Death Benefit

Chapter 1468: Protagonist's Diary (2)

The protagonist quickly searched among the crystals, but 1314’s hiding ability was not bad, so the protagonist could not find him so easily.

 At the same time, everything around him also made him feel more and more dangerous. These dangers came from the crystals around him.

 Finally, a piece of crystal was completely vaporized. After vaporizing, the life inside suddenly woke up and looked around with a horrified expression.

Then the fear on his face became thicker and thicker, he kept shouting, and then locked his eyes on the protagonist.

After seeing the protagonist, the person immediately attacked the protagonist.

  That was a new power system. Divine light burst out from that man's body, and this divine light actually condensed into a weapon.

This weapon is similar to a spear, but it is too gorgeous and does not look like it can be used in battle.

At the same time, there are many runes engraved on the body of the spear. These runes change rapidly, and then with the thrust of the spear, an extremely powerful explosive force bursts out.

"How is it possible that an energy level of this level can actually explode into this level of combat power?" The protagonist immediately adjusted his original strength and then tilted it in the direction of the battle.

The opponent's utilization rate for combat is too high. This method of energy application and the energy system itself are like committing suicide.

 According to the protagonist's observation, the opponent's life form probably has a lifespan of about ten thousand years. However, if they use this power system to fight, if these people can live for more than a thousand years, they are lucky!

 In order to cope with this extreme fighting power, he can only adjust his original strength.

 The reason why primitive power is powerful lies in its omnipotence.

This force is the force closest to the driving force and can make changes according to different situations.

 Normally, the power is neutral in nature, able to warm the body, increase one's lifespan, protect oneself, improve one's adaptability to the outside world, and at the same time have resistance to various abnormal conditions.

ˆPrimitive power also has high authority, all of which are the advantages of raw power.

At this time, the protagonist is transformed into the nature of power, making him inclined to fight, thereby confronting the opponent's divine light power.

However, he found that he was still at a disadvantage in terms of energy level against the other party.

 At the same energy level, if the opponent uses one ray of energy, he can hit himself with 1.2 rays of energy.

 You have to know that you are a raw power, and you can't even compare to this.

“Original demon!” At this time, the machine next to the protagonist parsed out the words that the other party had been shouting and played them in the protagonist’s ears.

 He was very surprised by what the other party called him.

"Original demon?" The protagonist frowned. The other party's name showed that he knew the primitive power, but the demon behind was not a proper name, and it contained a kind of contempt.

As far as he knows, the status of primitive power is very high. After all, all power systems in the world originate from primitive power.

   actually despised it because of its raw power.

“Could it be that in their era, there were people who had raw power but used it for evil?” the protagonist guessed, but as the language translation was completed, he also began to try to communicate with the other party.

"I'm very sorry for waking you up, but I do have a compelling reason. Please stop and listen to my explanation." The protagonist was still calm at this time.

Although the opponent's power system is good, it is a pity that the energy level is too poor. He can completely crush it.

  After all, he is a Japanese grader!

“Don’t confuse the public with your monstrous words!” After hearing the protagonist’s words, the man directly told the protagonist to shut up.

Then the spear in his hand swung more and more fiercely!

The opponent's combat skills are very proficient, and it can be seen that the opponent is an elite soldier who has fought in many battles.

 At this point, the protagonist is no match for the opponent. He is the type who cheats all the way. If he hadn't been supported by the best people in the world, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to master the raw power and achieve Japanese level so quickly.

At this time, more and more crystals began to vaporize, and at the same time more and more people began to wake up from them.

After they woke up, they all looked frightened.

 What troubles the protagonist is that each of these people who wake up later has a higher energy level than the person who wakes up first.

  and is showing an increasing trend.

 Their sleeping mechanism, I am afraid that the weakest ones have the poorest sleeping facilities and are the first to wake up.

If calculated according to this rule, among hundreds of thousands of people, those individuals who wake up at the end may even be stronger than the protagonist!

“How did 1314 find this place so accurately?” The protagonist frowned, feeling strange.

  Before 1314 was running around, he was chasing others, but their walking patterns were irregular.

However, the protagonist does not believe that the other party came to this planet by coincidence.

 This is too much of a coincidence.

“I really didn’t mean to wake you up, and I ask for your forgiveness, but there are some people who want to destroy the world, and they are hiding among you, and I am here to hunt them down.”

