Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

270 Suddenly realized that the super cursed woman!

at this time.

Wang Xiao was still confronting the conductor with the moon-cutting knife in his hand.

The place where Zhanyue Knife and the seat in the conductor's hand touched, was constantly sparking!


The sound is as if two pieces of metal are constantly rubbing!

Extremely harsh!

Make everyone feel very uncomfortable!

It's as if there are thousands of ants eating their own heart!

The strength of the conductor is too great!

Forcing Wang Xiao to take two steps to retreated!

At this time, Wang Xiao's fingers holding the Moon Slasher were slightly white!

After feeling the silence of the carriage, Wang Xiao said solemnly:

"As long as he cuts off his three fingers at the same time, he won't be reborn by severed limbs!"

[Fuck! It turned out to be like this! 】

[This is quite difficult! 】

[What kind of monster is this conductor? Three fingers have to be chopped off at the same time! 】

[Xiaoshen, is this to be calculated again by pinching fingers? 】

[This is so special! I feel that what Xiao said this time is going to be effective again! 】


When the other players in the carriage heard Wang Xiao's words, they all showed extremely surprised expressions!

They don't know how Wang Xiao learned about this weakness of the conductor!

Those weird creatures were stunned, and their eyes were full of surprise!

How did Wang Xiao know something that they had not known about working with the conductor for so long?

The Super Cursed Woman is even more thankful that she did not provoke Wang Xiao with her!

Because she has an instinct.

Since Wang Xiao knew the weakness of the mysterious conductor.

That must also know her weakness!

Therefore, I am immune to any curse from her!


It must be so!

Suddenly, the super cursed woman suddenly realized it!

All mysteries were completely solved at this moment!

Her heart is full of shock!

I don’t understand why there is a god-tier like Wang Xiao in the copy of Car No. 44!

"so far so good!"

"Fortunately, I didn't make this god-tier upset!"

Super cursing woman, patted her chest, secretly said in her heart.

Her weird excitement was even more puzzled by the strange creatures around her.

They all cast the same glances at her!

The old lady monster whispered even more:

"This super strong girl won't be crazy just because she saw so many people attacking her boyfriend!"

"No, her boyfriend was not hurt either!"

Although the voice of the old lady is very small, everyone is a weird creature, and her hearing is much better than that of human beings.

All the monsters naturally heard every word she said clearly!

The eyes of the monsters looking at the super cursed woman instantly became a little weird!

The super-cursed woman herself even wanted to throw a curse on the old lady, so that she would always close her nonsense mouth!

At this time, the conductor facing Wang Xiao was shocked!

He really didn't expect it.

Wang Xiao even knew this!


If his three fingers were cut off at the same time, he wouldn't be cut off and reborn again!

And his life has come to an end!

The conductor couldn't help feeling very angry, and Wang Xiao even said lightly about where his own life was!

And let those mobs besiege him, this is simply an insult to him!

"Go! Let's listen to the boss, let's go together!"

A player in the crowd shouted loudly!

When other people heard the words, they all echoed:

"Yes! I could chop off this monster's little finger just now! It must be possible now!"

"Go! With so many of us, I still don't believe that he can't cut off his three fingers!"


Hearing what the crowd said, the audience in the live broadcast room opened their eyes even more, and did not dare to blink.

All stared at the big screen in front of them, for fear of missing the moment when the conductor was killed!

The mood of each audience is extremely excited, and they are full of expectations for the next picture!

[Fuck! The big scene is coming! 】

[Damn! My imagination is very exciting! 】

[Everyone must be able to kill this monster now! 】

[Stop talking! Don't let the barrage block the screen! 】

[That's it! Everyone is quiet for a while! Wait until the conductor is dead and then send a barrage to celebrate! 】


In the carriage.

Everyone swarmed!

Holding the weapon in his hand again, one after another slashed at the right hand of the conductor holding the seat!


The sound of many weapons colliding together suddenly sounded in the carriage!

Seeing those mobs almost cut off their own fingers several times, the conductor secretly said in his heart:

"It seems that these troubles can only be solved first!"

The conductor thought in his heart, he quickly retracted the seat facing Wang Xiao in his hand.

And waved the seat to the players who attacked his right hand!

Upon seeing this, Wang Xiao stepped forward and slashed at the right hand of the conductor with the Moon Scaling Knife in his hand!

However, the action of the conductor was too fast!

Easily escaped Wang Xiao's attack!

And once again use the seat in his hand to wave at the mobs who attacked him!

"Boom.. Boom. Boom.."

The players that were hit instantly all flew out like broken kites, and fell heavily to the ground!

Blood is like a fountain, gushing from the mouths of these players!

Everyone's face instantly turned into a dead gray, lifeless!

Some players who were hit even lay on the ground, convulsed twice, and died completely!

Suddenly, all the players who rushed to the conductor were knocked to the ground!

Most of the players are already dead!

Although there are still a few players who are not dead, they are not optimistic depending on the situation!

It was already lingering, breathing weakly.

The pupils in their eyes have gradually become a little dilated!

It is estimated that he will die within a few minutes!

Those players in the back have seen the corpses everywhere in the aisle, and they have completely lost their courage!

The pace toward the conductor also stopped!

The hand holding the weapon has become a sieve!

It's because the picture in front of you is really terrifying!

So many players died all at once!

Moreover, the conductor only attacked once and caused such a big damage!

This is simply terrible!

This kind of power completely wiped out their courage and determination before!

A few weird creatures hugged tightly together, shivering!

They kept praying in their hearts.

I hope that by then the conductors can see that they are all of the same kind and let them go!

"If I can escape this catastrophe, I will never come to Car No. 44 again!"

The female ghost said tremblingly, and there was a trace of tremor in her voice!

A strong feeling of despair and fear instantly resembled the rising tide of sea water, drowning all players and weird creatures!

Even in the live broadcast room, there was a moment of silence.

There is no barrage on the big screen!

Everyone looked at the screen in front of them solemnly!

I was full of shock!

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