Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

241 The resentment of the ghost son!

"Don't we all have cell phones?"

The female player's voice is very calm.

When everyone heard the words, they all showed their suddenly enlightened expressions.

I quickly took out my phone!

"My phone seems to be broken!"

"Mine is not bright at all!"

"how so!"


In the carriage, panicked voices came and went one after another.

Everyone is terrified!

Everyone’s phones are off!

No matter what key is pressed, it does not light up!

[Fuck! Is it so cruel? Doesn't leave any light? 】

[But how do we see it clearly? 】

【Yes! I can even see the expressions of these players! 】

[After all, we are from the perspective of the audience! Of course you can see it clearly! 】

【Yes! When you are watching a movie, no matter how dark you can see the actors' movements! 】

[That said, the Death game live broadcast room is quite humane! Know how to consider the audience! 】


A wave of despair immediately flooded everyone's heart.

Crazy Feng Jiancheng also calmed down at this time.

Sitting on his seat with a look of horror.

Looking at the darkness in front of me.

Wang Xiao understands.

The test of this copy has only truly begun.

Then Wang Xiao thought.

Quickly enter into the search box:

[What is the sound of flapping outside the car? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted.

[These clapping sounds are made by ghost sons outside the car. 】

"Ghost son?"

Look at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in your mind.

A trace of doubt flashed quickly in Wang Xiao's eyes.

"Doesn't this ghost son belong to a ghost?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Because his passive skills did not perceive the existence of any ghosts.


Wang Xiao guessed that the ghost son does not belong to any kind of Li ghost!

Then his heart moved.

Quickly enter into the search box:

[What is a ghost son? How can they restrain their attacks? 】

This time, the progress bar at the bottom of the panel lasted for a few seconds before displaying the answer Wang Xiao wanted.

[Ghost Son: A species born by the combination of humans and Ghost, which is not tolerated in the world. 】

[Only if you survive the five thunderstorms, you will become a half-human, half-ghost body with weird abilities. 】

[The tortoise son can transmit resentment to humans in the air, release the negative emotions in everyone's heart to the maximum, and do some crazy things! 】

Look at the introduction in my mind.

Wang Xiao's eyelids couldn't help but jump.

Love between humans and ghosts?

Half-human and half-ghost body?

He didn't expect that this kind of thing happened in this world!

"It seems that there are many examples like Ning Caichen and Xiao Qian!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

And look towards the content displayed at the bottom of the panel.

[Only by hurting the body of the ghost son can they be completely killed, otherwise there will be no effect if you follow me. 】

[But ghost sons often don't come into direct contact with the player, giving the player a chance to harm them. 】

[So the player can only say Vajra Sutra to keep the brain from any erosion. 】

"Vajra Sutra?"

There was a flash of clarity in Wang Xiao's eyes.

He discovered that many Taoist and Buddhism methods of Xia Guozhong can be used in the Death game.

This made him more assertive.

The world of Death game and the real world must be inextricably linked!

Then Wang Xiao continued to look down.

Sure enough, the complete Vajra Sutra was displayed at the bottom of the panel!

At this time, the faces of the audience in the live broadcast room showed anxious expressions.

Everyone looked at everything on the big screen anxiously.

[What to do! It seems that everyone has not seen the ghost son in this way! 】

【Ruined! For a while, once he is affected by the grievances of the ghost son, he will undoubtedly die! 】

[I watched Wang Xiao live broadcast for the first time! Encountered a copy of this difficulty! Isn't this the last time I saw Wang Xiao's live broadcast? 】

【Will not! 】

[There must be a way to crack it! 】

[How do I look at Wang Xiao's expression and it doesn't seem to be anxious at all? 】

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Even if you can't see the appearance of the ghost son.

But in the dark carriage.

Such a terrifying sound has been coming from outside the car.

Even the boldest people should be a little nervous!

Why is Wang Xiao so calm!

Isn't he not afraid?

Some viewers who were scared to pee admire Wang Xiao!

[Fuck! King of Calmness! 】

A barrage on the screen instantly won the approval of all viewers in the live broadcast room!

There is an all-in-one reply below!

It's as if everyone has discussed it!

【agree! 】

【agree! 】



at this time.

A small number of Mental Energy's weaker players have been affected in the cabin.

A series of negative emotions such as jealousy, fear and sadness.

Be magnified infinitely in their hearts!

Their expressions gradually become painful, fierce, and sad!

Some people hold their heads tightly with both hands.

It seems to remember some super bad memories.

Some players are crazy about hitting the wall with their heads!


The bleeding of the head hit did not stop.

The dark carriage suddenly became a mess!



One after another!

Everyone unscrupulously vented the negative emotions in their hearts!

The scope of Ghost Son's resentment is still expanding.

The expressions of some players became extremely cold, and there was a gleam of bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

Raise the weapon in your hand and wave it at others madly!


Several heart-piercing screams suddenly came to mind in the carriage!

A strong bloody smell immediately filled every corner of the carriage!

The scene of the entire carriage becomes very scary!

There are falling players everywhere.

Although the player in the carriage can't see what happened.

Can only be judged by sound!

But the audience in the live broadcast room saw it clearly!

A crazy slaughter is going on in the carriage!

But those terrifying humanoid monsters and super cursed women are sitting quietly on their seats at this time!

This is because it is not their turn yet!

In this tunnel.

Their task is to be a passenger quietly.

As for the others.

It's not what they can manage!

【My f*ck! This picture is a bit too bloody, right? 】

[It's cruel! Cannibalism! 】

[If this continues, all the players in this carriage will not die? 】

【not always! Several players are not affected! 】

[Can't you see the cold sweat on their heads? I guess they can't hold on anymore! 】


Some timid viewers even covered their eyes.

Don't dare to look at the picture on the big screen anymore!

This is really cruel!

Compatriots slaughter each other!

In the train.

At this time, 90% of the players have been affected.

Only Wang Xiao and a few Mental Energy's more powerful players remained sober.

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