, the individual who arranged this round of siege may not necessarily ignore it, but only rely on the influence of constancy and change as insurance.

What Lu Bai needs to be prepared for is that the abyss may turn against the tide.

 The abyss is a real dimension that pursues the release of desires and the pursuit of benefits.

 He has the deepest desires and naturally has thoughts about the highest position.

 This is a very common desire. Lu Bai has always wanted to reach the highest level, and the abyss is also there.

But at the same time, desire also has a side that is ambiguous, and even most of the time, selfish desire occupies the mainstream!

If Abyss believes that constancy and change are invincible, then its stubborn desire will make it become the dog of constancy and change. If it has milk, it will be its mother. This is also desire.

 Hence, it is difficult for Lu Bai to determine which aspect of Abyss's desire tendencies.

If it was the former, then Lu Bai would have a 10% chance of survival if he rescued the Nether Sky Demon.

 But if it was the latter, then Lu Bai's behavior was to step into the trap and send someone to the abyss.

Furthermore, influencing the actions of the Nether Sky Demon, and even all subsequent plans, are nothing more than leaving the right of choice in the hands of others.

The same is true for the influence on the Spire Planet. Cape is a neutral individual. He doesn't care who is in charge. As long as he is not changed, he will pretend that nothing happens.

Lu Bai forced him into the water. At this time, if he uses the Spire Planet as his own aid, he is betting that the other party will favor him.

 Almost all choices at present are gambling and handing over the choice to others.

"However, my current power is not sufficient, and the individuals I can influence are really limited, so I can't do it all." According to Lu Bai's temperament, it is usually done simultaneously.

It’s a pity that this incarnation is not developed well enough and there is no way to have them all.

 “Then this is all I can do!” Lu Bai made up his mind to die in front of them!

 Second update, sorry. I finished writing it before and forgot to click publish. It’s an hour late. I’m very sorry.

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