Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

273 The thirtieth horror copy of the eerie degree!

Seeing that there were all the problems on the screen, the audience was no longer stingy, and began to tell everyone what the Black Corpse Mountain Range is!

[Don't you know about the Black Corpse Mountain Range? 】

[That's the 30th horror copy in Death game! 】

[It is said that at a certain moment, all the corpses and mummy on that corpse mountain will be resurrected, and the entire black corpse mountain range will become the real The Underworld! 】

[Last time, a hundred senior players were randomly assigned to the Black Corpse Mountain Range, and no one survived in the end! 】

[Furthermore, it is said that the viewers who watched the live broadcast were frightened out of their nerves! 】

[There were several viewers who were scared into lunatics before the game was over. They were also in the newspapers and hot searches at the time! 】

Seeing this audience's detailed account, everyone in the live broadcast room only felt a chill on their backs, and their hairs were standing up!

There are countless copies in the Death game, and the weirdness of the Black Corpse Mountain Range can reach the 30th place!

It is conceivable how terrifying the difficulty of this dungeon is!

Some viewers couldn't help but retreat in their hearts, wanting to leave this Death game live broadcast room.

Because they really don't want to be scared into crazy people like the previous audience!

at this time.

There was a groan on the quiet screen.

The curiosity in the hearts of those who wanted to quit the live broadcast room immediately defeated their reason, and they stopped the action of turning off the live broadcast.

Looking at the screen one after another, some timid viewers even blocked their eyes with their hands, and then revealed a seam.

Just in case they suddenly jump out of a super horrible picture, take them to the next big jump!

I saw that the train conductor zombie man who woke up first in the carriage!

At this time, he was no longer as violent as before, and there was no anger in his eyes.

Instead, he sat on the ground and looked at the entire carriage with a confused expression!

The conductor's uniform on his body was torn and torn!

Then it was the female ghost and a family of three who woke up.

It was the female ghost and the child in the family of three who made the moaning sound.

The female ghost gently rubbed her own shoulder, as if she hurt her shoulder during the fall in the carriage!

The family of three was even more strange. They picked up all the black tentacles they had fallen off in the overturned carriage and ate them in one bite.

To the surprise of all the audience, the pale faces of the family of three turned a hint of rosy after eating the black tentacles.

It was like an elixir that had eaten something terrible, and instantly looked much more energetic than before!

The movements are not as stiff and slow as when they just woke up before!

It's as if this family of three had never been injured.

This scene made a small part of the audience in the live broadcast room feel a little itchy, and they want to try those black tentacles!

[Fuck! Great tonic! 】

[I don’t know if this thing can cure diabetes! 】

【upstairs! We have similar ideas! But I want to use this thing to treat my mother's dementia! 】

[No way! Have you really gotten the idea of ​​this tentacle? Isn't it disgusting? 】

【What do you know! If this thing can really cure the disease, why not let the players bring it out? This is for the benefit of all mankind! 】

[If it is effective, I am willing to buy heavily! 】


Not only that, the viewers in the live broadcast room also found that this family of three monsters seems to have a better relationship with the old lady monsters before.

They even directly asked their children to take back all the brown sticky objects in the entire carriage and put them all in an empty corner of the carriage.

What surprised the audience in the live broadcast room was that.

These brown sticky things piled together quickly melted together.

And gradually melted into the appearance of an old lady.

Those brown sticky substances gradually disappeared and all became age spots on the face and body of the old lady!

Immediately afterwards, the woman and the super-cursed woman also woke up one after another.

And the big-headed baby in the woman's arms does not know if it is because he was injured too badly before and is still in a coma.

As soon as the woman woke up, she checked the wound of the big-headed baby in her arms, and her eyes were full of love!

Seeing such a picture, many people in the live broadcast room showed a touch of emotion!

They never expected that the emotions of the strange creatures were so similar to that of human beings.

There is also family, friendship, and love!

[Fuck! I couldn't imagine that in my lifetime, I would be touched by a strange creature! 】

【Me too! 】

【really! Maternal love is so great no matter where it is! 】

[Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I want to cry! I miss my mother too! 】

【I go! In this way, isn't the super cursing girl in love with Xiao Shuai? 】


After seeing this barrage, everyone looked at the super cursed girl on the screen.

After she woke up, she actually sat beside Wang Xiao in a daze, as if she didn't intend to wake Wang Xiao.

This made the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly a little anxious!

Fear that the strange creatures in the carriage will take advantage of Wang Xiao's unconscious opportunity to attack him!

Moreover, the super cursed woman is full of hair no matter the back of her head or her face!

Everyone couldn't tell what her expression was at this time, let alone what she wanted to do next!

All of a sudden, the audience in the live broadcast room was no longer in the mood to spit out barrages.

The big screen is even more solitary without any barrage, which is totally different from the usual full-screen barrage!

at this time.

Super cursed girl moved!

She stretched out her hand towards Wang Xiao.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly raised their hearts in their throats.

All held their breath and looked at the big screen without daring to blink!

However, it is surprising.

The super cursed woman's hand actually stopped in the air.

His fingertips still have a slight tremor that is not easily detectable!

It was a slender, white hand, each finger was perfectly grown!

The only weird thing is that the super cursed woman's nails are painted with mysterious and complicated golden runes.

Those runes still glowed with a faint black light, which looked very weird!

Seeing such a scene, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help feeling a little nervous, afraid that the super-cursed woman would take the risk!

However, at this time, the super-cursed woman in the carriage is a hundred times more nervous than the audience in the live broadcast room!

She could sense that Wang Xiao just fainted without any physical trauma!

This shocked the super cursed woman!

Even she hurt her waist when she fell into the carriage, and Wang Xiao did nothing!

Doesn't this mean that Wang Xiao's defense is much stronger than her!

"Defensive power and offensive power are so strong."

"The weapons and props used also look very mysterious!"

"I am still immune to all my curses!"

"Who is he!"

Super cursed woman guessed in her heart!

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