Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

258 The suddenly stopped train!

Because of the sudden braking inertia, most of the players in the train suddenly flashed forward.

Even Wang Xiao can't avoid it.

He leaned forward abruptly.

Several players fell directly into the arms of the opposing player.

The scene is chaotic and embarrassing!

Those weird creatures seemed to have expected the train to stop.

They held the handles around them one after another.

Not flashed by the inertia of this brake.

Even the last woman with hot bodywork sat on the seat.

There is no change.

Seeing the train suddenly stopped, everyone whispered:

"Are there new passengers?"

"Will it be another player this time?"


Everyone talked in whispers and looked out the window.

Everyone wants to see where the train stops!

at the same time.

The live broadcast room is extremely lively!

[The Dage upstairs! Your mouth is really effective! 】

[I just said it casually! Who knows it really stopped! 】

[Should this be a few moments after resurrecting a few corpses on this corpse mountain and then getting in the car? 】

[Comrades! Stop prophesying here! These players are already miserable! 】

【that is! Everyone, watch the live broadcast seriously! Swipe the screen less! I can't see the picture on the screen! 】


In the carriage.

Wang Xiao also turned his gaze out of the window.

He found that there was still darkness outside the car window.

"Still in the tunnel?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

at the same time.

Many people in the carriage noticed the darkness outside the window.

"Is this still in the tunnel?"

"How can there be new passengers?"

"Could this train suddenly break down, right?"


Everyone talked a lot, and turned their attention to the conductor.

As a result, everyone found out.

The conductor did not receive any influence, still closed his eyes and leaned quietly on the chair.

When everyone sees this, you look at me and I look at you.

Some felt helpless.


The sound of dripping water is getting louder and louder!

This time everyone found out.

This sound is except for the dripping sound that appeared at the beginning.

It also coincides with the sound of the scarlet liquid dripping on the ground from the ceiling in the carriage!

Everyone looked at the ceiling and carriage walls of the entire train.

It was dark red.

All flowed to the ground and formed a large swath of blood.

Seeing more and more blood accumulating on the ground, Wang Xiao frowned slightly, and said in his heart:

"New test?"

Then he turned his gaze to the woman sitting across from him.

I found that the woman on the opposite side was looking at him with a cold face.

"It stands to reason that the new test should have something to do with her?"

"Why did the train stop?"

Wang Xiao guessed in his heart.

Seeing that Wang Xiao finally looked at him, the fiery woman just wanted to show her own charm again.

But he found that Wang Xiao just glanced at her and twisted it away!

She couldn't help feeling a little speechless, and said in her heart:

"what happened?"

"Has my charm declined?"


"He has no interest in women!"

"It must be his problem!"

The woman thought in her mind that her eyes had already looked out the window.

"Don't worry, the time is coming soon!"

"When the time comes, the first one must clean him up!"

The woman secretly said in her heart.

In the carriage.

Everyone gradually lost patience while waiting, and became a little irritable.

Some players are even more eager to stick to the car window glass, wanting to see what is in the tunnel.

But it was really dark outside.

No matter what, everyone can't see anything clearly!

Some of the more impatient players left their seats and walked to the end of the carriage.

I want to see if I can open the train door.


It is disappointing.

No matter how hard everyone tries.

The door of the carriage did not move at all.

It's like being welded.

Not even a gap can be opened.

Everyone was suddenly discouraged.

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room can't help but feel a little bored when they see such images.

They thought that when the train stopped, something big would happen.

Who knows that after waiting for a long time, I didn't see anything.

And the player on the carriage can't see the scene outside the train.

Everyone originally planned to take screenshots of some of the emoticons of the players after seeing the corpse mountain and corpse sea!

Who knew it was so boring!

All the audience began to complain wildly!

【what happened? Could the train in the Death game still break down? 】

【impossible! Why are those weird creatures not moving? 】

[Who dares! They are also afraid of being killed by Wang Xiao! 】

[Where is the woman who just got in the car? Is she a monster? Do not move for a long time! 】

【that is! I thought she was a glamorous female ghost at first! 】


"Should we go and wake him up together?"

At this moment, a female player suggested.

And turned his attention to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone avoided the female player's eyes.

There was silence.

The whole carriage became quieter in an instant.

Quiet as if you can hear a needle on the ground!

Everyone recalled what happened on the platform at the beginning.

That conductor was furious because no one got on the train, and shred the tickets of the two players!

And the two players then died very strangely!

Everyone knows that their death must be inseparable from the ticket and the conductor!

So no one wanted to be responsible for waking up the conductor.

In case the conductor loses his temper again.

Wasn't it the player who woke him up?

The female player who made the suggestion couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when everyone was silent.

"Since it was your suggestion, go ahead!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd said.

His suggestion was immediately recognized by everyone.


"You go!"

"Who else do you want to let go?"


Everyone echoed the road.

The female player did not expect everyone to agree.

Can't help but hesitate a little.

When she made this suggestion, she originally wanted to find a less clever player to try her way.

Who knows that none of the people present are idiots, and they all said to let her go by herself.

The female player suddenly regretted the suggestion made just now!

But in full view, she did not dare to say what she really thought.

Don't even dare to refuse everyone!

Because she made the suggestion, if she refused, wouldn't she tell everyone that she was unkind!

And she was afraid of causing public outrage.

At that time, if these players vent their dissatisfaction and anger on her body.

He can't afford it!

At this time, most players have become a little anxious.

They all stood on the aisle.

Only a small part of the player player still sits quietly on the seat.

When the female player saw this, she knew that if she didn't make any more actions, everyone would definitely see it!


She walked in the direction of the conductor.

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