Death Benefit

Chapter 1506: mystery

 “Entering the mystery…” Feeling the change in the world, Heng exhaled.

The area they are going to this time is the cemetery of the first and last high priest of the Kingdom of Heaven - the Tomb of Kad.

Perhaps God’s final secret is buried here, and it is also the most likely antidote to save the world.

Using that kind of thing, they may be able to make the myth less dangerous, and then the one-eyed warrior's craftsmanship can be optimized.

  It is no longer such a dangerous force.

 Be able to continue to fight against the mystery in a way where the enemy and ourselves are of the same origin.

 The battle takes place in the third second after entering the mystery.

 When they opened their eyes and looked outside, they were attacked.

 The attacker is a squirming mass of flesh.

That twisted body of flesh brought a great mental infection, just like seeing a moving **** corpse.

 It brings a severe mental impact to people.

 Fortunately, Heng and others are all proven mysterious warriors.

They have a certain degree of resistance to mystery, so they will not completely lose their minds and go crazy when they see some mythical creature.

Of course, seeing such disgusting things still had a certain impact on their spirits.

This kind of impact is unavoidable for the will.

“Typical deformation mythical creature!” The high temperature condensed into rays, and the strong temperature rays learned from Li Kang once again made a difference, roasting this piece of flesh and blood to create a meaty aroma.

At the same time, the people present also slowed down a little and let themselves relax a little.

 Metamorphosis mythical creatures are a category of mythical creatures derived from research.

These mythical creatures are basically transformed from the shape-shifters of the past.

 Because the basic 'language' of a shapeshifter is thought wave communication, after being transformed into a mythical creature, the mental pollution ability of the shapeshifter is often much stronger than that of other mythical creatures.

They are still emitting thought waves at this time, and this kind of thought waves can be directly injected into the human brain.

So when facing a transformation-type mythical creature, not to mention other abilities, the pollution caused by this kind of mental shock alone is enough to cause a headache.

 After calming down, they continued to act.

The entire tomb is not too big, at least it does not match the status of the highest priest of the Kingdom of Heaven.

 Overall, it looks like a small hill.

There was a wall and a sentry tower surrounding the hill.

It is estimated that it was built by the people of the Kingdom of Heaven to keep a vigil for Kad after his death.

 It was just the guards who once were there, but now they are gone.

 Either turned into a mythical creature, or turned into a pile of gel after death.

 They also found the skin of shapeshifters in some relatively sealed buildings.

 A piece of skin seems to be made up of countless diamonds inlaid and connected. When placed in the sun, it shines dazzlingly.

This kind of skin can often fetch sky-high prices at auctions.

 It has been loved by countless ladies and celebrities.

 This process is often accompanied by various mysterious events, and Heng has dealt with related mysterious changes.

“Let’s go, we have to go deep into the tomb and look for the things Kad left behind.” Heng stood up and looked at the very ordinary hill.

"What if it's not there?" Yu Le looked at the hill and couldn't help but ask. The previous mental pollution had caused her to lose some of her sanity, and she couldn't help but express the worries in her heart. Now it was a bit demoralizing.

"There is nothing we can do. The most certain place now is here. If someone has taken it out from here over the years, then we have no choice but to continue to follow the traces until we find that thing!"

  Yule was also stunned when he received Heng's answer.

  Then she said sorry. Her mentality was a little unbalanced, which was not a good thing.

Slightly stunned, the group of people headed towards the hill.

Outskirts of the hillock are surrounded by various ominous atmospheres.

There are surprisingly many mythical creatures here. Obviously, these mythical creatures are also interested in this place.

  The more famous Kader is, the more he attracts attention. Many people who come into contact with mysteries cannot avoid Kader after reaching a certain level.

Perhaps the mysterious system was not started by Kad, and there were many kinds of sacrifices before him.

 But the mystical system is regulated here in Kad.

 He recorded the names and characteristics of many gods, then conducted cognitive biases on them, and then looked for their weaknesses and some control methods.

 Without this act of Kad, the mysterious system would not have been 'perfect', and mystery would have always been a disaster.

 It is impossible to become a system and then gradually be isolated in another world by the one-eyed warrior.

  It can be said that Kad is the beginning of regulating the human world.

 Before this, mystery has been raging in the world and never stopped.

 So what surprised Heng was that the cemetery they found was actually real.

 It has been so many years since the Kingdom of Heaven until now. It has been such a long time. At present, it seems that there are very few visitors here, and basically no one has been here.

