Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

268 At this time, it must be righteous to destroy the relatives!

Wang Xiao naturally heard what Feng Jiancheng and other players had said, and he looked at the conductor.

I saw that the conductor's right arm had melted more than half.

The mysterious purple blood spewed out.

Splashes everywhere!

The bloody wounds are still melting!

The position of the fingers, wrist, and forearm of the conductor's left hand were completely gone.

There was also a large pool of purple sticky substance on the ground.

Inside, you can vaguely see the fingers of the conductor and some minced meat.

"It seems that this should be a curse cast by a super cursing woman!"

"However, it is a pity that it is his left hand that is cursing!"

"The weakness of this zombie man is on his right hand!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Not only that, but most of the audience in the live broadcast room can also see it.

This is the curse of a super cursing woman, the player on the previous platform lost his arms like this!

But what the audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand was why the super cursing girl only cursed one arm!

And don't curse the hand of the conductor holding the seat!

Instead, curse the other hand!

Isn't it obvious that this is water release!

Is it this time, the super-cursed woman still cares about the same kind of affection?

[Fuck! This super cursed girl is still too kind! 】

【that is! The curse didn't work for a long time! 】

[Maybe they are super strong and are ready to experiment first! 】

[Hurry up! There will be no time soon! 】

【Yes! Is it possible that the super-cursed woman is more interested in the mummy outside the train? 】


At the same time, the other side of the carriage.

The super cursed woman who clung to the door handle of the train was shocked in her heart!

She is obviously the arms of a curse!

Why is the conductor's right hand unscathed?

Did her curse fail?

Do not!

This is absolutely impossible!

If it fails, how does the conductor's left hand explain?

The super cursed girl turned her brain quickly, but she didn't have any clue!

So far, only Wang Xiao is immune to her curse!

And there has never been a situation in which the curse of the conductor like this is only half the effect! ,

Super cursed woman can't help feeling that one head is two big!

When the female ghost standing next to her saw the conductor's condition, her anxious face was even more puzzled.

She turned to look at the super cursing girl, and yelled:

"Why don't you just curse him for dropping an arm at this time?"

"You should directly use your U-turn to curse!"

"Let his head fall directly!"

"No matter how bad you are, you should curse his arms!"

"Otherwise, look at him, and it won't affect him to destroy the carriage!"

The female ghost's tone was full of puzzlement!

She really can't understand that this is the time!

How could a super cursed woman not use her most powerful curse!

Other weird creatures also looked at the super cursed girl, their eyes full of doubt!

The old lady said directly:

"Super girl, don't you have sex with him, right?"

"At this time, you must kill your relatives righteously!"

Super cursed girl just feels that her whole head is big!

The wronged one is dying!

What and what is everyone talking about!

How could she be with the cold freak of the conductor!

Still righteously destroying relatives?

She wished the conductor melted into blood!

But she tried it!

All the curses are cast again!

But it's no use!

The only useful curse with arms is only half of its effectiveness!

What can she do!

[Fuck! Super cursed girl and the conductor have sex with each other? 】

[I said I'm being merciful! No wonder! 】

【really! Older gingers are more spicy! Point out the key to the problem in one word! 】

[I'll just say it! The super curse girl is so powerful that the conductor only broke his arm! 】

【love! Sure enough, people lose all their sanity! 】

[Super cursed girl, you have to stay awake! 】


In the carriage.

The conductor watched his left arm melted into blood!

His face is very ugly!

A bloodthirsty light flashed quickly in his eyes!

An anger rose in his heart instantly!


A deafening roar came from the conductor's mouth!

The voice is full of anger and dissatisfaction!

The conductor looked around the crowd and said sharply:

"Go and die!"

Then he held the seat tightly with his unharmed right hand.

Pull desperately!

"Bang Dang"!

The entire seat was completely pulled down by the conductor!

At that moment!

The whole carriage shook suddenly.

Almost completely deviated from the track!

Everyone in the carriage fell on all sides!

Several people fell together!

Even Wang Xiao was able to stand firmly because of his eyesight and hands quickly holding the back of the seat beside him!

Suddenly chaos in the entire carriage!

Screaming, crying, screaming, and all the messy sounds are intertwined!

Let the people who were already very anxious even more upset Aki!


The conductor in his hand smashed the windows around the car frantically!

The entire carriage shook violently!

All the players looked terrified, and a trace of despair emerged in their hearts!

Now they can't stand still in the carriage!

I didn't even think of any way to stop the conductor!


"what should we do!"

Feng Chengcheng sat on the ground and shouted with fear!

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiao said coldly:

"Kill him!"

The players present were all taken aback when they heard Wang Xiao's words!

Kill him?

This is simply a dream!

The conductor can choke a bunch of players with one hand just by relying on his own strength!

How to kill?

After Feng Jiancheng heard Wang Xiao's words, his face was even more desperate!

Because in his cognition.

The conductor in front of you is so powerful that you can't kill it!

at this time.

Some players stood up and roared with a grimace:

"It's dead if the carriage is overturned! It's better to fight him! I listen to the boss! Fuck him!"

"I listen to the big guys too!"

"Boss! Take me one!"


Suddenly there were several players preparing to work hard with Wang Xiao and the conductor!

Everyone's momentum is extremely high!

A surviving conductor swears not to give up!

The other players in the carriage were immediately infected by this emotion, and stood up one after another!

Prepare to help these players and Wang Xiao!

Even the weird creatures standing on the other side of the carriage were infected by the emotions of the players who saw death as home!

Quietly cheering for all the players in the carriage in their hearts!

Everyone has seen the abilities of Wang Xiao before!

So these weird creatures believe that Wang Xiao must have a chance to win against the conductor!

The face of the child in that family of three is even more eager!

It seems to want to rush to the conductor with Wang Xiao and the players!

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