The other players in the compartment are also very nervous.

Everyone did not expect to finally wake up from the nightmare in the tunnel.

Less than a few minutes.

Then we have to face such terrifying monsters again!

There is no time to rest at all.

The stamina that can't help being consumed can't be recovered.

Even the nerves that have been in tension and fear can't relax.

There was a tired look on everyone's faces.

"I really don't even give people the time to breathe!"

A player whispered.

The audience in the live broadcast room heard the player's complaint.

Suddenly a feeling of pity for the same disease arose.

Although they only watched it on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

Did not personally participate.

But just by looking at it, everyone is often scared to pee their pants.

Sometimes, even after vomiting for the next second, you will be scared to pee again by the picture on the screen!

That frequency is so fast!

Many experienced viewers put on diapers directly before the live broadcast.

Prepare a big pot in front of you.

So as not to keep changing pants and mopping the floor.

Therefore, this player's words not only speak the heart of all players.

It's even more to the heart of most viewers.

[Forget tired! It's really scary! Who can stand it! 】

[I can't stop my heartbeat at this rhythm! 】

[After we're done, let's go for a physical examination together! Don't watch a live broadcast as a heart attack! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! How much has he breathed in these few minutes? 】

[But this speed is really fast! Test after test! 】


The conductor in the train still looks like he was in the tunnel before.

Close your eyes tightly, as if sleeping.

Ignore the strange creatures that had awakened at all.

And those weird creatures left their seats one by one.

He quickly struck towards the players present.

That purple-faced family of three.

The black tentacles on his body have become super long.

It quickly reached the ceiling of the train.

Glue it tightly to the ceiling.

It looks very reliable.

And his family of three grabbed the black tentacles glued to the ceiling.

It's like swinging on a swing.

Swing to where the players are.

Wang Xiao looked at the terrifying family of three.

He found that the family of three seemed to cooperate very tacitly.

And the three of them work together to deal with a player every time.

Every swing to a position.

The mouths of the family of three will spit countless black tentacles and attack a player.

The tentacles that the child vomited completely wrapped the player's head.

"woo woo woo woo..."

The player's unclear cry came.

The voice was full of fear and despair.

Then the child of the family of three pierced the player's skull with a tentacles.

Then a slender red transparent tube came out quickly from his mouth.

Reached into the player's brain, sucking the brain crazily.

The players present can clearly see the things in the white fragments flowing in the dark red transparent tube.

His parents used black tentacles to entangle the player's upper body and lower body respectively.

What is different from their children is.

The couple's tentacles were covered with dark red spikes, and all these spikes penetrated deeply into the player's body.

The player's body shrank quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Fuck! Is this still division of labor? 】

[It's too perfect to cooperate, right? 】

[It's cruel! These three monsters are really scary! 】

【My f*ck! Disgusting! I even vomited up the rice I ate last night! 】

【I go! How can this be more cruel than in the tunnel before? 】


The husband and wife of the family of three.

Unscrupulously used the spikes on the tentacles to suck the player's blood.

Several players sitting next to this player saw this, and understood that if he looked at him indifferently again.

Step forward to help.

Then the next damn person will be one of them!

Then everyone no longer thought about it.

Hastily raised the weapon long knife in his hand.

One after another slashed at the tentacles wrapped around the player.

"When.. When.. When.. When.."

The long knives in the hands of the three players collided with the tentacles of a family of three.

There was such a crisp sound unexpectedly.

It was as if the long knives in the hands of the three helping players had slashed onto the hard metal block.


It is incredible to everyone.

The long knives of these players did not leave any scars on the tentacles.

Not even a single mark was left.

The expressions of the people not only became more solemn.

The brows were tightly locked together.

Such a hard tentacles, doesn't it mean that the defense of this family of three is extremely strong.

One of the players, seeing this, a ruthless color flashed in his eyes.

Stood up suddenly.

Exhausted all his strength, slashed at the tentacles on the entangled player.

"Bang Dang" sounded.

The moment the long knife and the black tentacles touched, sparks were rubbed!

And the player's jaw holding the knife was too hard.

It shattered directly.

The bright red blood overflowed instantly.

The knife in his hand also fell directly to the ground.

And his hands were trembling constantly.

What leads people to fear is!

The black tentacles of the couple had only been chopped apart by a small slit.

A few traces of dark red blood oozes.

The blood is extremely smelly.

Only a few drops.

However, an indescribable stench permeated the entire carriage.

When the surrounding audience saw it, there was a hint of horror in their eyes!

This is too hard!

If you don't want a solution.

I am afraid that the players in the entire carriage will be killed by this family.

Suddenly, a desperate mood instantly enveloped the entire carriage No. 44.

A sense of powerlessness arose in everyone's hearts!

This monster is so abnormal!

This defense alone cannot be broken!

How to deal with it!


This is just one of the monsters!

There are several other monsters in the entire carriage moving frantically!

[No way! This is too hard! It took a long time to cut a small gap! 】

[This f*ck! This is the tentacles? I think the steel bars are almost the same! 】

[This monster is so difficult to deal with! How many players have to die in this carriage! 】

[This family of three is absolutely perfect! A terrible family! 】

[I am so special! I can no longer look at the octopus directly! 】


Even Wang Xiao couldn't help but secretly said in his heart when he saw what was happening in front of him:

"This level of hardness can be compared with the previous Yang Yan."

"No wonder the intelligent answering system says that the best way to deal with them is soul attack!"

at this time.

The family of three seemed to be irritated.

They all looked at the players who attacked their tentacles before.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in scarlet eyes.

It's like a wild beast sees its own prey.

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