“This is about the entire original dimension, please don’t hinder me!”

The protagonist is not a pedantic person. He understands compromise and necessary sacrifices.

If these people really want to be an obstacle to him, then he will have no choice but to kill!

"The world's running dog!" However, at this moment, an individual who woke up cursed like this, and divine light flew from his body, and then converged on him.

“Chapter of the Destruction of the World!” “The First Style: Destruction of Vitality!” The man raised his hand, and his physical lifespan, which could have lasted for several decades, suddenly disappeared as he raised his hand.

 The whole person was filled with the aura of death, and then a destructive force crazily gathered in his hands.

The fierce aura of power made the protagonist feel his hair standing on end.

  Too fierce!

This kind of power system is not something humans should master at all.

  If the first individual to wake up was just fighting with his life, then this existence right now is fighting with everything he has!

 As soon as you make a move, kill yourself first, and then use the ferocious aura gained from killing yourself to turn it into a trigger for the move.

Even anti-social elements would not do this!

 Especially this person's destructive power on energy has also been promoted to a shocking level.

 The destructive power of one ray of energy can be compared to the protagonist's two or three rays of energy.

 This palm turned into a big handprint and was swatted towards the protagonist.

 Faced with this kind of attack, the protagonist has to take it seriously.

He didn't understand the situation here before, and besides, he was the one who directly disabled people's dormancy measures first, so he kept his hands in the fight and did not use propulsion.

 At the same time, the day-level characteristics are not fully used.

Now it seems that these sleepers also have great opinions on the world, and they all call him the lackey of the world. Maybe he is also a madman who wants to destroy the world like the devil.

“In this case, I won’t hold back any more!” the protagonist said to reduce his psychological burden.

Then the propulsion force moved a little, and a burst of light defeated the big handprint that came over, and then knocked the opponent to the ground.

“The lackeys are fierce, brothers, come together, don’t risk your life!” At this time, one of the awakened people shouted.

"Okay, since they don't want us to live, then we don't want to kneel down and die like this!" In response to the man's proposal, a group of people agreed!

Then they shouted loudly, life began to burn, souls began to burn, existence began to burn, everything that could burn was burning.

 With this burning, little feathery traces appeared behind them!

 Eclosion·Extreme sublimation!

  This is a way of fighting that is unique to their era. It can burn everything about itself and then promote its own transformation and evolution.

 Some people, even those at the surface level, can enter the moon level while in the feathered state.

 As for moon-level feathering, it can be promoted to star level.

It is said that there was once a star-level individual who was killed by a sun-level individual after emerging.

 For them, it’s not that they will die if they don’t fight, but they must fight even if they die!

Each of them has the experience of summoning the dead to fight.

Even if the deceased are no longer suitable for fighting, they will become their instructors, pass on everything they have, and let their fighting skills become something for the opponent to continue fighting!

 Fight! war! war! In addition to fighting, there is still fighting!

 Fight the hell!

 Looking at this group of people burning themselves, the protagonist only felt that he had strayed into the country of madmen.

Such a group of people would actually burn up all their fighting just because of a person they just met after waking up.

His attitude is not bad, even if they have a hostile relationship.

 But at least we need to understand the situation before talking.

 “Or am I the one who doesn’t know the situation?” The protagonist’s heart moved.

 He is aware of his own lack of knowledge.

Since the other party has made such a choice, they may have their reasons.

“But, I can’t just give up my job!” The protagonist sighed. He didn’t know why, but he was forced to do his best.

 Original forces are mobilized again, and then change occurs.

 Previous power was to exert combat effectiveness without damaging himself, but now he decided to temporarily give up some corresponding properties and focus on combat effectiveness.

 Because during the burning process of these people, more and more crystals are vaporized.

 The life forms that wake up from it, after waking up and observing the current situation, will directly start to burn themselves, and then join the battle without saying a word.

The purpose is very clear—fight hard!

  1314 looked at this battle that he had started and quietly left here.

He can't stay here for too long. He still has his own mission. Regarding the introduction of the corrupt power of this world, he must let it burst the dam!

Rather than follow the wishes of those beings and let them complete a simple release of pressure!

  Second update.

 In addition, I will take a day off tomorrow, the 2nd.

 Collate your thoughts and try to finish writing this book within this month.

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