Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

251 It just feels a little more comfortable when you kneel!

Not even what material the train door is made of!

After the mother and child monsters hit it.

All the teeth in his mouth were broken.


A pair of sharp black teeth suddenly fell from the ground!

And the big-headed baby who had already fainted.

Naturally it cannot be avoided.

And his head seems to be bumped and swollen!

Twice bigger than before!

The woman was already covered with dark green blood.

The pupils are full of despair and fear!

I knew I would be tortured like this!

She must have strangled her own evil right from the beginning!

Too unfilial!

He even provokes such a devil to the old lady!

While thinking, the woman glanced at the big-headed baby who was tied to her with a hateful look in her eyes!

But add it down.

The treatment of this team of mother and child monsters is even more pitiful!

The two monsters, mother and son, are like tattered rags.

Was constantly being thrown around!

The sound of "Boom Boom" has never been cut off in the middle of the carriage!

At the end, even the woman seemed to pass out!

No more screams.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room looked at the two monsters flying around on the screen.

There was also a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

This is the first time they have sympathized with weird creatures!


This is also because Wang Xiao is too strong!

Two monsters can be abused like this in such a simple way!

Everyone can't help but think of the little video that went viral on the Internet!

"As long as I am strong enough! Billy Doll is also gentle!"

This is more than a Billy doll, I am afraid that even the devil will have to smile when he sees Wang Xiao!

The picture on the big screen is really shocking!

All the barrage is even 666!

[Fuck! 666! 】

[Fuck! 666! 】



Looking at the two monsters who had passed out, Wang Xiao finally stopped.

He shook it lightly.

The mother and child monsters tied to the old cane are like two leather balls.

Grumblingly rolled to the soles of everyone's feet.

Their bodies are several times swollen than before.

The skin is open and fleshy.

In some places, the bones are exposed.

As for their heads are already swollen into pigs' heads!

I can't see the facial features on the bloated face!

I saw two monsters at my feet who didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

But none of the players screamed.

Because everyone has already been sluggish in place!

Looking at Wang Xiao dumbfounded.

The eyes are full of shock!

For a while, there was silence in the entire carriage.

As if a needle dropped on the ground, you could hear it.

No one knows what to say.

It seems that no language can tell their feelings!

Everyone looked at Wang Xiao blankly.

Without blinking.

If it wasn't for everyone's slightly undulating chests.

I'm afraid Wang Xiao thought all these people were dead!

Even the remaining strange creatures were stunned!

Get together one after another.

The family of three hugged tightly together!

It seems to be integrated!

And the weird old lady hugged them.

Use the brown liquid to completely wrap everyone up!

They didn't expect the big head baby mother and child to be over like this?

You must know that their strength is one of the best in the entire carriage!

Only the super cursed woman sitting next to Wang Xiao can compare with her!

The super cursed girl sitting next to Wang Xiao even stood up.

"Ceng Ceng Ceng"

He ran to the other side of the carriage without looking back.

The speed is so fast that even the bow clip on her head is blown off by the wind!

But the super cursed girl did not stay in the slightest.

Until the end of the carriage.

The super cursed girl stopped!

Sitting on the seat, he patted his chest with lingering fear!

She didn't dare to sit with Devil like this.

Although she is a weird creature!

Doesn't it mean she is a fool!

She still cherishes her own life!

[Fuck! What can't you do! Escape the first place! 】

[Curse? Wouldn't she forget that she would curse? 】

[Really awesome! Scared away the big boss directly! 】

[Damn! Don't talk about super cursed girl! I was scared to pee too! 】

[These remaining weird creatures don't seem to dare to make waves anymore! 】


Looking at the super cursed woman running away.

All the players in the compartment only felt messy for a while!

Feng Jiancheng who was stepped on the pedal by the super-clear cursed woman.

Kneeling on the ground for a long time could not stand up.

He hadn't known where his gold-framed glasses were thrown away!

There is only a black footprint on the face!

It looks like 37 yards!

Looking at the back of the super cursed woman, Wang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little speechless.

"As for?"

"Am I kind to her?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Then he turned his gaze to the strange creatures who were hugging each other!

Feel Wang Xiao's icy eyes.

The family of three and the old lady shuddered directly.

Fell off each other!

"Plop... Plop..."

These weird creatures knelt on the ground one after another!

A family of three: don't ask anything!

Old lady: It just feels a little more comfortable when you kneel!

The surrounding players saw the weird creatures kneeling on the ground, and their eyes were about to fall out!

The mouth grows more like two eggs stuffed.

Can't close for a long time!

His face is full of shock and disbelief!

They didn't expect the weird creatures who slaughtered everyone crazily before.

Kneeling unexpectedly?

Could it be that the magnetic field of this Death game is reversed?

The monsters have become fools?

How would it be popular to bow down?

And is it a weird creature kneeling on a human player?

After feeling the eyes of the surrounding players.

A family of three and the old lady directly crawled on the ground!

He buried own face deeply in his arm.

It seems that this can make them less embarrassing!

As for the dignity of being a strange creature!

Has long been left behind by the family of three and the old lady!

Dignity or something!

Life is important there!

Say it again.

They often hear two words from human beings!

One sentence is that a man can bend and stretch!

The other sentence is that those who know the current affairs are handsome!

[Fuck! This is so special! Does this weird creature not wanting face? 】

[This f*ck! I was stunned! 】

[Weird creature: The hero is forgiving! I kneel to you! 】

【Ha ha ha ha! The most dignified monsters in history! 】

[No wonder people say that Wang Xiao's live broadcast room is very warm! This monster is kneeling! Could it be warm! 】


Some viewers even directly cut this picture into a small video.

And give it a name.

"The worship of the monsters!"

"The king's contempt!"

"The emperor's early dynasty!"

"Which is more important, dignity or life"


These small videos circulated wildly on all major online social platforms!

Has been enthusiastically sought after by the majority of netizens!

All of a sudden.

All major social platforms, such as Bib and Little Sweet Potato, have sent special personnel to the Death game live broadcast room.

Want to get a little video of Wang Xiao’s stunning move for the first time!

Seize the headlines!

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