Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

233 Everyone is not allowed to leave their seats at will!

Wang Xiao walked behind the girl in the black dress.

It was found that three seats were still vacant.

They are next to the girl.

And the two seats directly opposite the girl.

Wang Xiao had planned to sit on the girl's occipital floor.

But he found that the two seats were covered with sticky green thick bodies.

It looks very disgusting.

It's like a big pile of nose.

Without any choice.

Wang Xiao sat on the empty seat beside the black dress girl.

This scene.

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely shocked!

[Fuck! 】

[Fuck! 】

[Fuck! 】


The whole big screen is all damned!

It can be seen that all the audience are very excited!

I don’t know what language to use to describe my own mood!

Even the players in the entire carriage looked at Wang Xiao in shock!

The mouth looks like two eggs.

The pupils are full of surprises and doubts!

They didn't expect it!

There are people who dare to be beside the girl in the black dress!

That's a monster with hair on both the front and back of the head!

And the methods of this monster are very cruel!

It can't be prevented at all!

"Is he looking for death?"

"He's not crazy, is he?"


Other players whispered.

From time to time, he glanced at Wang Xiao.

There was sympathy in his eyes.

In their eyes.

Sit next to the monster.

It is already tantamount to being sentenced to death.

Wang Xiao naturally felt everyone's eyes on him.

He couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

I don't understand why these people are so surprised.

In the live broadcast room.

Crazy fucking after swiping the screen!

It became extremely quiet.

Everyone stared at the big screen.

I want to see if the Super Cursed Woman will punish Wang Xiao as Han Siwei did before.


What disappointed everyone was.

Wang Xiao sat peacefully in place.

No accidents happened!

This makes everyone very puzzled.

[Why is the super cursed girl still not acting? 】

[Fuck! She won't be fascinated by Wang Xiao's beauty, right! 】

[Does the super-cursed woman also have seven emotions and six desires? 】

[That's for sure! You don't think she is a brainless creature, do you? 】

[This high-end weird creature is often much more intelligent than humans! 】



When Wang Xiao just sat down. The super-cursed woman launched a violent curse on Wang Xiao in her heart.

But I don't know why.

Her curse has completely failed.

Wang Xiao did not change at all.

Still sitting on the seat with ease.

"How is this going?"

Super cursing woman secretly said in her heart.

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation!

Wang Xiao, who was sitting quietly on the spot, didn't know what the Super Cursed Woman was thinking at the moment.

He just thought that the girl in the black dress seemed to be shy in the past and kept her head down.

He didn't know that sitting beside him was a super-cursed woman.

Possess the most weird curse ability.

He didn't know that the Billy doll puppet he had bought with 30,000 points before had resisted all the curses from the super cursed woman.

Seeing that the curse had no effect on Wang Xiao.

The black dress cursed woman was extremely annoyed.

"Is he a hidden boss?"

"How powerful is it to be able to ignore my curse?"

Super cursed woman guessed in her heart.

In the end she decided to temporarily give up cursing Wang Xiao.

It depends on the situation!

Because she remembered.

Her father once said.

In this world, ghosts are not scary.

People are often terrible!

And people are even a thousand times 10,000 times more terrible than ghosts!

The super cursed woman moved her butt inward while thinking.

Only took half of the seat back.

There was a long distance between Wang Xiao and Wang Xiao.

After a while.

Feng Lei and Feng Jiancheng also walked into the carriage.

They glanced at the general situation inside the carriage.

He decided to sit on the seat opposite to the girl in the black dress and Wang Xiao.

The two had just sat down.

I felt the shocked gaze of the people around me.

Can't help but feel a little strange.

Even the audience in the live room saw their choice.

Also set off a craze!

Everyone did not expect it!

Except Wang Xiao!

There will be people sitting next to the strongest cursed woman!

And these two people still have a lot of fans.

Feng Lei and Feng Jiancheng, who have always performed well in Death games!

This makes the audience in the live broadcast room feel super incredible!

[Fuck! Why do they want to die so much? 】

【Go ahead to dangers! 】

[There is still a probability of surviving! It's dead now! 】

[Could this be the legendary art master who is bold? 】

[I think the ignorant are fearless! They should not even know that it is the strongest cursed girl! 】


"Why do they look at us like this?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Feng Jiancheng's eyes, and he turned to ask Feng Lei.

Feng Lei shook his head when he heard the words.


"Follow them!"

"Surviving is the most important thing!"

His voice was extremely hoarse.

Matched with his fierce face.

The players around him were scared to look at them again.

Feng Jiancheng smiled after hearing Feng Lei's words, and said nothing.

at this time.

A long and deafening sound suddenly came to mind outside the carriage.


There was a super loud closing sound from the door of the carriage!

I don't know how hard it was to close the door.

The whole carriage shook.

Immediately afterwards.

The very strange conductor walked in.

He looked around at everyone.

There is no emotion in the black and white eyes.

Not even the gloss that a normal person should have.

It's like a puppet in human skin.

"The train will start soon!"

"Since you have chosen, you are not allowed to change seats!"

"Reminder, everyone is not allowed to leave their seats at will."

The conductor said coldly.

Although the players present were a bit confused.

But he nodded his head to show that he knew it.

Then, the conductor went straight to the back.

There is a separate red seat.

It says a staff seat.

The conductor went to the seat and sat down.

Leaning back in the chair, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Looks very tired.

It seems to have fallen asleep again!

[The conductor closed his eyes and looked like a person! 】

[No way! He just said a few words? 】

[Not allowed to change seats? It seems that the last copy of Car No. 44 also had this requirement! 】

【Yeah! I remember too! Those players who changed their seats privately died terribly! 】

[Then Xiao Shuai now has to sit next to the strongest cursing woman? 】



There was a deafening sound.

The train started slowly.

Everyone just felt the whole carriage sway suddenly.

The platform facing outwards began to recede slowly.


Ruoyouruowu's voice came from the bottom of the car.

Everyone understands.

This time the level test has officially begun.

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