Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

243 Should we be together? Take the train in a group?

See all the players who suddenly quieted down.

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little uncomfortable with the tranquil scene for a while.

Those who were originally clamoring that it was too horrible and bloody and wanted to leave the live broadcast room.

I forgot about it at this time.

[Fuck! Xiao Shuai, what is this operation? Such a desperate son? 】

【My f*ck! This skill is too slippery! 】

[Deserving of the image ambassador of the official announcement! Really awesome! 】

[Damn! I thought the players of this car would have to die! It seems that this will not happen anymore! 】

[Is Xiao Shuai really just a two-star player? 】


For a while, the audience in the entire live broadcast room was completely dumbfounded.

Everyone was surprised by the pictures on the big screen!

Those old fans are okay, they are still used to the behavior of people like Wang Xiao who saved the whole car by their own efforts.

Because for them, this is a daily operation after all!

But those new viewers who come here are not so calm!

This is the first time they have seen this happen in a Death game!

One person saved everyone directly!

This is too incredible!

the most important is.

Wang Xiao is facing a ghost son!

The Death game is already a terrifying and weird creature!

Generally, players who encounter such strange creatures will almost certainly die.

Like Wang Xiao, he has not received any impact.

People who can save most of their companions!

This is the first time they have seen it!


In the carriage.

The super cursed girl felt the light emanating from Wang Xiao.

There was a warmth in my heart.

A trace of tranquility that had never been seen appeared in her heart.

"How is this going?"

Super cursing woman secretly said in her heart.

What she hated the most since she was a child was this dazzling golden light.

But I don't know why.

Today I feel that this golden light is extraordinarily comfortable.

The super cursed girl thought while she was.

One side moved involuntarily in Wang Xiao's direction.

Let her whole body be bathed in Wang Xiao's golden light.

Even the conductor opened his eyes and looked at Wang Xiao.

A touch of surprise ran across his face quickly!

It was the first time he saw such a scene in the No. 44 car.

It stands to reason that when entering the first tunnel, 70% of the players in the carriage should have died.

But now so many players are still alive.

This is incredible!

The conductor secretly said in his heart.

Then he closed his eyes again.

He has no right to interfere with the player's use of any method to survive in the instance.

[Fuck! Did the conductor open his eyes? 】

[Could he be awakened by the golden light of Wang Xiao, right? 】

[By the way, have you ever seen the super cursed girl move towards Xiao Shuai! 】

[Couldn't she be fancy Xiao Shuai! Want to take advantage of Xiaoshuai! 】

[Something's wrong! The act of super cursing girl is very wrong! 】


As the golden light on Wang Xiao's body became more and more dazzling.

Every corner of the entire carriage was illuminated.

It is much brighter than when I was outside the tunnel.

The expressions of all players have returned to their normal appearances.

No more tyrannical sadness and other emotions appear in the eyes.

At this time, no player has been affected by the tortoise son.

Everyone regained their sanity.

Looking at the blood on the ground.

Everyone frowned.


Some female players even spit it out directly when they saw this scene!

Blood and corpses all over the floor.

Everyone understood.

What a terrible scene happened before.

Everyone immediately felt extremely grateful.

Able to survive such a test.

Of course, everyone knew that all of this was because of the golden man.

For a while, the players in the entire carriage were grateful for Wang Xiao.

"Believe it or not. The Buddha tells Bodhi. Don't say it. After Tathagata died. Five hundred years old. There are those who practice the precepts. In this chapter, it is possible to generate confidence. This is the truth..."

Wang Xiao's low-pitched sutra chanting reverberated throughout the carriage.

He originally wanted to stop.

But he checked in the search box.

Those turtle sons are still lying on the windows of the carriage.

And they are strange creatures with heavy revenge.


As long as Wang Xiao stops.

Those tortoise sons wanted revenge.

Will release resentment that is a hundred times more evil than before.

At that time, I am afraid it will be Wang Xiao.

I will lose myself in just a few seconds!

Therefore, Wang Xiao did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Still earnestly reading the Vajra Sutra displayed at the bottom of the panel in my mind!

A quiet Sacred atmosphere gradually permeated the entire No. 44 carriage.

For a while, everyone sat quietly in their own seats.

Watching Wang Xiao silently.

Some even worshipped.

There are also several female players showing affectionate eyes!

[Comrades, do you think this picture is a bit wrong? 】

【Yes! There is a feeling of indescribable! 】

[I also think this style of painting is weird! 】

[Doesn't anyone think that this picture is good Sacred? It is completely different from the previous carriage number 44! 】

This barrage came out.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.


Don't say it!

This scene really felt like Wang Xiao bathed in the holy light as everyone listened to the holy sound as we watched it!

[Where is the train of Death game! This is simply a train to the world of bliss! 】

This barrage immediately aroused everyone's approval.

Everyone has Li Yanyan underground in this barrage.

Expressing different opinions!

[Fuck! I really want to get in the car! 】

【I go! I have never seen such a harmonious train in the civilized city of Xia Country! 】

[This is a Death game? I thought it was a peaceful movie if I didn't know it! 】

[I want to be like a super and weird woman too! Bathed in the golden holy light of Howling God! 】

[The last time I watched the live broadcast of Car No. 44, I was so scared that I never dared to make a train anymore! Now I don’t know why I suddenly want to feel it! 】

[Should we be together? Take the train in a group? 】


All of a sudden.

The traffic of people at the railway stations in Xia Country suddenly increased several times.

The flow of people is huge.

Many people even voluntarily take the little Mazar to buy station tickets in order to get on the train.

Suddenly, busy people in the railway departments of major cities turned their backs on their heads.

Those staff who were on vacation were all recalled to the unit.

They have devoted themselves to first-line positions.

The strangest thing is!

Although every train is full of passengers.

But no one is making noise.

Everyone sits quietly in their own position.

Those passengers who bought the station tickets sat quietly and orderly between the aisles.

Neither talk. Don't play mobile phones either.

Even when I went to the bathroom, I smiled politely.

Signal the passengers in the middle of the aisle to give up.

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