[Aren’t they rude to do this? 】

【Ha ha ha ha! You see that its expression is too innocent, right? 】

[These ghosts run too fast, right? 】

[Why doesn't this fleshy lump become smoke? 】

[I guess he can't change! Otherwise, I would have run away long ago! 】


The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

It was the first time they saw the ghosts running away!

This picture is so funny!

Especially after the meaty monster saw all his companions disappear.

There was such a pitiful look on the terrifying face.

This contrast is so cute.

In the room, the three Bai Lin stared blankly at everything in front of them.

They have been shocked and numb by the waves of wonders!

Kill monsters!


Now even Li Gui was scared away by his eyes.

If this is for the players who are lingering and struggling under the hands of the weird creatures know.

Don't be vomiting blood!

Even the hearts of Bai Lin were full of envy.

"Is this the same Death game?"

Lin Ke whispered.

Even the Billy doll on the side looked dumbfounded!

The escaping ghost?

How can it be!

This is too scary!

"Wang Xiao shouldn't be a hidden boss who likes to change clothes, right?"

Billy Wawa guessed in her heart.

Wannian's frozen expression is even more unable to return to its original state for a long time.

Shocked and filled with eyes!

In the aperture, the only remaining monsters all ran away seeing their companions.

A cruel color flashed in his eyes.

Force under your feet.

He slammed his head directly against the wall behind him!


There was a loud noise.

A lot of black and purple blood flowed out of the monster's head.

He fell to the ground, rolled his eyes, and fainted directly.

[My f*ck is this still a Death game? Strange creatures have even learned to commit suicide! 】

[Damn! Xiao Shuai's live broadcast is so eye-opening to me! I decided to watch it in Houtian days! 】

[This is the end? It deserves to be called the most gentle live broadcast room! 】

[Do you upstairs have any misunderstandings about the word gentle? 】

[Xiaoshen is usually very friendly to other players! 】


All of a sudden the barrage swept the entire big screen.

And still rolling out new barrage!

Even Wang Xiao's figure on the screen was completely blocked by these barrages!

Everyone is so excited!

They were madly expressing their own ideas in the live broadcast room!

Some viewers even expressed it directly!

Get fit!

Strive to be like Wang Xiao!

Just relying on physical power to scare away the ghost!


In the aperture, Wang Xiao looked at a wall with very small cracks.

A trace of doubt flashed quickly in his eyes.

He doesn't know yet.

Invisibly, he had scared a monster to commit suicide!

The three people, Bai Lin, who stood at the forefront, swallowed even more unconsciously.

This picture is really shocking!

Suicide monster?

Who would believe this?

"Brother Xiao! Yyds!"

Lin Ke said foolishly.

His eyes are full of fanatical worship.

Bai Lin looked at Xiaoshen's face that had been so calm and calm for a long time.

Secretly said in my heart:

"It seems that the gap between us is destined to grow."

"But I won't give up!"

"I will definitely work hard!"

A touch of firmness appeared in Bai Lin's eyes.

Even the forehead of Billy Doll standing not far away is full of black lines!

The level he directed.

Even if the NPC escapes.

One more committed suicide!

And he was scared to commit suicide by a look in Wang Xiao's eyes!

If this spreads out!

Other old players can't be silly!

"It seems that Wang Xiao should be the biggest dark horse in the Death game!"

Billy Wawa speculated in his heart.

A trace of envy flashed quickly in his dark eyes.

Then it returned to coldness again.

He is also a player in the Death game.

Although it is an experienced old player.

But facing Wang Xiao, he feels ashamed.

I was full of envy for Wang Xiao's endless methods.

Just ask.

The player in the Death game doesn't want to be so good!

[Fuck! What's the look in Billy Doll's eyes? Envy? 】

In the live broadcast room, the audience naturally caught the change of Billy Doll's eyes on the big screen.

He didn't know that his barrage directly caused a wave of fanaticism throughout the live broadcast room.

【I go! Envy from Billy Doll! The fact that Howling God is a god is really hammered! 】

[Tsk tut! This power! What a humanoid tyrannosaurus! Don't you want it? 】

[No, no, no! I do not deserve! I can't even think about it! 】

[Xiao Shuai, is this hiding deeply? This is too deep, right? 】

[Wait until the level of Howling God can be rewarded! I must give him a Ferrari bazooka! 】


Bubbles in the aperture.

Just as Wang Xiao was about to look up in the search box.

When something happened.

The halo bubble surrounding him suddenly disappeared.

The three of Bai Lin and Billy Doll appeared in front of him.

Wang Xiao looked at everyone.

He found!

Whether it is Bai Lin and others, or Billy Doll has been staring at herself!

And their eyes are weird.

It's as if there is something terrible on my connection.

Just now.

A mechanical female voice sounded in the room.

[Congratulations to player Wang Xiao for successfully clearing the level, clearing the level of SSS, and getting the clearing reward. 】

[Congratulations to player Bai Lin for successfully clearing the level, level C, and get the clearance reward. 】

[Congratulations to player Lin Ke for successfully clearing the level, level C, and get the clearance reward. 】

[Congratulations to player Ye Mei for successfully clearing the level, level C, and get the clearance reward. 】

[Clearance rewards have been distributed to the Death game app, please check it in the app. 】

Those who watched Wang Xiao's live broadcast for the first time were stunned.

They don’t know if they should believe what they hear.

SSS level?

The highest level!

No one has ever obtained it!

It appeared today!

[Fuck! It's actually SSS level? How can this be? 】

[At first glance, you are new here! Xiao Shuai gets the SSS level every time! Used to it! 】

【My f*ck! No wonder you call him Howl God! 】

[Able to commit suicide under the monster! It's normal to get this evaluation! 】

[I will become a resident guest in Xiaoshuai's live broadcast room in the future! 】


See the barrage of everyone.

Those cute new audiences were stunned.

Turn off the SSS level?

This is too awesome!

This is simply the darling of the Death game!

They used their relationships to start to inquire about Wang Xiao's experience.

Some players began to ask people to look for videos of Wang Xiao's previous breakthroughs in the Death game.

Want to see it!


Death game.

"SSS level?"

Billy Doll's shrill voice sounded throughout the room.

The tone was full of surprise.

He survived for so long in the Death game.

This is the first time I have heard SSS-level non-evaluation.

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