Wang Xiao did not expect that the password was really these worn out numbers.

"It seems that I have been thinking too much this time."

He secretly said in his heart.

But think about it again.

Wang Xiao thinks this is very similar to the style of Death game.

Because everyone feels that these numbers are deliberately made like this.

The purpose is to lure the player into the trap.

Therefore, according to inertia, people will avoid the four numbers 2580 instead.

And choose another number, no matter which one it is.

Will fall into the real trap.

All the other players on the scene stared at Wang Xiao.

His face was full of tension.

As for the password to open the door, everyone has no idea at all.

Therefore, everyone placed their only hope on Wang Xiao.

I hope Wang Xiao can once again create miracles.

Successfully cracked the password to open the door!

At this time, on the big screen of the outside live broadcast room, the barrage was rolling frantically.

[Fuck! What's the matter with these players? Didn't you have any brains? Or are they all kindergarten babies? What are you waiting for? 】

[What are you waiting for? Of course, we waited for Xiaoshuai to press the password! One by one to participate in the Death game is actually idle! unacceptable! 】

[No way! Is not it! Are these people so lazy? Or did they find no clues about the password at all? 】

[I feel that the password must not be the numbers 2580! Because these numbers are worn out too much! At first glance, it looks like a trap set deliberately! 】

【I go! You analyze it like this! It makes sense! The remaining number should be the password! But how many combinations does this have? 】


At the same time, the players in the laser corridor are madly avoiding the laser.

Although everyone was very clear in their hearts, this laser could not be avoided at all.

Everyone present must die.

However, the instinctive reaction to survival still made the players present make avoidance movements of bending over or jumping up.

"Boom.. Boom.. Boom.."

Players are constantly being penetrated by the laser, turning into several corpses and falling to the ground.

Scarlet blood continued to spread on the ground.

Dip the entire floor in the corridor into dark red.

Large intestine, small intestine, liver, spleen...

Various organs fell from the corpse.

Scattered everywhere.

Those players who are still escaping.

I have forgotten the nausea.

His feet are constantly stomping on these corpses and internal organs.

Come to avoid that white light.

Soon, there were only seven or eight players left in the corridor.

Each of them was sweating profusely and panting heavily.

His face is full of fear and despair.

at this time.

The laser fired again.

Everyone originally wanted to jump and avoid again.

However, when seeing what the laser looks like.

The hearts of these seven or eight players sank to the bottom.

I saw that the laser lines turned into a huge cobweb.


"This still keeps people from living!"


The player in the corridor snapped.

The voice was full of emotions of fear and despair.


The laser net directly penetrated the five players standing in the front.

After that, the laser net disappeared completely in mid-air.

The five players have not had time to feel the pain.

Their bodies, their heads shattered into neat pieces of rhombus.

Fell to the ground.

The three players standing at the back couldn't close their mouths together.

She trembled with fear all over.

Tears kept falling from their eyes.

Everyone's face is full of helpless fear and despair!

However, when they looked up in the direction of the room.

It was discovered that a new laser net flew towards them again!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw such cruel pictures on the big screen, and they began to frantically scroll through the barrage.

[Fuck! Laser net? This is too exciting, right? This player is cut neatly! There is nothing to say when the obsessive-compulsive disorder comes! 】

[Damn! It's horrible! I just feel tight! Just pee in your pants! What a waste of diapers! 】

【Ruined! Look at the power of the laser net! It's hard to avoid! The remaining three players are also dead! Gee tut! very pitiful! 】

[Let me say that the player in this corridor is also really! You said they were worried at the beginning! it's good now! It's all dead! 】

【Ugh! This is not a normal phenomenon in Death games! Could it be that you thought all players were the same as Xiao Shuai? Unexpected prophet? 】


At the same time, in the room.

Wang Xiao stretched out his hand and pressed towards the first number 2.


The electronic display made a crisp sound.

2 This key was sunk directly by Wang Xiao.

Bai Lin on the side saw that Wang Xiao had chosen to press these worn out number keys.

A hint of surprise flashed quickly in his eyes, and he secretly said:

"Why did Wang Xiao press these deliberately worn keys?"

"With his ability, it is impossible not to see that this is a trap deliberately set by the Death game!"

Bai Lin was about to ask.


She seemed to have thought of something, her face showed a suddenly realized expression.

The look in Wang Xiao's eyes was full of admiration.

Bai Lin realized that everyone knew that it was a trap, not a trap!

The female player in black, Ye Mei, was slightly taken aback when he saw Wang Xiao choose the number 2.


"It seems that I didn't think well."

"Generally, players will definitely avoid these worn out number keys."

"In this way, the mechanism connected to this electronic display will really be touched!"

"Death game really controls people's hearts."

Ye Mei secretly said in his heart.

When those calm eyes looked at Wang Xiao, they felt different emotions for the first time.

When the other players in the room saw Wang Xiao press the first number key, their expressions became extremely nervous and excited.

On the one hand, everyone was afraid that Wang Xiao had entered the wrong password and activated the agency.

On the other hand, everyone expects Wang Xiao to enter the correct password and open the door.

When I saw that the 2 number key was sunken and the laser wall in the house price did not activate.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After watching Wang Xiao press the 2 number key on the big screen, the audience in the live broadcast room turned on the frequency swiping mode one after another.

[Fuck! Who said that just now! Are these worn-out digital buttons a trap deliberately set by the Death game? Do you think too much? 】

[This is so special! It must be intentional! It must be deliberately designed like this! At that time, no player dare to choose these numbers! The door won't open! 】

【upstairs! You say so! How do I feel that the creator of the Death game is quite insidious! But he certainly didn't expect that there would be a character like Xiao Shuai in the player! 】

[It seems that after the correct number is pressed, it will sink! This design is quite humane! This is also a small advantage of the Death game mechanism! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! advantage? Upstairs, why don't you also enter the Death game to experience the advantages of the mechanism they make? Feel the test of Life and death? 】


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