 They found some human traces in some places on the mountain, including bullet casings, plastic bags and corpses. It’s just these traces, the closer you get to the mountain, the fewer they become.

Although humans have found this place before, they seem to have failed to obtain anything useful.

Their journey was fairly smooth. Although they encountered some mythical creatures, these mythical creatures were not very powerful.

 Their team has its own methods for mystery and can deal with these mythical creatures.

 As long as the number of encounters is not too large, then it is not a big problem.

For example, the spirit-eyed tiger that almost killed them before is now in their eyes and can really be used in recipes.

However, this smooth journey came to a deadlock after entering a robbery hole made by an unknown person on the hill.

They used drones to investigate and found that the place was densely packed with mythical creatures that lived in groups.

 “It’s the Luo’s brain-eating worm!” Chengyou immediately recognized this mythical creature.

The brain-eating worm Roschii once appeared in the human world and was 'discovered' as an unknown creature.

The name after ˆ˜ was also replaced by Brain-Eating Worm Roche.

 As for the name of the past, no one has said anything about it.

The brain-eating worm Roschii, as its name suggests, is a bug that is very interested in the brain.

 The size of a thumb, white and tender.

After meeting humans, they will burrow into the human brain through the nose, ears, or even eyes. After injecting venom, they will eat part of it. Then the insect's body will extend some tentacles and eat the rest. Brain connection.

Then the bug will stay in the brain and begin to develop.

 During this process, humans will not notice any abnormalities except for feeling a little dizzy.

 Unless you happen to be able to scan your head at this time, you have a chance to catch this bug.

 After getting into the brain, it will eat away at the brain bit by bit in this way, and gradually grow to the size of the brain, completely occupying a person's brain.

 During this process, people will experience many symptoms such as forgetfulness, headache, and amnesia.

 In the end, a person can still feel normal, but his brain is completely replaced.

 After that, these people will gradually become abnormal, and they will be able to detect their own abnormality and feel that they are becoming strangers.

This kind of self-feeling is the most terrifying. You can feel that you are not yourself bit by bit.

 The whole process will last for about a year. During this year, the brain-eating worms will gradually develop to the extreme and then lay many eggs.

Most of the eggs will die when they hatch, and it is difficult for the human body to support so many mythical creatures.

But these eggs will also completely eat away the human body.

When these brain-eating insects leave, humans will only be left with an empty shell.

 The moment the bug leaves, people will truly feel that they are completely gone.

However, brain-eating worms generally do not go to the human world, because human beings' physical fitness is not very good, and even the strongest humans have difficulty in giving birth to two adult worms.

Brain-eating insects usually look for mythical creatures as parasites.

At this time, there were densely packed brain-eating worms in this robbery cave.

 The big one is about the size of a stone pier, while the small one is primitive and about the thickness of a thumb.

These brain-eating worms are white and tender. If you don’t look carefully, you might even think they are some white tofu.

 “There’s no way to get in!” Although these bugs are not big, their fighting power is not weak.

They usually burrow into the head quietly, but once discovered, they can also start a fight.

Each bug can fly and release some kind of shock wave at the same time. The strength of this shock wave is acceptable and it is not difficult to deal with it.

As long as your physical fitness receives some mysterious bonus, you can eat a few times.

 But once the brain-eating insects swarm, the power of these shock waves will increase exponentially.

 So these bugs are not easy to deal with.

 “We still have to start with their habits!” Heng recalled the information about these brain-eating worms, and then thought of a solution.

“Brain-eating insects treat most mythical creatures as parasites, but they are only afraid of a special mythical creature.”

 “Tingling Soul!” This is a ghost-like creature.

After appearing, it can emit black fluctuations. In this fluctuation, all existences under the age of this ghost will be disturbed by that black fluctuation.

 The larger the age gap, the stronger the effect of black fluctuation.

This kind of interference intensity requires strong physical fitness to resist one or two. The bodies of insects are relatively weak.

 As we all know, the life span of insects is generally relatively short.

Even for mythical creatures, brain-eating insects can only live for about five or six years at most.

 Facing the aging souls who may have a lifespan of several decades, they can basically only be crushed. No matter how many they are, they are of no use.

 They seemed to have discovered the existence of Ting Linghun in the distance before.

 It's just that they chose to go around it before and didn't bother.

 Now it seems that we have to go back to find the other party. (End of chapter)

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