Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

248 Wang Xiao was stared at!

at this time.

In the entire carriage.

There are several others like this old lady.

Powerful and weird creature!

When many players meet them again.

Lost his life in an instant!

The players who killed the old lady looked around.

Thinking about going up and helping that player!

But at this moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room found that the mud on the ground was moving!

Although the amplitude of movement is small.

But it was very clear on the big screen in the live broadcast room!

[Fuck! That.... Did that move? 】

This barrage instantly attracted the attention of all the audience.

Everyone turned their eyes to the brown mud on the ground!

I saw the mud trembling slightly at first.

Less than five seconds.

Then quickly uplift.

Soon it formed the appearance of a person.

Then came the brown liquid in the shape of a human.

Gradually stretch out the limbs.

Five senses.

And the appearance of the facial features.

It was the old lady before!

And her body is the same as before!

Some brown liquid oozes continuously!

[Fuck! full HP resurrection! 】

[This f*ck@ is better than Xiaoqiang who can't die! 】

【Ruined! How can I fight this? 】

【that is! These monsters are too abnormal! 】

[No wonder people say that Car No. 44 is the dead car! 】


Seeing the player on the train, no one noticed the old lady's resurrection.

The faces of the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help showing a trace of worry.

Looking anxiously at the big screen in front of me!

at this time.


A painful scream sounded in the carriage.

After hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the sound was coming from!

I saw that the dead monster was standing there frantically spraying brown liquid at a player.

The player was covered with this liquid in an instant.

Rotting quickly.

In less than a few seconds, only a pile of white bone racks were left scattered on the ground!

The player present saw such a scene!

The eyes were full of panic.

Even the lips are slightly long.

Shivering constantly.

Dense cold sweat oozes from everyone's forehead.

A deep fear spread throughout the carriage!


A female player trembled.

The sound is full of hard to execute!

The faces of other people are also full of incredible!

They remember.

They have obviously beaten the old lady into mashed meat!

How can she survive?

This is also terrible!

And everyone vaguely realized that the strength of this old lady seemed to be stronger than before!

See such a scary old lady.

The player in the compartment couldn't help feeling even more desperate.

His tired face was full of fear.

I felt a chill in my back one after another.

It was as if it had been poured from the top of the head by a basin of icy water.

I was cold all over.

It seemed that the blood had been frozen and solidified.

The family of three is extremely defensive just now!

And this old lady couldn't be beaten!

If this continues!

I am afraid that none of the players present can survive!

[These players are too miserable! Be selected into this copy! 】

【Ugh! Encounter this kind of weird creature that can't die! What a bad luck! 】

【This is just great! Don't resist at all! Sit and wait to die! 】

[That's not how Screaming God is still there! What are you afraid of! 】

[Xiaoshen was also spotted by the big-headed baby! Danger! 】


After this barrage appeared on the screen.

Everyone just noticed.

The big-headed baby seemed to be interested in Wang Xiao for more than ten minutes.

Has been staring at Wang Xiao closely.

Some saliva is constantly flowing out of my mouth!

Looks ready to move!

And his mother is always watching him in love.

That look is like looking at a peerless treasure!

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but shiver!

The goose bumps all over my body are all up!


The old lady's weird resurrection Wang Xiao naturally swept it away.

And he has learned from the intelligent answering system.

This weird creature never died once.

After the resurrection, the strength will be stronger than before!

But Wang Xiao didn't have time to deal with the old lady at this time.

Because it's right in front of him!

The weird baby was staring at him.

The white eyeballs and the red dots suddenly get bigger and smaller!

The whole eyeball turned scarlet when it was the biggest!

When I was young, it was not as big as Sesame.

Being stared at by such a monster with coveted eyes.

Wang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little sick!

The super strange woman sitting next to Wang Xiao also noticed the big-headed baby's behavior.

For the strength of the big head baby, the super cursed girl is still recognized!

She looked at everything in front of her with interest.

Secretly said in my heart:

"I don't know how long the big head baby can last under that weird cane!"

"That old cane gives me an extremely dangerous feeling."

"Presumably no one in the entire carriage can deal with this old cane!"

The super cursed woman thought in her heart.

While looking at the big-headed baby and Wang Xiao with a face full of hair.

The look of shaking his head is completely different from the appearance of standing on the platform before!

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help feeling very funny after seeing her like this.

The original nervous mood also relaxed a little.

The situation where the barrage was not taken care of before has disappeared!

A lot of people's complaints sprang up on the empty big screen instantly!

[Fuck! Why is this super-cursed woman so like a crowd eating melons! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! It is estimated that this is also a very curious strange creature! 】

[Is she watching who Wang Xiao and Big Tou Bao are better? 】

[If only other weird creatures are like super cursed girls! Eat melon and chat! Why are you fighting! 】

[That's why there is a Wang Xiao in each dungeon! 】


Feng Jiancheng, who was sitting opposite Wang Xiao, naturally noticed this.

Although the big head baby is not staring at him.

But Feng Jiancheng still felt like he was being watched by Devil.

He felt cold all over.

The blood also seemed to freeze.

Fear drilled through every pore on his body!

Crazy hit his heart!

His hand holding the scalpel shook into a sieve!

The body even moved inward involuntarily.

Originally, he wanted to stand up and run directly.

But I thought about it a little bit.

Feng Jiancheng directly denied this choice.

Because he is afraid that the action of running away will arouse the interest of the big-headed baby.

Let the big head baby give up Wang Xiao and attack him instead.

The other is because Feng Jiancheng discovered that the entire carriage is now in chaos!

There are strange creatures attacking the player everywhere.

No matter where he runs, he will not be safe!

Unless he leaves this carriage!

And Feng Jiancheng felt.

Stay in your seat, at least get closer to Wang Xiao.

At that time, maybe you can still get the asylum of the boss!

It is much safer than him running around in the car alone!

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