Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

239 Feng Lei's Big Killer!

At this moment, a barrage caught everyone's attention!

[How do I feel that the super curse girl is because Feng Lei has been staring at Xiao Shuai, so he is angry! 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room was lost in thought.

They looked at the big screen.

I want to start with the expression of a super cursed woman.

Analyze it.

But the super cursed woman has hair except hair on her face!

I can't see anything at all!

Everyone looked at Feng Lei's expression, and then at the super cursed woman.

Reminiscent of Wang Xiao’s previous act of cursing a woman nodding her head when she was speaking.

The audience in the live broadcast room actually believed this barrage a little bit.

[I think what the upstairs said makes sense! 】

[Fuck! Doesn't this style of painting become very friendly? 】

[Unexpectedly, there can be sparks between the player and the weird creature? 】

[Super cursed girl's figure is still quite perfect! 】

[Damn! Is the charm of Howling God regardless of race? 】


All of a sudden.

The style of the entire live broadcast room has changed very strangely!

The atmosphere in the carriage is not so relaxed.

All the players saw the super cursed girl suddenly stood up.

"what happened?"

"She won't run away, will she?"

"How do I feel that the strong man on the other side is going to die!"


Everyone talked in whispers.

The expression has also become extremely solemn!

Feng Jiancheng, who was sitting diagonally across from the Super Cursed Woman, was just a little nervous seeing the super cursed woman like this.

There is no other feeling.

But Feng Lei, who was directly locked by the super cursed woman, felt the biting chill all over his body at that moment!

The blood flowing down his body seemed to freeze!

A sense of horror of bursting scalp exploded in his whole body!

Death is close to him!

Feng Lei's fierce face also became extremely pale!

The eyes are full of fear!

He didn't expect that the super-cursed woman could cause such a lot of pressure on him just by standing up!


"I can't catch it with my hands!"

"She must not be able to withstand that big killer!"

Feng Lei thought to himself.

The hands have already moved quickly.

He took out a modern weapon directly from his storage bag!

A shotgun with a very strong muzzle!

Feng Jiancheng on the side saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect Feng Lei to carry such a modern weapon with great lethality!

"I don't know if this thing can deal with the monster opposite!"

Feng Chengcheng secretly said in his heart.

He stared at the gun in Feng Lei's hand.

[Fuck! Spray? 】

[This product is a bit of a big deal! There is actually such a thing! 】

[What's the matter! This is the rest of Howling God's play! 】

[Xiao Shuai also uses modern weapons? 】

【What do you think? But I think this spray should not cause any harm to the super cursed girl! 】


Seeing Feng Lei actually took out a shotgun.

The audience in the other seats was stunned!


It was the first time they saw someone wearing this real-world weapon in a Death game!

The player present knows the shotgun in Feng Lei's hands very well!

They know that this is a weapon that hurts a lot at close range!

But don’t everyone know that this weapon is useful against weird creatures?


There are still some vague expectations in everyone's hearts!

Even Wang Xiao was a little curious in his heart.

He wanted to see if the defense of the strongest cursed woman could withstand this highly lethal modern weapon!


There was no emotion on his face.

Still a calm face!

Looking at Wang Xiao's calm face!

Feng Lei's heart became more and more angry!

"When you die, you still pretend like that!"

"When I solve the monster in front of me, I will blow your head!"

Feng Lei secretly said in his heart.

And pointed the black muzzle at the super cursed girl!

"go to hell!"


Feng Lei grinned.


A series of deafening gunfire sounded throughout the carriage.

Everyone held their breath.

He stared at the front of his eyes with rounded eyes.


A weird scene appeared!

All the bullets ejected from Feng Lei's shotgun stopped in the air!

It's like being slowed down indefinitely in an instant!

The picture is completely still!

Hot smoke was still coming from the red metal bullets.

But it floats motionless in the air!

[Fuck! What's the matter? 】

【My f*ck! Is this stuck? Bad signal? 】

【I know! This is a super powerful curse of the strongest curse girl! 】

【? ? ? What curse? Tell me about the troublesome guy! 】

[It is to be able to stop the time, and then all the means that attacked her will return to the person who attacked her! 】

[Then Feng Lei is immortal? 】


Feng Lei stared blankly at everything in front of him.

Very scared in my heart!

Thick shock and inconceivability filled his face!

He didn't expect it!

The bullet fired by his shotgun stopped unexpectedly!

"Do not!"

"How can this be!"

Feng Lei said hoarse!

The voice is full of despair!

he knows.

He's done!

Feng Jiancheng on the side moved outward subconsciously!

If it weren't for the rule at the beginning, don't leave your seat arbitrarily.

He must run away immediately.

The province is implicated by Feng Lei's stupid lack!

You know that the super cursed girl on the opposite side can stand still for time!

How tyrannical is that strength!

Anyone who loses this carriage every minute and every second is possible!

The audience in the other seats looked at everything in front of them and swallowed unconsciously!

Some even rubbed their own eyes with dissatisfaction and belief!

Some even slapped their own fiercely!

Everyone’s face was filled with shock and disbelief!

Looking at everything in front of him, Wang Xiao, who originally planned to add a little more lethal modern weapon.

Give up this idea completely!

"It seems that the higher and strange creatures in the Death game are not afraid of these weapons at all!"

"But I don't know if things like nuclear bombs or atomic bombs can harm them!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

at this time!

The bullets staying in mid-air suddenly moved!

But the direction is completely opposite!

They all flew towards Feng Lei's location!


Less than a second!

All these bullets hit Feng Lei's head!

Those viewers sitting elsewhere didn't even see what was going on.

I only saw scarlet blood splashing around!

There were several big holes in Feng Lei's head that kept pouring blood!

[Fuck! too suddenly! I just vomited it! 】

【Me too! There was no time to catch the basin! 】

[This is so special! He blinked and saw his head exploded! 】

【I go! The super curse girl is a big curse! 】

[Too exciting! I pissed my pants so irritatingly! 】


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